
new /cbt/

20% bf i guess?

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Pretty decent abs if 20%, you do a lot of weighted ab stuff?

only leg raises and planks,

dont know why i look so fluffy :(

*notices bulge*

Month into bulking. Dropped 10kg prior, before that was a fatso. 4 months liftin overall. Hopefully can maintain bf till april so I can cut and actually look good.

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>abs at 20%

You’re an idiot. Unless literally all of your fat is on your ass you’re at 15% max.

just a guess

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yea 20% with some visible abs is very unlikely , you're around 15
nice trap insertions, work shoulders and lats to get a good v-shape
woah nice stats bro


People usually post their height/weight/years lifting/pr's etc in cbts lad, just a pic of you can't can't tell us that much

6'0 72kg 20 years old. This is 2 weeks ago. Slowly trying to get to around 80 but it's hard.

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What mode am I pls?

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Balding homosexual dicklet mode.

:( but I’m not balding. And you can’t even see my small peinis

Post body

def lower than 20%, i got around 19% and got a small belly plus thicc ass

Fridge mode but without definition at all

Can I get a bf % estimate, 6 ft 190

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Definitely below 15%


6,4" 215 btw

>Height in feet
>Weight in KG

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try 15%

What is the UK?


Level 0
Whatever you are doing just stop
Not 20% probably around 15% and your "abs" look like fat rolls
This would be ok at 6 months in

You're just thin only fat retards would confuse this for muscle or strength
Hair=\= not an excercise don't shave your pecs on you dyel faggot
Another one who confuses thinness with success you're around 12% body fat and 0% muscle I could rip you in half and fuck your dead mom
Mirin wats ur routine?

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that is 15% max

ok i got it, so what do i do now? I wanna be ripped

PayPal me 50$ and then quit lifting it's the King's tax you wasted my gym equipment by using it

5'11 164lbs, prob lighter due to starting to eat meat again only recently and my gut being backed up. Cutting down for crazy vascularity I had last summer

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LMFAO love to see you try to rip me in half pussy I only lift for BJJ / MT for MMA fatty

who hurt u?

t. miserable larper

>Before, 80kg 25%bf

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>after 72kg 17%bf, 5 month cutting, did keto 2 months

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You missed
This was your target. Why do you think they have weight classes you twink. I overhead press 225 how are you going to put any locks on me when I can rag doll you? You don't know anything about fighting I can kill you with a single punch

You got shirtless basketball nigger mode body. You're also a manlet and I'm way stronger than you

So I cut 10lbs. I was told atleast 20. What mode is this? 6'4'' 240lbs

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Rough bf%? Thinking of bulking a bit more and then cutting to ~80kg

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12% bf

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Worked arms mainly today.

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6'3 ~235lbs / 1m91 108kg

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Great if natty, meh otherwise.

I hope your bench press and OHP can help you when you get kicked in the head or flying armbared lmfao.

This nigga done pissed himself

That's the point retard you can't armbar me I can lift you with one arm. Again why do they have weight classes in fighting matches? Technique doesn't matter force is equal to mass x acceleration you are a faggot twink and I can cripple you easy.

You’re a funny dude, unless you can dumbbell fly my 190 lb’s plus whatever pressure I’m applying downward + torque your ass is going to snap city.

Advice on building a better chest?

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>Technique doesn't matter force is equal to mass x acceleration
>t. forgot that acceleration scale quadratically and what levers are

Currently cut down from 100kg (220lbs) to 89kg (196lbs) after my bulk at 6 foot

Started at 73kg last year

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Another one

BF% estimate?

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probably about 20%

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Lmao this retard

Martial autistic why are all you faggots like this? First off you are a novice not a professional fighter you're a low level nobody. Second off how will you get any hold when your opponent is double your strength and mass? How will you get an arm bar if you can't move your opponent? You are an idiot there is a reason Bob Sapp destroyed in MMA despite having no/little training


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Mirin', stats? What kind of volume are you getting on your chest exercises?

I felt good taking this but now I feel gross looking at it

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And here is what happened to Bob Sapp when he went against a Twink skinnier than me LMFAO

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Yeah he's way better than you top of his game Sapp ran through people bigger and more knowledgeable than you strength > technique

I wanna cut. Will I lose what little mass I have gotten in the past 4.5 months. Lifts have doubled.

Should I keep slightly bulking? I just got 170lb bench 3x5.

