Who do you lift for?

I lift for the lamb that was slain...

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God damn user, Best music to go heavy!

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For Him

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For those who left too soon

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Fuck the Fuck off

the tens of millions who died as a result of their policies?

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In my homeland, we strung up our communist leaders and left them to rot for 1 week so people can throw rotten eggs and food at them

I lift for my dad. Old 6'3 navy man who used to work out in the garage every day. Stupidly he mated with a 5'1 hobbit woman and ended up with manlet children. Motherfucker used to fly in F-14's and was even an extra in Top Gun.

He destroyed his knee and had it replaced and he can't hike anymore and its killed his optimism. So I have tried to make my life better so that even if I can't be the big football player boy he wanted I can at least not be a useless beta faggot.

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>*blocks your path*

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He was too good for this gay earth.
RIP Dimebag.

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I unironically lift for all the girls, who left me so when one of them sees me, they regret their decision.

Keeps me motivated for career and lifting.

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Any streetwise son of a bitch knows,

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>he thinks girls will give a shit that the ugly face socially awkward manlet put on some muscle
Your life is gonna suck

Based and REDpilled, obviously.

Fuck you communist nigger, better dead than red

I lift for this poster & his people today

>who are the kulaks
lenin and trotsky would have ended up pulling some dumb 4 pests campaign bullshit and have millions dead

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I lift for those who lift for me

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nice chicken legs

>lift for hitler
>no one says anything
>lift for lenin
>hurr durr communism killed people you insensitive freak

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cringe and bluepilled

>not understanding that Hitler did nothing wrong.

>this post

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rip dime and pete steele, i never had the chance to see them live but their music is my heart

If you talked shit about him I'm public you would be fucking beaten to death

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Good teamwork boys let the young goyim grasshoppers get their hearin' done ya hear

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>letting your hard-earned gains be divided among gibsmedats