Red Pill

>Success in weightlifting, no matter if PL, BB; SM or OL, is only about how many steroids your organism can handle
>Training routine, diet, lifestyle, bodyweight, gender - doesn't matter


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you have a point with drugs but
>Training routine, diet, lifestyle, bodyweight, gender - doesn't matter
yeah nah

>All routines work if you're roided
>All diets work if you're roided (if yiu even ahve to do one)
>All lifestyle choices work if you're roided

if success means winning competitions then it's all about the roids.
recreational lifters (like the vast majority of this board) don't do competitions. most of us are just trying to get stronger and bigger without fucking our minds/bodies up.

are you fucking retarded?
so someone who benches the bar for 10xf for a year will have the same results as someone who does a real full body strength routine
so i can eat pop tarts and soda ONLY and i'll make the same gains as the guy who eats a well balanced high protein diet
so i can lay in bed or sit in a chair all day and it won't make me stiff or damage my spine/posture over time
powerlifters have some fat to help them lift more weight, but bodyfat is like a bell curve in lifting; too little and you lose strength, too much, and you start to lose strength as well.
a male who trains seriously for a year will outlift most longtime female lifters

OP you are seriously fucking retarded. Even with steroids you still have to put in work. You can't eat dogshit and fuck around in the gym and still make good gains. That's literally what normies believe. Steroids merely increase the window of time that your body can continue to grow after creating the microtears in your muscle fibers.

Kill yourself. If you want to make excuses for yourself for not/never making it, that's cool. But don't bring your retard ass shit here to try and drag anyone else down into the pit of failure you'll always be stuck in. Get cancer

>so someone who benches the bar for 10xf for a year will have the same results as someone who does a real full body strength routine
On enough roids, eh will have better results.

>so i can lay in bed or sit in a chair all day and it won't make me stiff or damage my spine/posture over time
With enough doping (or rather, the correct doping), sure.

>Even with steroids you still have to put in work

>You can't eat dogshit and fuck around in the gym and still make good gains. That's literally what normies believe. Steroids merely increase the window of time that your body can continue to grow after creating the microtears in your muscle fibers.
But that is absolutely wrong. Take roids, you win.

>Kill yourself. If you want to make excuses for yourself for not/never making it, that's cool. But don't bring your retard ass shit here to try and drag anyone else down into the pit of failure you'll always be stuck in. Get cancer
The coping and projecting is hilarious.

You don't even lift.

I’d never take roids but you’re absolutely delusional if you think you don’t have to put it any real work and eat like dog shit and it’ll magically just “do all of the work for you”.

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>Take roids, you win.
It actually is this simple. And the more the better. Why aren't you injecting for the 5th time today right now, OP?

OP got wrecked

really stupid post desu

in order of importance
1. genetics
2. consistency and hard work
3. programming
T3. diet

You clearly have never used roids or actually lifted weights

For the most part, yes.

Which is why all of those sports are ignored by the mainstream and gyms are dying.

No amount of JUST LEEFT PUZZY and AESTHETIC BRUH bullshit is going to unfuck this.

Unless they start pushing basic health, basic diet, and basic fitness onto the ignorant normies and keep them away from the drugs and heavy lifting and the like till they are basically healthy,
Then the entire thing is going to fucking collapse.

I know they depend on getting paid by ignorant fairweather lifters, but that only creates people who are less likely to stick to fitness and people who will spend less in the fitness industry and things of the type overall as they become more and more jaded and give less and less of a fuck about their bodies.

They did a study to compare (a) people who lift, (b) people who roid and don't lift, and (c) people who lift and roid.
While (c) topped them all obviously, (b) made still more strength and mass gains than (a) in the same time frame.

So yes, you don't have to put in any real work and you'll still look better and be stronger than the guy who does. That's how fucking magic steroids are. So much for being delusional.

Look at "zyzz" and chestbrah and every other loser you people worship.
They never had the correct epigenetics to grow and get powerful. Never laid the groudn work in their day to day lives.
They just injected their way to gains and did the bare minimum of work.
Most of them don't even know how to workout properly and are just covering up the injuries and sheer ignorance with more drugs and doing shit harder in the gym.

They don't even have 2-5 years of actual training or physical activity or even basic calisthenics work in their backgrounds combined before they hop on the juice.

Genetics aren't as important as epigenetics. But they are important.

Also link to study:

you're right, they aren't as important as epigenetics

they are considerably more important than epigenetics

epigenetics may slightly improve your response to training over the course of years of lifting, but these are marginal increases, most of your response to training is genetically hardcoded and cannot be changed

A lazy fat fuck with horrible nutrition terrible mindset and a bad environment with good genes will be completely outshone by a person with good nutrition, a good mindset, and a good environment with mediocre genes.

Epigenetics my friend. Epigenetics.
Look at Arnolds kennedy children and compare them to Bastard Shwarzenegger.

>A lazy fat fuck with horrible nutrition terrible mindset and a bad environment with good genes will be completely outshone by a person with good nutrition, a good mindset, and a good environment with mediocre genes.
this has absolutely nothing to do with epigenetics, go read up on what epigenetics is before posting dumb shit

a real argument would be taking two identical people, one with mediocre response to training but great epigenetics that would allow them to increase their response over time, and another person with fantastic out of this world response to training with no epigenetics to increase response over time

then put those people on the same programming and diet and have them put in the same amount of effort

The thing about this study is that they consider water weight to be lean mass
Hopping on roids will make you hold more glycogen and water but it is not muscle tissue
The Natty trainers most likely gained more actual muscle tissue than the non workout roiders


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You have no fucking idea what epiginetics is.
Stop pretending you do.

Epigenetics is your body responding to environmental, psychological, dietary, and social factors by expressing and shutting off certain genetic traits.
That's what it is.
Your fucking lifestyle has a MASSIVE impact upon you whether you believe it or not you insane retard.
This is reality.
This is how it is.
I have no idea why this simple fact of reality and how important it is isn't actually harped on heavily.

>Epigenetics is your body responding to environmental, psychological, dietary, and social factors by expressing and shutting off certain genetic traits.
>That's what it is.
yes glad you looked it up
>Your fucking lifestyle has a MASSIVE impact upon you whether you believe it or not you insane retard.
the problem is your example makes no fucking sense

one of Arnold's kids actually trains, and the other one is a completely sedentary fat fuck

certain genes being expressed by lifestyle choices are a tiny factor there compared to the fact that one literally doesn't fucking train at all and eats twinkies all day