Girlfriend has a new male personal trainer. It's going to be okay, r-right?
Girlfriend has a new male personal trainer. It's going to be okay, r-right?
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lol, no sorry op
I’m a male trainer and I try to bang all my young female clients. No exceptions.
Even the old ladies?
Daily reminder
I am also a male trainer, and I also bang most of my clients. “females, and fat men”
what part of young do you not understand
Nope just the young ones and the occassional milf.
Define young
I dont get it you're on Jow Forums and you have access to unlimited knowledge on the internet and despite that you're not her trainer. Give me one reson why, otherwise i just assume you wanted to get cucked.
I used to wonder this myself, but then I asked a PT at my gym about it.
OP, you have to consider the fact that if one, -just one-, girl writes a bad review about a PT detailing how he tried to make a move on her, or pumped and dumped her or didn't call her back, it's pretty much game over for the guy. Any sensible PT who cares about his job wouldn't risk it.
im bigger than all the trainers at my gym. no gf though
>personal trainer
>not being her personal trainer
you failed life user
This. Hope you get fucked OP
Persianal Trainer here, I try to fuck all of my clients. No exceptions.
it's over lad.
I am also a personal trainer. I try to fuck everyone. No exceptions.
1 way ticket to bachelor city
>don't have to lift with gf
>don't have to explain everything over and over again
>gets horny, will fuck you
Just be happy she works out
based guy
yes, even the young old ladies
Aka the spry ones
My gf had a consultation with a personal trainer.
Dude got accused of harassment by a few of his clients and disappeared.
And also he said this was his morning routine.
Just remember, OP. It doesn't matter if you're Chad or not, all women have at least a small chance of cheating on you. Keep an eye on her.
>you have to consider the fact that if one, -just one-, girl writes a bad review about a PT detailing how he tried to make a move on her, or pumped and dumped her or didn't call her back, it's pretty much game over for the guy
Hmmm OP....
It would be a shame if a "woman" did that
Most PTs work for gyms/corporations so that’s bullshit
t. Work in 2 gyms with a dozen PTs who can easily pump and dump clients with no consequences
Your relationship is going to fail if you have trust issues
Funny he doesn’t list a spoonful of your gf’s pussy juices
Reminded me of that other rich Jow Forumsizen who's wife cheated on him with a PT and he wanted to sue her for infidelity but couldn't because he found out by snooping through her phone and that was illegal kek and if he divorced her she'll get half of his riches.
based and BLACKEDpilled
nah she will suck and fuck into oblivion
>basedboy pt getting puss
Ok m8
Gains goblin anyway if she wanna fuck a vegan got das koo
Dude wanted 1600 a month.
>tfw won many local powerlifting and bodybuilding meets over the past 10 years
>brother still pays for a pt instead of letting me help him
Whatever, their loss anyways.
PT here, in the course of maybe 200 female clients there's maybe 4 I didn't bang and that was by my choice but I'm sure itll be different for you OP
10 bucks its because you are a fat powerlifter and your brother just wants to look aesthetic not like some fat meathead
This is nothing to brag about really. the quality distribution of your clients must by abysmal. Considering individuals seeking a personal trainer are most likely /fph/ material, if your claim is true you must have had sex with scores of 4s and 5s.
Problem? I’m high test and my dick needs warm holes constantly
This thread only serves as another reminder to hit the gym and become a pt.
That being said, how many horny perverts do you think go into a trade specifically to get laid. Masseuses, Personal Trainers, Catholic Priests, how many applicants for those positions have a sexual fantasy built around their job?
>tfw gf cheated on me with her personal trainer
worst thing is that he wasn't even fucking Jow Forums. He is a 50 year old man with no muscle mass, literally a skeleton, and the fitness classes he teachers are fucking 'Baking Fit Classes' where he teachers her how to bake cakes whilst 'working off the calories', ie by doing jumping jacks when the cake is in the oven, or shaping the cakes like little thin women to make her feel bad. Anyway they've been together for 2 years now, and I only found out 4 months ago and we are still together now, even though I know they still fuck (he marks her cupcake tray with a knife whenever they fuck, which is a secret I know). fuck personal trainer scum.
especially the old ladies
lol this is fake or you're literally the biggest loser in the world
OH I see but Ops chick is a ten and just doing it for fun
Fucking lold
actually lmao'd
Hey OP, Jeff Cavaliere here, Athlean-X dot com, as a personal trainer I fuck every client I coach, NO EXCEPTIONS.
>gets horny
>will fuck you
Citation needed
sometimes all you gotta do is just show up
This. Young in the sheets, old ugly hag in the streets
No, it's not.
I got sick with a jaw tumor for about 6 months this year and a gym buddy of my gf's snagged her away.
It was 8 years together gone.
Get some respect for yourself and leave.
A thot like that isn't owrth it.
>being so DYEL you can't mog PTs
OP stop being a faggot and get on SS, you'll be mogging that faget before their baby is out of the womb
PTs make like minimum wage wtf do they care just move to another gym. If priests and teachers can do it so can a pt
She is testing you, to see if you're enough of a pussy to allow that shit. If you let her get away with that how can she see you as a man
Based jeffposter
This, but come on. Women don't pick the people they spend time with - even professionally speaking - at random. She picked a male personal trainer and at bare minimum she enjoys his attention, is going to be physical and sweaty with him. He's also a bit of an authority figure. I think if the guy is bro or not is irrelevant in that the woman has already made these decisions and you conceded your boundaries.
if she is seeking a male trainer the issues are already in motion
Is he black? They say nothing beats being cucked by a BBC
I cucked a black guy recently. The girl said he had a little dick.
Hey OP, this thread is probably just bait to get people to post LOLKEK shit, but I'm gonna take it seriously anyway.
I worked as a trainer for years, and I didn't fuck any of my clients. Not even the ones who CLEARLY wanted it. (18 year old college freshman who told me she liked getting choked during sex? Gee, wonder why she'd tell me that.)
I was, and am, very professional when it comes to my work. Hopefully your GF's trainer is the same way. I saw other trainers try it/do so on occasion, but it never ended well. (There's a high turnover rate in the industry for a reason.)
In any case, if she's gonna cheat, there's nothing you can do about it, so don't spend your time worrying. Live a happy life, and try not to be an insecure pussy like most of the guys here.
>quantity over quality
never going to make it
pls be bait
Here's an anecdote.
A married PT with a few kids was doing sessions with a friend of mine. She had to drop him because he assertively hugged her and told her he was gonna kiss her. He was doing FREE sessions at 5:30AM for her. How did she not see it coming?
Heee's fucking her rn, whileee you whine 4 chin ;d
did you tell that to you mom yet a-user?
>he isn't training his gf himself
user stop being a dyel pls
no way this is real.