What say you now alcohol cucks?

What say you now alcohol cucks?


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Alcohol is fun and has been enjoyed for thousands of years and if you never drink you're probably a boring asshole who nobody wants around

Today will be the greatest COPE day Jow Forums has ever seen.

this is legit how a drug addict would defend their addiction

The number of murders / number of suicides that alcohol prevents outweighs any bullshit increases they've found in this study.

I think the injury number is something like an increase from 314 / 100,000 up to 318 / 100,000 with one drink a day...

I'll take my chances.


Unironically Both of these are true

>Heroin is fun and has been enjoyed for thousands of years and if you never shoot up you're probably a boring asshole who nobody wants around

the natty high is so much better than drugs and alcohol

Why not just vape weed instead? Alcohol is a detriment to fitness and health. Vaping weed is both enjoyable and can be a exercise enhancement.


You sad you don't have any buddies to drink with m8?

it so happens that tomorrow's gonna be my my 10th year without a drop of alcohol. What a time to be alive

Congrats user. I'm at 2 1/2 years

sounds horrible


I've been drinking a lot less these days but today's my birthday so fuck it. Alcohol can be okay in moderation

Because some of us have jobs and/or dont work for minimum wage.

I know I need to stop and I want to stop but I can't seem to do it.

There's legitimately nothing wrong with drinking socially as long as you're responsible about it. Telling people that you don't drink alcohol subtly implies you have some dark history with alcohol or a straight edge faggot.

I don't touch alcohol myself but I'm curious, if people can't drink alcohol what are they going to do? Where will the pleasure in life come from for them? Anyway, people won't care about this study I suspect, they'll still drink themselves to oblivion.

t. someone from the UK.

Or you care about fitness and health and don’t want to take in some toxic shit because you’re a weak willed coward who caves to social pressure.

It's kind of shit how all socializing is built around getting drunk, atleast that's how it is in the UK.

Its not. There are other things to do, it just seems that way because your friends and family are drunks

This is a serious question.
What do you do socially if not drink?
Give me a rundown of your last 5 social outings

What do you do to socialise that doesn't involve drink?

>wedding (socialized, danced)
>hike (group hike)
>dinners (with friends and family)
>beach (with GF and friends)
>bachlor partys (one in vegas, one in mexico) Went to pool parties, clubs, gambled, golfed, meals

All in the last 20 days.

Anything that humas do to socalize, I just don't drink.

>bachlor party
>social outings that don't revolve around drink
>try again user

for me, it didn't involve drinking. You try again

Most places don't drug test professionals unless there is a reason...

t. alcoholic

I bet you're a ton of fun.

Personally I can't stand drunk people unless I'm right there with them. More power to you for putting up with that shit.

No one cares what an autist on the internet thinks, people will still go to the pub or have a few beers at their bbq.

Unless someone is completely belligerent, I enjoy their company.

Define a ton of fun? I'm down to do anything, I just don't drink doing it. If you're idea of being fun the guy that shotguns beers all night as the fun guy, then no, I'm fun. But if you're idea of a fun guy is a guy who banters, has fun, is outgoing and a good friend is fun, then yes i'm plenty of fun. I've learned how to socialize without a crutch.

I bet ur T levels are off the charts

I'm 3 years sober, 34 yo and my T came back at 700

If you post in this thread you are either a degenerate alcoholic or a straigt edge faggot. People who drink "normally" do not give these ideas any thought at all.

most jobs require a level of critical thinking and memory abilities.

I say people should do whatever the fuck they want and you should stop being such a moralfag.

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This. Let the alcoholics and hedonists kill themselves if they want to.

I can see you got your information from DARE. Listen, if you don't smoke 4x a week you won't be retarded. Moderation is something that a lot of autists here can't understand.

>People who drink "normally"

The teetotaler weirdos in here think that anybody who drinks "normally" is a degenerate alcoholic.

>alcohol cucks
the only alcohol cucks are the non-brown people
we have been drinking that stuff since 2000B.C
were basically immune whilst everyone else is pussy ass light weighters espescially asians

Yeah if you're a European, your ancestors were drunk for thousands of years. THEY WERE BORN IN THE DRINK, MOLDED BY IT

If I cared I wouldn't be drinking

you shouldn't let rumors and stereotypes effect your judgement to the point of anger

Is this like the 60's version of Chad vs Virgin memes? "The Virgin Drunk vs The Virgin Sobriety"

you're right, XTC is better anyway

"The Drunk Virgin vs The Sober Chad" would work better, come to think of it.

I feel like that's getting too close to Quentin memery

>if you're a European, your ancestors were drunk for thousands of years
no they werent
europenas espescially the scandis have been drinking for 800years or so
its your 800 years of alcoholic adaptation or mine 4000years of alcoholic resistance
we are the makers of alcohol

alcohol and drugs are great, but only as an enhancer. becomes shit/junkie tier when the whole point of the event is to just get fucked up.
if you are already doing something fun and add booze or w/e drug youre can have the time of your life. if youre just sitting around getting fucked up youll prob regret it the next day or when u come down

>cheating on your wife is fun and has been enjoyed for thousands of years and if you never cheat you're probably a boring asshole nobody wants around

I'm too young to drink anyway so I don't really care

Based centrist poster

it only makes you retarded and makes you feel like shit the next day while fucking your gains WHILE ALSO MAKING YOU A FATFUCK

WHAT IS THE MERIT YOU DEGENERATE FUCKING g1y PHAGTOT JSNnsa123 ndsahsan.,as,shasha shas has asdwq