Underrated Lifts Thread

I'll start. Zottman curl. So much better to hit every part of the bicep

Attached: zottman-curl-weights-arms-main.jpg (1280x960, 333K)

apparently causes wonky nipples

Honestly I hear so little about reverse grip curls.

I feel like it's really helping forearm/grip strength.

Literally what the fuck is the point of the twist at the end? You really think that pathetic amount of effort is going to make a change in muscle mass?

Pendlay Row

Pull ups: the Chad exercise!

get on my level faggot

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I can actually do more pull ups than chin ups now which is weird and the opposite of how I used to be. Feels chadly.

Holy shit

Kek how unfortunate

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>I can do more reps when I eliminate muscle groups from an exercise
Obviously you are doing something extremely wrong.

Behind the neck press are my favourite assistance exercise. Reverse curls are great for forearm gains. Also a fan of the Bulgarian split lunge with dumbbells.

Going to test Zottmans tomorrow. Did pronated grip with EZ-bar before.

Pic related is one of my favorites, don't see other people doing them in the gym.

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Stop doing behind the neck press

Attached: 1534853884892.jpg (1028x1016, 324K)

>Landmine press
>Landmine 180's

How is that even possible

Snatch grip high pulls and Zercher squats.

>be fat
>decide to lose weight
>loose skin afterwards, get a tuck
>oh shit nigga

Men would actually look so much more aesthetic without nipples. Can you photoshop him without any?

This tbqhfam.