A few years ago when I cut using Intermittent Fasting my waist and fat on my stomach had shrunk to the smallest it had...

A few years ago when I cut using Intermittent Fasting my waist and fat on my stomach had shrunk to the smallest it had ever been in my life.

Now when I cut (normally, not Intermittent Fasting) my stomach/waist seems to be so hard to get rid of.

Does Intermittent Fasting have visceral fat burning benefits or something, or was I just better at cutting back then?

Attached: 59329023095.jpg (203x248, 8K)

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Fasting shrinks the stomach muscle itself

why do you troll on the internet?

Can I get some serious answers here?

There use to be so much discussion on IF a few years ago, seems dead now.

Post in the fasting thread instead of crying you pussy.

Why don't you try it again OP? it's probably just easier for you to cut with IF.

Where is it even? those "fasting" threads are stupid, those guys do like 1 week to 1 month fasts, thats fucking dumb.

I am talking about oldschool 16-8 lean gains style, not this new meme of fasting and not eating for a month and losing all your gains.

Also, I have my measurements from back when I did 16-8 lean gains and my waist was 29 inches, the smallest I ever recorded. Right now I am 38 inches :|

Don't fast, you're eating yourself.

Turns out eating nothing loses more fat than eating something. Amazing!

Maybe this will help? Check the video below, around the 1 minute mark where the narrator mentions glucagon


I am talking about Lean Gains fasting methods, which is 16 hours fasting per day, 8 hour eating window. I am not talking about the kind of fasting the nu-Jow Forums non-lifting crowd who talks about by not eating for days/weeks/months.

IF made cutting easier than bulking, its great if your goal is leanmode

Have you read the new book? Martin recommends doing the 16/8 only if it works for you, which it seems to.

I have not, I am a cheap cunt.

What does he mean by "if it works for you"? Does he do a smaller eating window now? or none at all? or what.

I know he had something suggesting you eat 50% of cals from protein

Easy answer: your metabolic rate isn't what it used to be.
The body is amazing, and yours has adapted to IF by slowing your metabolism down over the years.
This is why keto and /fast/ing are short-term weight loss at the cost of long-term weight loss (via hurting your metabolism).
Check your temperature and see if your thyroid is working optimally.

Brah I only did IF for like 12 weeks back in 2014.

I didn't do it for years lmao.

What's your diet like? And in any case, check your temperature. Oddly difficult to get Jow Forumsizens to do this.

That's because your own dumb source said temperature was not a reliable indicator of thyroid status. I remember you. Stupid.

I cant find the thermometer

Glad I'm memorable. Bet you still haven't taken your temperature yet, have you?

You should buy another one then.

Attached: check_your_temp.jpg (350x322, 60K)

>if it works for you
he literally means if it works for you, no hidden message there.
We are all different, fasting is suited for all people.

Causation vs Correlation.

I know that explaining this to you is basically wasting my time, but here goes.

Intermittent fasting, or losing weight because of intermittent fasting is not why the metabolic rate drops. The metabolic rate is going to drop regardless if certain conditions are met. There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that intermittent fasting preserves the metabolism better than any other means. There are studies that compare a traditional methods of weight lose like CICO-(Deficit) verses fasting. Find the studies your self, I already feel uncomfortable wiping your ass to this point.

Those who fasted lost more weight whist maintaining a higher (measured) metabolic rate. Both their metabolic rates dropped, the fasted group less. The main benefit of fasting is the control of insulin. Fasting enables lower levels of circulating and spiking insulin to achieve the same result (Controlled blood sugar). Insulin is a storing hormone and in high enough concentrations completely..... COMPLETELY inhibits lipolysis (losing weight). If a calorie deficit is met with a situation whereby the body is unable to supply energy by lipolysis, the metabolic rate will drop rapidly ( in human scale) That's why fatness with a starting TDEE of 3000, who cuts calories by -500, will hit homeostasis (energy balance) in 2 weeks. That is because fatness has insulin resistance. Whereby the body produces more insulin to achieve the same lowering of blood sugar. Extreme insulin Resistance is T2 diabetes. The higher levels of circulating insulin and spiking insulin basically make weight loss impossible without a huge deficit.

Intermittent fasting still followers CICO, but controls insulin and appetite. During the 16-20 hour period the body is not taking in calories, this enables an environment where the body is not spiking insulin, and allows circulating insulin to fall, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity. Cont.

Can I still do IF if I really badly want to have protein powder pre and post workout in the morning?


>Drink Whey 7AM
>Lift weights
>Drink Whey again 9AM
>Next meal @ 2PM

I just dont feel comfortable lifting, and not having ingested protein for a long period of time.

They unironically tell people to dry fast, or its not worth it at all


There is a metabolic theory known as set point. That is, a weight the body likes to maintain and will defend with the fluctuation of metabolic rate. Generally, the body likes to maintain a weight close to the highest its ever been. This is a function of Leptin. A fat cell which is full, will produce leptin. Leptin will control the "set point" of the body by virtue of its concentration in the blood.

If the brain has sufficient leptin, it will signal that you are not really hungry and your metabolic rate will be quite normal. Once a person has lost weight, some of their fat cells will be empty. An empty fat cell does not produce leptin. Therefore there is less circulating leptin in the blood. This signals to the brain many things. 1. We are no longer near the accepted setpoint. 2. There must be a reason we are not near the accepted setpoint, 3. We must lower the metabolic rate until we are near the setpoint. 4. We will induce hunger until we are near the setpoint.

So back to fasting. Does fasting cause a lowering of metabolic rate? No. Weight lose does. Fasting ideally enables an environment weight lose. The drop is metabolic rate is inevitable. Your stupidity is also inevitable.

I see IF is something very dear to you. That's fine, just take your damn temperature already.
You can wipe my ass with every study you want, but the reality is that fasting spikes your cortisol and adrenaline.
You argue that it doesn't influence your metabolic rate. You can prove it by taking your temperature.

"Feeling satiated" != "Getting all the external nutrients and energy your body needs"
I don't think I'm going to be able to get you to understand that. Sorry.

Is that white Elliot Rodger?

Stupidity of this magnitude is a fucking curse. The lowering of the metabolic rate associated with any level of weight loss (for reasons I've explained above) including, fasting, CICO, keto, Indian dance therapy, will have an impact on the temperature of the individual. A marked lowering will occur, I'm not doubting or denying this, I'm explaining why it happens and why its not a phenomena of fasting.

Then humor the retard here.
Order a thermometer (because you don't have one) and intermittent fast at whatever your maintenance is.
Then check your temperature. See if it regulates back to a healthy 98.6f/37c.

Lol it does actually, your stomach expands and holds more food depending on how much you eat, overeat for a month straight and it'll be hard to be full on such small amounts of food, do extreme calorie restriction and fasting, the same amount of food you ate before will have you full before you're even half done.