The absolute state of reddit

>the absolute state of reddit

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That's not fair
He's probably 5"11
It's normal

>66 pound squat
>"about" 130 pound bench

>lifting for 15 years


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same thread, different user.
I feel like i could actually make it now

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>healthy 29 year old
nice try, boomer

>he has a wife and children
>you sit on your ass, alone in your room, and belittle him on a lithuanian trucker's forum

nah nigga i lift

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Using words like "silly" as a male can only get you stabbed where i live and im grateful for that

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>15 years
>30 kg squat
is it possible to start out at negative weight?

how much s-o-y do you need to consume for this to be remotely possible? I could've squatted 30kg as a fucking fetus how is this real

>is it possible to start out at negative weight?
I spent 5 months doing band assisted squats before I could do bw, another 6 to do the bar.

This has to be bait
The first squat I did was 2pl8 at not the best depth, but still

>my bench is about 60kg

AKA less than 1pl8 but too embarrassed to actually admit it. At least he has some shame

how did you function in day to day life? could you get out of chairs without help? what would happen if you bent down to pick something up?

>incapable of sitting down into or standing up from a chair without assistance


could have just been inflexible and had shit form. so he worked on achieving dat flat foot ATG squat

I was in a similar position but it took me a month. and I put a plate under my heels in the meantime

I'd use my hands to assist.
Push down on the arm rests or seat.
I'm a computer programmer so I don't get out of my chair much anyways

the fucking bar is 20kg is he 3"9?

t. 80 year old zoomer

how did you get off the toilet?

i just lean off the toilet, do a forward roll and use momentum to stand up at the end

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How else is one supposed to safely dismount from the toilet?

Talk about fragile masculinity

>Fragile masculinity
Another expression that'll get you stabbed

how do you know it's not a woman?


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>making fun of a 40yo boomer
not nice

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>admits he failed the genetic lottery
>spreads his shit genes by breeding anyways

why does this happen

Fuck you I am lithuanian and a based trucker

Toxic masculinist actions like lifting have no place in our welcoming future, sweatie.

This is the boat I'm in. I'm just getting back to lifting and didn't want to settle for half squats anymore, so reset to the bar to get ATG. 1st day went like this:
> Do bar fucking cake upping weight next set
> Do 65lbs, heavier but can do more next set
> Do 75lbs barely make it up on last rep, legs look like they're having seizures
> Wake up next day with huge hemmoroid
Did 3x5 @ 65lbs yesterday like nothing so I'm making progress, but squats ATG are a bitch.

ever see those type of guys in the gym and think
>if you just actually ate right, fixed your routine, and worked out 4 days a week you would be good to go in a couple months
but they never do. never get stronger. never lose fat. that used to be me.

The average normie lifter

probably a typo. he meant 130kg (which is still laughable for 15 years of training)

>mfw I get to "I'm a 29 yo"
Jesus fucking Christ drink some milk s oyboys you're killing yourself

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>hikes without getting exhausted

hahaha what

>52.5 deadlift

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im a 145 lb skeleton and i can out kift that loser

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That samefag is obvious, try harder user.

yeah sure, blame your genetics, that means you can't control it, so it's not your fault right?

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why do they always edit their posts on reddit with thanks, I never see this anywhere else but reddit screencaps

>19% bodyfat
I dont know what is the most pathetic

He said he workout 3x per week, he might be doing SL or SS.

>3/week brosplit

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>lift for a week
>take a five year break
>lift for three days
by his logic I have lifted for like 8 years instead of four months
fuck, I'm fucking ripped

look if you read the post it says he only counts one side of the weights without the bar.


>that feel when he benches more than you
At least I can squat more, right?

meanwhile you, a virgin, sits alone at your basement desk in the dark, never to pass on his "superior genes"

Is basedboy filtered?

>desperate cope

I have a habit of doing that, too. Everyone around where I live says "thank you" constantly. I don't mind it, but it makes people who aren't from around here come off as rude even though they are just requesting something from you normally.

shit you got me

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nice job outing yourself as reddit

And I'm stilll cooler

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>keeps annihilating every muscle in his body with numbers like that

You've gotta live it!

kek good job

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>healthy 29 year old
jfc when i was 14 i was doing 154 deadlift
how much onions can someone ingest?

Wife is 110 lb and still often carried our kids when they were about 6 because we do a shitton of hiking, sometimes too much, so wtf? For short stretches she'd carry toddler and kid both, combined probably over 30 kg.

As an aside: 30 kg is about average for a kid 9 to 10 years, when they definitely do not want anyone to carry them anymore. Is this guy raising fatties or does he want to humiliate his kids?

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some of us start as complete skeletons

You are mistaken user that's his ohp

>squat 75

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Kg not lb
Now who's the weak loser, pleb?

>squat 75 kg

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Oh shit familia youre right, in that case
>155 deadlift

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He says bench 140 pounds. So all of it must be pounds.
Otherwise if he can bench 140 kg while squatting half of it, his chest must be godlike.

I can do 50kg squat, 60kg if I want to but that's me being dyel on legs. cuz fuck legs its so boring and not fun. but how can someone have such a light squat if they actually do it?

no man is that short, he's probably around 6''8, pretty sad

my fucking sides left orbit thanks for making my day user

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>tfw im an 18 year old female and i lift kids who are 70 lbs+ onto horses' backs every day
The only time I can't do it is when an overweight 11 year old comes in, then i am strugglin'.

hey baby pls post bobs

2pl8 así un 40kg right?


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do they count the bar tho

As in*

gib wilno faggot

this is true natty, lifting for 15 years and 130lb bench

nani the fuck??

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>140 bench
>52.5 OHP
Pretty sure its more of shit programming than shit genetics


i've been lifting for a month and my OHP is 30kg....
my bench is that reasonable?

>what is reading comprehension

Yeah we do it too where I live, it's just a small acknowledgement that lets someone know you appreciate what they did for you. For me it's basic respect.


I was once walking with a group of friends in my hometown. One of the guys was wearing a neon pink shirt as a joke because he thought it was funny. Anyway, some guy threw a waterbottle out of his truck at us. Some other called us faggots. One dude we passed told us that we were bad friends for letting him wear the shirt and that we should kick his ass. It was hilarious, friend changed his shirt immediately when we got to his house.

The levels of burn in this comment are so so glorious.

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Kek, I'm a twink that literally started last week and my squat is triple that. Söyboys are not a meme.

>implying I don't have wife and children


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>benching 1pl8
>15 years lifting
What the actual fuck

never felt more alpha in my entire life