Jogging With A Herniated Disc

Have any of you guys been able to return to jogging after a herniated disc? The last time I tried, it must have gotten inflamed. Because i was sore all day the next day in my back and groin.

Do I have to give up jogging?

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Have you considered seeing a chiropractor or other medical professional?

>me on the right

Chiropractors are quacks. Getting your back cracked feels good but it has no medical value.

Yes my Dr. has ordered an MRI for me but I'm still waiting on it. She said it's probably a pinched nerve from a herniated disc.

Flawless posture
Dont be too heavy
Core exercises
occasional inversion table
gentle swimming
avoid sitting too long
Do these and it should take some of the edge off

This picture makes me want to kill myself

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>being this fucking hypochondriac

Bro.. you got doms from not having run it in a while

solo en xochimilco, alexa play despacito


Born in 800, shortly after the Holy Roman Empire was formed, Adolf was the son of a knight loyal to Charlemagne and was raised to become an imperial knight commanding his own small force.
In 818 he gained control of Sturm keep, a small keep south of strausberg, where he was commande of the present knights. Unknown to most Adolf was a secret practitioner of the old ways, a pagan follower which was considered heresy at the time and caused suspicion in the chapel priest (Hans)
Unable to prove anything Hans netherless vowed to catch whatever Adolf was up to.

Your body can recover from a herniated disc on its own, depending the nature of the hernia. See a good physical therapist and make a plan to strengthen the muscles in your lower back. How did you get a herniated disc?

t. Herniated my disc deadlifting, recovered with the help of a physical therapist and ran two half marathons since.

>been the middle, then the left, now the right

Back to your hole, incel.

Nigga do you know where you are?

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Me at the bottom of the lake because I couldn't even get and keep friends.


not him, but realistically I'm sure at least 80% of Jow Forums has turned in the v-card. anyone saying otherwise is just coping


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fuck i'd love to live in america. In Canada, I told my family MD similar symptoms and he said it might be a disc but no way to tell. No further tests.

Hyperextensions will save your back, do them every other day, 3x10. Add weight if its too easy by holding a plate or dumbbell. hyperextensions is how i fixed my bulge
Don't try to tun during this period.

yeah, clearly that's me too.

I've been here 9 years and still khv. Also 99.9% sure I'd absolutely mog you, normie scum

No this was a different pain. I felt it radiating in my groin and back. And it even made it irritating to pee.

Squats and just old age I think