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your hips are recklessly wide. peak fridge.

just keep lifting and eating slightly above maintenance. keep it clean.

Dude I have the same tan as you, for aesthetics I'd say that's the most important point you have to work on now

6'2 207lbs

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Not posting stats cause still weak

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>put on 22 lbs in 2.5 months
>still absolute skellington

6’1, 172 lbs

Looking good, stats?

Mirin #nohomo

holy shit how are you at 235?? I'm 6'3" and bulking back up hopefully past 200. At 185 now and while you definitely have more muscle than me I'm surprised you weight so much more.

>Cbt thread
>Posts a shadow
All nigs are literally retarded

don't trip man you're just thicc as fuck. I'd do a FUCK load of back, traps and arms if I were you and try to get stronger on a calorie deficit.

>put on 22 lbs in 2.5 months
>still absolute skellington

6’1, 172 lbs

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179 at 6ft
feeling pretty small.

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Thanks buddy. I'm 179 cm and weigh 78 kg (down from 100 from December 2016). I usually do 2 sets of 10 reps, then 2 set of 8 reps, and 1 set of 5 at the end, usually with a minute-long break inbetween the sets.

Maybe throw in some decline work to build the lower pecs.

Dips are great for volume if done right. Arnold had the following to say on the subject:

Dips are another exercise that people don’t seem to use for chest—most use it as a triceps move. But I’ve always felt that dips really flush the whole pectoral area and are great for building the lower pecs to give you that impressive, deep muscular ridge that separates the pecs from the abs. To build maximum size, you should definitely do weighted dips (I used to hang an 80-pound dumbbell Opens a New Window. from my weight belt and do sets of 15 reps). Make sure you go all the way down until you feel a good stretch in your chest for each rep, leaning your torso forward and keeping your knees back, and don’t feel as though you have to lock out your elbows at the top."

You are a dwarf

Jealous manlet spotted.

I looked better from a few months of calisthenics What program are you on right now??

You have a shitty gyno body nobody would be jealous of you. You are also 5'5

great progress bud

Will do, man! Hopefully I'll have something nice to post in here a couple of weeks from now

I have a shitty gyno,correct. But I'm 6 ft and that's it, no need to prove it to you .

5'9" 138lb
big oof

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Do you know what perspective is? I have the proof you're standing several feet in front of a mini fridge and it reaches up to your hip. You're a fucking midget

To give you a clear vision it reaches under my balls.

manlet gang

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It's above your belly button and you're several feet away from it it's expected its reach would increase since you are in the foreground but it should be below belly button unless you are lying about your height.

5'10 160lb
Still weak af

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Looks like it

what do you say now?

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>2 months lifting, some half assed few-week attempts in years past

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underage twink
underage twink
underage twink

FUCK Nu/fit/ is all redditors what the fuck happened.

not bad, just keep at it
ottermode twink
you look like shit lose weight
not bad, ottermode.. Keep lifting get on a low carb diet
SHIT why are you even posting. Fuck
not bad, just keep going
ottermode, just keep going.
not bad good quads. Keep going, weak chest.
nice vein
someone who actually lifts impressive, not as much if you are 5'8 cause you look 5'8
better not a twink anymore, still look like shit
not bad keep going.
look good
underage twink,
nice quads

So my take aways from nu-fit after not being here for a year or so, but being a Jow Forums poster for like 10 years now..
Everyone is young as fuck and maybe 5% here have lifted more than 3 years and 2% more than 5

I blame reddit for this, I think that is where all you kids came from. Only good meme out of here this year is 30 year old boomer, but I dont even think that was Jow Forums

So we dont even deserve a comic anymore

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would succ

t. dyel

Salty ugly faggots. This board hasn't even been around 10 years kill yourself

>That's the point retard you can't armbar me I can lift you with one arm.

you are talking about someone's entire body versus one of your joints positioned over a fulcrum, unless the difference in size/strength is on the order of a WSM competitor vs. the scrawniest manlet you are not going to resist much of anything against a trained grappler

>Again why do they have weight classes in fighting matches?

to separate skilled fighters by weight, you are not a skilled fighter and would get mauled by someone much smaller than you

Bob Sapp has an MMA record of 11 wins 20 losses, and he is 375lbs with visible abs

you are not 375lbs with visible abs, you are probably totaling like 1200lbs at most, which is nowhere near enough to not get fucking raped by someone who knows how to grapple

t. 18 inch bicep peak*