Do You Have Klinefleter's Syndrome Without Knowing It?

Well Jow Forums?
>Small testicles
>Rudimentary breast development
>Psychological issues such as depression
>Learning, speech, physical or attitude problems

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Doesn't exist

I have only ever had depression i guess lol.

so being a woman then?

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Nigger you just want an easy way out.
The reason why you are weak is more likely because you never even try.

How small?

Based and truthpilled

I guess people kill themselves because they are extremely happy and content with life


>TFW penis is like 2 inches soft but balls are big like chicken eggs
This is stupid and cruel

Who cares as long as it's bigger erect

>as long as its bigger erect

Most of the people here who worry they have klinefelters are just skinnyfat or fatfat.

When will this meme stop?

I thought I had that OP until I started lifting weights and running, and then my gyno went a away my narrow hips showed and my dick got bigger

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>>Small testicles
Kinda maybe, not sure
>>Rudimentary breast development
not in the slightest, thank lord
>>Psychological issues such as depression
Sometimes but not lasting
>>Learning, speech, physical or attitude problems
Pretty wide hips, small wrists, small neck, otherwise i dont think so

Wtf life is worth living now

If you had it you'd know. Your balls would be smaller than almonds.

My nuts are huge.

This has been my fear since i learned about it in highschool

>tfw you might
I have permanently had every fucking symptom except they were always very very mild

>slight gyno
>slightly wide hips but still have wider shoulders
>dunno about the dick n ball situation but slightly small was my understanding
>slightly longer limbs than I'd like
>developed scoliosis probably from osteoperosis
>shitty patchy beard
>ugly, lowtest secondary features
>poor attention and learning disabilities

Only think that's opposite is I'm hairy as fuck, like I started growing hair at the same time as other kids could but always more and faster. I Also have a high sex drive which I would think would indicate fertility

Oh God, this is gonna fuck with my head bigtime

Why keep living if I'm literally 75% man and 25% woman?

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Wait a sec, does this mean I get to hop on TRT?

I have huge balls if anyone wants to see. Like they're actually so massive it worries me sometimes

Yes actually, make a thread in /b/ so you don't get banned then link us to it

>Learning, speech, physical or attitude problems

you can become 100% women if you want.

I bet my balls are bigger.

>>Small testicles
>>Rudimentary breast development
>>Psychological issues such as depression
No (was diagnosed with ODD as a child, but thats just a meme condition created to separate parents from their money.)
>>Learning, speech, physical or attitude problems
No yes no yes

Pretty sure im just a recovering fatty with poor socialization and a bad attitude.

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those are problems that are the fault of the individual most of the times

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I've had gyno since puberty and have struggled with depression but I have big nuts and never struggled with learning disabilities.


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people kill themselves because they are in situations they don't feel like they can get out of. medication doesn't change that, talking about it doesn't change the situation.

Based and redpills
Jewish pharmacists

It's called being a weak faggot

Friendly reminder that unless you're testicles are absolutely miniscule, like to the point that there would be absolutely no doubt in your mind that something was wrong, there is a 99% chance you don't have this.

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Based and redpilled



>Implying everyone who believes in depression also believes the biomedical model

Wew lad, weak argument.