>Be me, 160 cm and 48 kg
> Post thread on Jow Forums
>Me: I wanna be skinnier
>Jow Forums: No you dumb fuck you should eat and lift, guys don't like skinny girls
> Ask my guy friends
>90% are college educated, between 23 and 35 years old, with good jobs
> They all like super skinny "dainty" looking girls, the skinnier the better (within reason)
>For them I am thin but would be hotter if I lost 3 kg

Is Jow Forums lying to me ? Is it an American thing to like "thick" or muscle girls ? I live in France so that might explain it

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% are college educated, between 23 and 35 years old, with good jobs
there's your problem

Thicc is a meme. You gotta learn to sort through the river of shit on the chans to find the nuggets of truth

translation: your guy friends just want to have sex with you and will feed compliments.

Men like many different body types. It depends on the form, and the functions it does. Honestly, there are many different archetypes of the female body. Depends on what it's like.

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Sticc a shit

t. 26 year old Boomer with college education and good job

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t. American who was fed black culture since birth

i like sticc

but im sort of a pedo so..

Frenchmen are low test faggots. Who would have thought?

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t.american who was fed homosexual city dweller beauty standards from the time they could be impressed upon by images.

you're 5 feet and 100 lbs and you want to be thinner? like how much more do you want to lose?

just work on booty and core

Of course this is the wrong place for Europeans to check what's attractive, especially women. A European L is an American S and considered hot, yuck.

Thats just like saying that every guy is into tits. Guys have their preferences just like women do.

CURVY. The answer is curvy.
Men like curves. Prêt-à-porter models (tall, super thin) are not the real reflection of what men like but what fashion designers and snob people want.

Anyways, do what you like to do.

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I will take thicc over sticc all day erry day.

I'm not into 11 year old boys.

Jow Forums is fill of fat fetishists and closet homos. thats why fat girls and steroid abusing 'wheyfus' are so popular here. a true man of culture prefers waifish asian girls above all.

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Why not just aim to get a body type that makes you happy, stupid fucking hole.

That's disgusting you pedophile.

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I used to prefer thicc girls but I'm really into a sticc right now, but I want to bulk her up but only a little. Guess it depends on the guy, and the girl too.

Bad bait, bro

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Thicc is for mature men whom are neither mentally ill nor pedophiles


I-Is this true ?

I wear XS what am I in American size ?

I'm 105 lbs and 5'2
I wanna be max 100 lbs

I like my girl’s curves and wouldn’t mind a little more winding on that road, but definitely don’t want a fat girl. Shit is overrated. I think it’s so popular now because girls have figured out how to model themselves on Instagram to look good when they’re fat when they probably look really fat from every other angle.

Pic related is just right.

Thicc is whorish.
Sticc is unfuckable.
Thin with muscle tone and som squats are best.
Also, leave France.

This, classic curves ftw

thin girls look better with clothes on
thicc girls look better naked
no one likes fatties, just some guys have no standards
t. not american

Sticc is nice

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Just admit you have a fetish for cows you filthy arab


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Thicc women are for fat and/or ugly pople with low standards and no will to put effort into getting a good looking girl

Basically sticc with tits and hips not bad though

You living in France only explains how much of a faggot you are and why you made this retarded thread

You're jealous because we are superior to you in every way.

You are 48kgs, of mostly fat. It would make you look better if you had a few extra kgs of muscle. That's all.

There are people on this board that would consider procreating with this. Never gonna make it.

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t. typical delusional and frustrated forg

>this is what frogs actually believe

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>me, euro
>college educated, 22 working at respected company
>high social class and equivalent upbringing
>hate ass worship nigger memes

Super dainty girls are only nice in summer dresses for show. A gf is a person you also fuck, thus a need for some tits and meat and not pedo tier skin planks


Very nice. Much appreciated.

>Pic related

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this, if I wanted to fuck a fukboy I'd just go on grindr

qualified male here
i like both (provided "thicc" just means they are not overweight at all, just conventionally curvy)
but i like them for different reasons
if i was clubbing and looking for someone to smash, i'd probably go more for thicc
but if i were looking for a relationship, definitely sticc
overall i think sticc is more attractive. much closer to the ideal woman imo

All your friends are low T, DYEL beta-males.

lmao manlet

Plz be in


postez pieds svp


THICC fags are just insecure in their sexuality. THINN is where it's at.

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Advice from a 28 y/o gril here.

Firstly, I think your post is well positioned bait.

>Ask my guy friends
Your first problem. Guys won't tell girls what they truly want, just whatever they think the girls want to hear. If you ask a guy what a girl should look like he's going to regurgitate your stats as to 1) not offend you, and 2) get on your good side. The opposite sex never asks the opposite sex for advice, anyway. We all know better. Unless they're suffering from severe self-esteem issues.

>90% are college educated
When I was in Germany, undergraduate degrees were free of cost. As they are in much of Europe. This then breeds a multitude of unmotivated, undriven, and accordingly unexperienced men. This is your advisory pool? Gross.

>super skinny "dainty" looking girls
This mostly applies to men who are beta. Who cannot psychologically or physiologically be "the alpha". So they seek to compensate, in a partner scenario, by having a petite partner.

>I live in France so that might explain it
Yeah so you'll probably be raped by an immigrant who could care less about your body type. So why put so much thought into it?

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Post body

why don't you stop caring so much about what other people think and just be whichever you want to be, dumb fuck

t. Pedo

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You are probably a chunky shit. Get the fuck off my board female. This board is men only

kys you fucking pedo



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>> Ask my guy friends
>>For them I am thin but would be hotter if I lost 3 kg
Rethink your friends

No shit it's an American thing

Being too thin as a woman means PERMANENTLY STERILISING yourself. If you're not a basic bitch who can't think about the future you might aswell lose 8 more kgs. I wonder who encourages white women to get thinner and thinner..... hmm......

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No man will turn down a nice pair of tits though.

not an argument

Elizabeth Anne Pelayo

WHR is the only thing that matters, prove me wrong

>28 y/o gril
You have another 2 years at best, lass

True, shit's mortifying

You'd unironically need children clothing.


but you need to be over 18 to post here

Thicc in the right places is far superior.

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Skinny with exagerated hourglass big boobs and round butt > skinny with minimal curves = curvy but chubby > chubby or bigger without an exagerated hourglass shape

The middle two are a matter of taste. Having both is required to be truly hot. Lacking either will get you ignored.

>average men claim thicc is ideal
>rich, famous men who can get any woman always choose sticc models

Sticc has to be the right answer.

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I like small dainty girls because they make me feel more needed.

That's not a bikini is it? That's lingerie. Who goes to the beach in lingerie?

Famous people are retarded and part of cults. I don't trust their judgement for shit.

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>could care less
Retard. Most of the rest of your post is bollocks too.

Everyone here is gay

I can't risk having fat kids. I'm /builtmode/ but I would gladly marry sticc as long as she's tall and blonde/blue debt-free virgin with no tattoos

>city dweller
Had your hand up one too many heffer asses? Do you kiss the bull after jerking it off?

This is the absolute worst opinion i've ever seen posted on this board

French men are really direct towards their women, outright telling them they need to lose weight or dress better.
They produced some of the hottest natural women though, standards are high.

never was, never will be

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>less ass than a 12 y/o

Would hit that like a ton of bricks