Summer is coming to an end and fall will be upon us soon.
How will this affect your lifts? No longer will I be able to go for bike rides, or run outdoors... I will probably end up bulking again.
Summer is coming to an end and fall will be upon us soon.
How will this affect your lifts? No longer will I be able to go for bike rides, or run outdoors... I will probably end up bulking again.
I will no longer sit at home in my underwear playing videogames
just kidding I still will, but i'll probably wear some socks to keep me warm
Fuck I am so happy, no more sweating like a faggot for simply existing, comfy weather, can cuddle with my gf when it is 2 cold, christmas, I can finally wear hoddies again (most comfy shit)
Why can't you go outdoors? Fall is the best outdoors season. Not hot as fuck dripping sweat, not icey cold that makes you hate life.
Why are Americans so retarded?
after summer comes fall, dumbass european
>can cuddle with my gf when it is 2 cold,
... what's this feel like?
Ideal weather for the running.
Slowly transitioning into bulk mode for winter where I cultivate as much gains as humanly possible. It shall be glorious lads. Cheers
Finally don't have to worry about my gyno for 2 seasons...
>comfy sweaters
>comfy hoodies
>/fa/ as fuck coats
>bulking time
>going for runs on warrior mode while raining
>better PC performance for browsing Jow Forums and vidya
cold time is the best time of the year
Autumn. The word is Autumn.
If I tell you that you will feel worse, so I won't.
Women don't shave half as often in the fall or winter. Studies have shown that if they aren't groomed in the morning women are way less likely to hook up that day.
Fall means less sex anons.
I will probably get more accomplished as I work better in colder weather. The summer makes it so fucking hot to do anything other than basic maintenance. Seriously fuck summer, fall and winter are patrician seasons, with spring being an honorable mention.
Leaves fall off trees cuck
ehh not all americans say fall, depends on the state - in michigan we say autumn
Correct. They fall off trees in autumn. Otherwise it wouldn't be very autumnal.
I'm glad I'm not a europoor
Crying tears of joy that the summer's over, as the heat and humidity has cooked my brain from the inside out and murdered my motivation.
Winter's coming!
I'm glad we're leaving Europeans to their own demise.
now i can >tfw no gf with my favorite pic
Only just starting my cut
How can one have negative amount of sex?
I love summer but holy shit reading these comments really make me want to enjoy autumn As well...
Ill keep bulking as i just started and try to get those fucking gains to try to make it next summer
Told myself I would cut until i would lose my lower belly fat no matter what. I am now at 126lbs 5’7 and its still not gone. Fuck this shit I’m bulking to 150. Not like I’m expecting anyone to see me shirtless this winter...
>Saying the fag word autumn
They deserve to be fucked by mudslims
Bulking season. Hoodie time.
i lost all gains over summer as a britbong, started out cutting, but hardly lifted cause of the heat. my vision went fuzzy during a lift on day and i knew it would end badly.
back to square one. looking to bulk again, dairy is no bueno though, shit fucks me up. i see fuck tons of peanut butter sandwiched in the not so distant future to make up for the lack of shakes.
>No more sweaty sleepless nights cucking my sleep gains
>No more sweaty burning days cucking my gym gains
>comfy hoods
>beautiful colors
>better food
Honestly fuck summer