Talking to oneitis often, smooth conversation, everything feels natural

> Talking to oneitis often, smooth conversation, everything feels natural
> Go on dates, have sex
> Rinse and repeat for months
> I move away for 6 months for work, we take a break but keep contact, saying we'll keep dating after 6 months
> Return today, after 6 months
> Ask oneitis out for dinner, but "Not tonight, I've got a date"

So user, what is driving you to lift heavy today?

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Nigger culture has ruined white women


call her a whore and move on if this is an accurate telling of what happened.

>we take a break
That sounds vague. Maybe you two might've miscommunicated and had two different expectations of one another during this period.
You might've though you were saying "wait for me until I come back" and she heard "you have permission to fuck other guys now."

haha nice, you pulled your oneitis and let it fall through because of work. good job user

>why lift heavy?
so i can lift heavier tomorrow

>I move away for 6 months for work

you blew it

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Now that you know that she didn't feel that way about you, you should reevaluate your impression of her.
See her for what she is, not what you thought she was. It'll help you move on.

>See her for what she is, not what you thought she was. It'll help you move on.

GOAT Advise here OP - This user knows his shit. Take this advice, no matter the sting. You'll find someone better, don't you worry. We're gonna make it.

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I'm sure I'll be accused of being some sort of pol baiting simpleton for backing this, but it's true. The only right answer.

Because everyone wants to be a bodybuilder, but ain’t no one wants to lift this heavy ass weight. I’ll do it though.

There's another group that's even more responsible

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Yea you lose everyone especially her at Take a break.

Works work tho there'll be other girls.

Your fault for trusting a woman to be loyal to you


Morning Jow Forums is based

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Don't listen to any of these faggots, they dont get pussy. She is BLUFFING you. If she did have a date theres no way she would have told you. Even if she did though it wouldnt matter. This is a very classic shit test. She's basically going to test you in the coming week to month to see if you will break down and beg/ chase after her like a beta. Keep the absolute minimum amount of contact over the next month and make sure that she knows that youre going out with other girls/ being social (casually have them in snaps etc.). She will be all over you if she thinks that she can't have you anymore. This next month or so will be a test of your personal strength to see how much you can not give a fuck, but if you make it through you will be in a better spot with her than youve ever been.

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This gentleman is right.

or, you know, she just got tired of waiting and is fucking another dude, which is what 90% of girls would do in this situation

t. fucked a girl whose boyfriend was away

more like social media and the ease of the internet, resulting in inflated egos and effortless casual sex

lol you sound like a whiny faggot bro

but I got lucky trips ;) hopefully that means that today my lifts will go up

but what I wanted to say is that girls (just like men) seek out regular sexual intercourse usually regardless if there is a "long-term" partner far away. LDR's never work

Nothing, I’ve got some kind of flu/ sinus infection and feel like shit. It came on yesterday and I tried to lift thru it then but felt so Fucking weak so screw it today.

I don’t lift “heavy” anymore, I don’t want to eat like a power lifter and look bloatmaxx so I prefer lifting lighter, higher reps and slow eccentric movement and maintaining perma otter.

I lift to try and manage depression and also cos I have a crush on a crossfitter despite my ethical and moral objections.

Trips is right ya know
Faggot Op thinks his dick is special.
Your special snowflake just wanna fuck and 6 months is long time. Get over it and move on.


>things are bad because competition and free markets are a thing
Next I'm assuming youre going to be asking for a welfare check along with your free gf, you fucking leech.

you blackpillers are fucking pathetic.Guaranteed to be a fucking loser if you're pessimistic and just quit after the slightest sign of resistance

>See her for what she is, not what you thought she was. It'll help you move on.
good advice


you have to go back

nice argument nigger

Morning Jow Forums is a bunch of lost crossposters who haven't gone to sleep yet. Stop being a fag.

have you forgotten to take your redpill suppository today? You seem cranky

>degenerate behavior is justified because defeatist mentality.

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I plan every lift a week in advance, numbers and all. If I don't lift I've failed.

>degenerate behavior
what's that?