What is the most Jow Forums sleeping position?

What is the most Jow Forums sleeping position?

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fetal while sobbing

On side spooning a pillow pretending it's a girl


Back. No pillow.

Notice how much better you can breathe. And notice how good your posture is. Once you appreciate these two benefits it's hard to go back

I can only sleep on my back

Squatting on the bed

I can only fall asleep on my stomach

You're supposed to switch through them for gains while sleep

Here's my routine
A- Back,side, stomach,side,repeat x 8 hours
B- side,fetal, repeat x 8 hours

with a girl

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>doing more side than stomach
enjoy your undeveloped abdominal muscles

I cannot sleep on my back, I feel way too fucking vulnerable. Always on my side watching the door/edge of the bed.

But during sleep my body moves me to the side, how to stay on back?

thats not/fit/ at all

I trained myself to sleep on my back by using a USB cable to tie my hands to the headboard. I was then "stuck" in that position and would fall asleep eventually. I wouldn't tie my hands to where they were actually stuck. I could slip my hands in and out of the loop but it took a little effort. Sounds weird but worked

The coffin.
Flat on your back, perfectly straight, head either on flat pillow or no pillow. Hands folded on your stomach.


>self bondage

>Hands folded on your stomach.
This sleeping position is RUINING your shoulders! [internal rotation!!!]

God bless you, user.

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stomach but with a second pillow and i pretend its my gf

>Notice how much better you can breathe. And notice how good your posture is. Once you appreciate these two benefits it's hard to go back
I used to think this was a meme until I tried it, now I can't feel comfortable using a pillow while sleeping.

what the fuck

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i either sleep on my side or my stomach, i cant sleep on my back for whatever reason


but dont forget to eat two raw onions before youo go to bed for the test increase

that would be the /normie/ position but certainly not the most Jow Forums position

/normie/ > Jow Forums

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>tfw no matter which position I go to sleep in I wake up on my back without pillow

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>jeff actually did a video on sleeping positions
>I've been sleeping the wrong way my entire life
>tfw internal rotation for 8 hours a day
Wew. Lucky I didn't pop that joint.

I sleep naked on my back without cover.
I always open up a window and let the wind brush softly my penis and balls.
Sometimes the light shines on my penis and makes it look holy.
At this point all I see is beaty and I understand why girls are so much into dicks.

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been exclusively sleeping on my stomach since i stopped being fat.

Used to be too fat to be able to comfortably do that, so to me its just another small victory on the path to truly making it.

stomach sleeping is the worst for you.


I can't breathe unless I sleep on my stomach and it's the worst position... your neck and hips get all jacked up from being cranked to the side

>not stomach sleeping
>not doing weighted inhales for sick respiratory gains

I sleep face down with my head tilted up and my jaw resting against the pillow. Have done this since I was a kid.

And to anyone who thinks this is stupid, sleeping my my jaw pressed down has inadvertently forced me to breath through my nose at nighttime rather than mouthbreathe, and now I have a very strong jaw/chin. Who's laughing now?

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mspaint it (stick figure)

enjoy TMJ todd

this plus a pillow under your knees. your. weight is evenly distributed down your spine and let's your vertebrae elongate and fluid into each spinal vertebrae. you wake up feeling like you just had the best sleep of your life every day.

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I always start on back but habitually toss and turn in my sleep and often wake up in any random position with my blankets and pillows all over the place.

Shit's weird

Fucking kek Elvis up in here

FACT: elvis got a strong jaw by sleeping on his jaw

On your back with no pillow and no blanket. Stonehard mattress, girl on your dick.

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Okay I think we found the most Jow Forums position

I snore terribly when lying on my back, with a pillow or without.
Stomach gives me neck ache, is hard to breathe, I feel like my face will slide off the pillow all the time and I angle one leg automatically so my hip is tilted and I feel like one leg is shorter the next day.
Fetal position feels shitty for my spine but I do it during winter.
Side is top comfy but I don't tilt my head forward as much as the guy in the pic.

I'll usually start out on my back (feel like I get sleepy faster in this position) and then switch to side when I feel like I'm about to fall asleep, or during the night.

Always I rest on my back I feel the urge to pee after like 3 minutes sso I can never sleep like that. Is this normal?

I've heard this too. I heard sleeping on your stomach is bad for your back because it curves your spine too much.

I get sleep paralysis and see monsters if I sleep on my back

Back with no pillow, hugging the cat with one arm.

