Where did I go wrong Jow Forums i've been training for 3 weeks now

Where did I go wrong Jow Forums i've been training for 3 weeks now

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You did not go wrong anywhere. Keep going 3 weeks is nothing this is the rest of your life. You are now a fitzen forever. 12 eggs a day from now on. MORE FOOD is the answer more food and more lits 2 hours of heavy exercise a day.

In this is all after 3 week of training? Hahahahhahaha
Sorry. You have shitty genetics. (also you're nonwhite.)

Absolute beast

is that way you bigot. Cringe.

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powerbottom if ive ever seen one

3 weeks is nothing though, and we have no idea what his "training" is. Sad progress but improvement is always possible.

No where, well you may have had a siezure or a fever in early childhood which has resulted in severe autism, you know, because you apparently think you can make gains in 3 weeks. Pleb.

>Where did I go wrong Jow Forums
Making this thread

Hahahhaah nigger suck my white cock you brown shit. How does it feel knowing that no matter how much you lift, you'll never be blonde and blue eyed? No one cares about you. You're little, brown shitstain in this world who deserves to be whiped out.

Post hand, incel.

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This is now a handthread.
Hairy fr*nch fag here.

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You should have gone to the trash can when you were born. That's where.
But since it didn't happen, keep working out.

wow three entire weeks

Why are your fingers so short and fat?
Why are your fingers so long?

i'm also a basketball player from outer space

It's a place for degenerates, fuck off, normie.

>Sorry. You have shitty genetics. (also you're nonwhite.)

total faggot incel alert

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Finger length doesn't determine if someone is degenerate. That's not what I said.

Come back in three months and we'll tell ya, champ.


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>t. nigger

Watching the birth of a fresh meme.

my grip must be fuckd ay

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Your hand color doesn't determine how white you are. Better post your eyes and hair.

Post hand and show the world your inferior genetics top kek

No callous on the pointer-finger. This is an example of poor grip form. Believe it or not, yes, there's a form to it. Next time you do any pulls, grip as hard as you can and pull the bar as if to snap it in half such that you are bending the middle towards yourself and creating a parabola with the two ends pointing away from you (of course you won't be steong enough to actually do it but try and you'll explode your forearms).

Inferior to who? Being born white is already superior to 95% of the world.
Keep crying shitskin.

Thanks, I'll work on it


I already posted my aryan hand, darkie. Top kek. Cope harder.

the average amerimutt

Are you retarded? I am literally the second person who posted his hand.

if you Auschwitz discord niggas here fuck you for banning me. I had better gains than your entire discord server combined

>being this retarded
so i guess niggies with green eyes or blonde hair are white

>using discord
what a faggot

Oh god. You're fucking retarded. You can obviously tell the race of albinos or mixed people. What matters is obviously skin color, skull shape, eye color and hair color.

>either of those hands
LMAO. I bet you think Spanish, Greeks, Italians and Jews are "WHITE" too.

AHAHAHAHahhahahahah. Also this thread isn't fitness related.

then did u said just hair and eyes ???

unironically this

I am the one who posted this
How exactly am I not white?

>How exactly am I not white?
no ones white in here

Nice argument shitskin.

Go post your hand on Jow Forums before I do it for you and ask them if you're white. (You aren't)

Do it. I want your arguments.
Good luck making a thread on Jow Forums about hands and not getting banned.

>little kid not knowing his memes

Also post your own hand for comparison.

Damn he really is a wristlet, that thing looks like 6-7 inches lol. I feel bad for them, cursed to be forever DYEL.


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Less than a 60 second response time. That really got to you, huh?

Only a nigger like you needs more than a minute to read two sentences.

I love the fact some assblasted boomer poured hours of his time into making this shitty gif


>he's so new he doesn't know that 99.9% of anti-white shit on 4chen is all falseflag bait

Posting in a handthread

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Still waiting.

did you start lifting yesterday or what? I cant tell if thats a callous or a booger

Switched from body weight a little over a week ago, I have a fractured spine so I have to work my way up in smaller increments. Give me one more week.


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As ugly as he may be he's still superior to OP

stay mad little boy

Unironically this.
If the guy in the image would diet and lift he'd be a total beast.
OP will always look like a twink.

post beta wh*toids ITT

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The hell he is. Can you imagine making fun of people whilst drunk with this guy? I'd lose my fucking sides in the frozen section.
You don't know what a twink is. OP is just a dumb faggot.

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Why are non-whites so fragile? lmao