Just hit a 2 pl8 OHP today (pic related)

Just hit a 2 pl8 OHP today (pic related)

>Feels really good man

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2pl8 doesn't mean one on each side


Not OP, but those might be 100lb steel plates.

This is 3pl8, because pl8 = weight, and he's lefting 3 components.

But I count 2 plates user

...are you including the bar?

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The thinness per plate dictates otherwise
>i can tell this is shopped, ive seen a lot of shops before

It was supposed to be joke/bait

If you have 18+ BF% your lifts are completely irrelevant. You fat disgusting greasy piece of maggot shit, just looking at you makes me want to throw up. Commit suicide

>He doesn’t know

fucking kek at your life

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hahahahahaha brown person lmao

that bar is clearly not over your head retard it's not called an underchin press

Nice bait

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What new meme is this?

Ok it might have been a little exaggerated, but seriously, IF YOU’RE FAT YOUR LIFTS DON’T MATTER

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Nice op!

I just broke my personal best to on squats, finally got a 4 plate squat today

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So when people say they're lifting 1pl8 what the fuck does it look like

Like this basedboy

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Like this

Attached: slow-motion-of-two-men-training-in-the-gym-in-foreground-mature-man-lifting-weight-plate-lying-on-th (320x180, 10K)

I see I see
what about 3pl8

Use your imagination you lazy cunt

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Does he have two dicks?

>2pl8 doesn't mean 2 plates

nigga wut. one plate on each side. that's two plates total... 2pl8

No, just a long one that he put through the center hole of the plate and wrapped it around.

>tfw posting from gym rn and about to struggle to do last set of 80lbs

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I waited till the finale of LA Woman to play on the gym speakers and still fucked up.
I've failed you, Jim Morrison.

Shit I just got art mogged

thats 1pl8 next thing you are gonna tell me that you count the bar

all this time i've been wondering how long it would take to hit 1/2/3/4 and i've been doing 2/2.5/4/6 all this time. holy shit.

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wtf user hes baiting u

Lurk more. You are responding to wistful sarcasm.

>inb4 "I wud just trolllinz, I news".

To make an ironic thread unironic, it's actually taken me a lot quiker to reach one plate OHP and a 4 plate deadlift than it's taken me to reach a 2 plate bench and a 3 plate squat. I haven't even reached a 2 plate bench or 3 plate squat yet.

>deadlift 315
>tell people I do lmao6plate

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Everyone is different. I reached 2plate bench and 4plate quicker and 1plate OHP and 3plate squat took me longer.

it literally does though?

When you say 1 plate do you mean 20kg or 25kg plate?

20kg/25lb plates. 25kg red plates only exist to fuck with plate math and troll everyone.

>20kg/25lb plates
Don't you mean 45 lb plate?

no, 20kg plates are only 25lbs each. That's why europeans lifting lmao4plate are only doing like half as much as americans doing lmao4plate

>imlying this thread isn't just trolls trolling trolls

What the fuck is 3 plate if you just count the plates

In all honesty a one plate OHP is easy to hit if you do some form of lateral/front raises. I would be willing to bet a lot of money that most of the people who struggle to get their OHP up to 1 plate aren't doing these exercises.

thats right bro, god bless freedom units, those eurocucks will be weak as fuck always

Would you rather lift 1000lbs or 445kg???

eurocucks BTFO

I agree with this
Im just watching all the spergs REEEEEE over this fact

This is b8, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't since it's common knowledge that Americans are retarded.

Actually having muscle is less impressive because if you're fat you're lifting more with less muscle so really fat people are the athletes.

>thinking "pl8s" means those 20kg/45lbs plates for girls
lmao look at any weightlifting/powershitting competition, you count RED 25KG plates at EACH side of the barbell and at the ends there are 2.5kg COLLARS you faggots, 1/2/3/4 means 75/125/175/225kgs (*2.2 to convert to pounds for murrican brainlets)

The weight of the bar doesn't magically disappeare when lifting.

>Not getting the culture
>Being a bit ruiner
Literally kill yourself

Nice man, way to go. I myself am struggling with 1.5 pl8

It's 2.205 dumb eastern "european"

Oh shit nigga, you were talking about 60kg. Im struggling with 80kg

all this time...

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oih, that's hot

correct, but it's harder to use it quickly in your head

if im not using a 20kg barbell i am cheating right?

Yes, and it also looks retarded.
>Used to deadlift 2pl8 with an Ez curl barbell when I started lifting.

>Mfw 8 plate deadlift

Feels good man

3 plate is 2 plate because the bar is also a plate

>balls above the dick

>tfw beginner dyel faggot
>tfw I rep 22kg/48lbs on OHP
>while my squat is 30kg/66lbs

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>just hit a 6 pl8 ohp, pic related

get on my lvl fagits

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That would be 12 plate actually