How in the holy hell do I eat 300 grams of spinach a day? Anyone got any tips on possible smoothies or anything?

How in the holy hell do I eat 300 grams of spinach a day? Anyone got any tips on possible smoothies or anything?

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>I have to eat 300gs of spinach

Dumb anime poster

Straight from the can baby

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Dude, I'm just asking for tips is all. I'm already doing it by eating it raw, all I'm wondering is if anyone else has experience eating that much.
Like, come on dude.

i wanna put my pp in maki

stab yourself in the stomach and insert it manually

put it in your mouth

Spinach and eggs is quick and easy (mix spinach in as you finish making scrambled eggs), or wilt the spinach over heat. Trick is to wilt it and not cook it to hell (like 2-3 minutes tops on medium heat). Wilted spinach has a texture that lets it slide right down your throat hole, season with salt and pepper or eat plain. Some people don't like the smell, fyi

If you need more fat in your diet you can use some olive oil while wilting it for easy macros

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nig live

Spinach soup. Put some hard boiled eggs into it too.

cook it up with some onions, pepper, salt and nutmeg. stir in a little bit of cream at the end.

You can eat tons of it that way.

Eat animal flesh

you realize that 300 grams of spinach shrinks down when cooking right? try 300 grams of literally any other vegetable which is pretty fucking easy if you can cook

>place 300g of spinach in blender
>pour in almond milk

Make bourani. Throw the spinach into a pan together with onions and garlic, season it a bit, let it cool and mix it with yoghurt. Eat on bread, rice, by itself, whatever.

Also, please don't eat raw spinach. You'll fuck up your teeth on the long run.

Fresh baby spinach is the greatest plant this wretched planet has produced.
Throw some greek yogurt or Caesar's dressing on it and you're good to go

Well dude, why are you doing this in the first place?

Ate a bunch of spinach a day ago, now everything I eat tastes dull and slightly bitter. What the fuck happened to my tongue?

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Don't eat spinach so frequantly in high dosages. You can develop a kidney stone from all the oxalates.

great tip except reverse the order of cooking. cook your spinach first until it is perfect wilt mode then add your eggs and mix it all up.

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Raw, with tomatoes and goat cheese, as well as vinaigrette.