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Sleep paralysis is fun though.
Are you literally 12?


How does one learn how to sleep on back? Ive been trying for weeks. I have always been a side sleeper and I just cannot for the life of me fall asleep on my back. No matter how tired I am.

The side sleeping is consistently fucking up my posture and is giving me wrinkles and other shit on my face on the side Im sleeping on so I desperately want to learn how to sleep on my back.

Fuck this shit is frustrating

If people complain about your snoring then you might have sleep apnea.
Record yourself sleeping.
If you hear yourself stopping snoring you're not breathing and you're slightly waking up to breathe.
Which means you're putting a hell of a lot of stress on your heart and aren't getting good restful sleep.

I had the sleep apnea test, which is insanely expensive, and of course I slept fine that night... but I was also on a bed that was angled up almost 45 degrees, not a realistic sleeping scenario. They wanted to charge me the full 5 grand to take it again, no thanks.

Get some wisdom teeth removed.

>I had the sleep apnea test, which is insanely expensive,
should've just gotten someone to watch you sleep. Or record yourself for the night.

Never record yourself sleeping. You can die from heart attack while watching the recording. Trust me, don't play with this shit.

He could just leave his computer running and ask Microsoft for the recordings.

How the fuck is that going to help me sleep on my back

Being paralysed is terrifying for me, being unable to do anything.
>are you literally 12?
Imagine being so afraid of what others think of you that you can't express yourself with any colourful language

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My ex gf was always complaining about my snoring and commenting on the apnea side of it. We were pretty sure, the test was a required step to get a cpap.


>not torturing yourself for proper sleeping posture

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None of these positions is Jow Forums if you're sleeping in oversize pinstripe pjs

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Not him but even in that state I know that monsters arent real. Sometimes I really freak out tho so I use all my energies to wake me up. You wake up feeling fucking great after that. But, if I am more calm, I try to "sleep" again and then the sleep paralysis becomes a nice lucid dream.


this thread is gold

With your doggo

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> it curves your spine too much.
Unless you're a thot that's probably good for you.

who molested you billy

I do this and it's comfy

Stomach is my absolute most comfy position. But I cant stomach sleep with gf what the fuck do I do? Every night with her is such as the eternal torments of hell, there is no way to sleep comfortably cuddling a human

Are you me?
I love waking myself up from sleep paralysis. You never feel more alive and alert than after that, what an adrenaline rush.
Haven't been able to lucid dream for about 10 years though. Shame, that.

I used to have sleep paralysis hallucinations where I was standing on muddy ground next to a fenced-in area, about 6"x6" with a 6" boulder rolling around and around the outside. And then my perspective shifted until the entire scene was either incomprehensibly big (or I was infinitesimally small), or incomprehensibly small (or I was just fucking huge). For years I was terrified of that half-dream, until I embraced it and started loving the adrenaline rush. Now I love it when I "wake up" in that scene.

if i sleep on my back, snot goes into my throat and lungs.
no, thanks.

How do I fall asleep on my back? All my life I've probably only done it twice, and I was exhausted.

I hate being a side cuck. I'm worried that if I keep doing it I'll get really deep nasolabial folds.

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Of course monsters aren't real, I was referring to hallucinations

Blow your nose before bed?


sleeping on your stomach and using your arms for pillows
It fixes your spine and forces you to work out your diaphragm as you sleep.

also your neck gets sick gains.

seep on the hard ground so when you roll around it massages you.

I've always had a naturally thick neck. I think sleeping face-down is the reason why

You put a lot of your weight on your chest and in time it's harder to breathe. That's why some people have it easier to fall asleep.

You're just a weak breather. I've resistance trained for 8 hours every night and now I'm a front-sleeping beast.

Daily reminder that if you don't self-suffocate 3x8 at least 3x per week you will never EVER make respiratory gains.

I sleep on my back vampire style so my face doesn't get as puffy in the morning

dogs sleep on their chest all the time
most predators do.
it's to prevent respiratory failure when hunting by passively exercising the diaphragm

sleep paralysis is fun and giggles untill you get paralyzen in a room filled with people screaming for apparent no reason, you are just enough autistic to feel physical pain from loud noises and can't get to get up by yourself no matter what

Just wake yourself up lmao

>you are just enough autistic to feel physical pain from loud noises
nah that's not autism is't irritability
t. not autistic


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story time?

The only way, the right way

Include me in screencap