What does Jow Forums wear to the gym?

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Joggers, tee and some trainers. Nothin fancy

These with basketball shorts

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Naked with knee socks and shoes.

>homegym masterrace

Ain't nobody got money for dat.

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Blue jeans and button up flannel with beanie

stan smith if i squat

random trainers otherwise

those shoes look like they might become the next retro trendy shoes that every european fuckbois wears, mirin' your avant-garde

t b h

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All black nike running shoes. I always try to choose the shoe that draws the least attention.

basketball shorts, yeezys, and a hoodie

Depending on the task

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I am an undertrained 6'5'' 180 lbs lanklet that unironically wears Nike Romaleos 2.

Having size 13 and a wide ball of foot makes it next to impossible to find any shoe that fits me. Read multiple reviews raving about them fitting wide feet. Fuck the 150 € and fuck the tryhard lanklet mode, they feel perfect on my feet.

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Jesus Christ I owned these exact shoes in '93

No shoes Mister Hulse tells me to connect with the earth and ground myself in order to become a man

Are those child molester 9’s

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Love these fuckers

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These, but I'm thinking of switching to combat boots for squats/deads and because I don't do cardio.

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free trainer for last 2 years

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I get dirty looks for this one all the time but I've also had a couple compliments from old people

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Why does everyone recommend flat shoes like Chucks when purpose designed shoes all seem to feature at least some sort of heel?

Adidas adipower

A butt plug

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You're absolutely disgusting.

My trail runners if I'm running that day.
Converse if I'm squatting or deadlifting.
I always wear wool socks. The same old magic shorts since I was 300 lbs but still fit. Some type of synthetic shirt.

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That exact shirt? I don't care about the topic, but that just looks sloppy. I also sweat way too much to wear a white shirt.