I almost never deadlift, and today i deadlifted 230 for 5 reps

I almost never deadlift, and today i deadlifted 230 for 5 reps.

Is this decent, or is it shit?

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Who gives a fuck about weight. Focus on your form first.

i can only deadlift 100 lbs but i do 50 reps

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Yeah my back hurts

If thats in kilos not bad if in lbs its trash.

It's okay if it's like your first time ever deadlifting. If you are somebody that works out regularly, it's pretty pathetic.

its decent if you don't work out and you're a skinny fuck.

225 for 5 was my starting deadlift when i very first touched a barbell at 16 and skinny

That's like highschooler been lifting for a month and a half (and not an athletic one but like a determined nerd)

You should be able to do 300×15 or 330×10 before you can actually consider yourself a strong individual, definitely weaker than most lifters but an agreeable cut above normies

In high school I knew football players that looked like just an average athlete yet could do 390x12 with chains, that's the power of having sprinted almost every day for your whole life in sports since you could ride a bike

depends, what are your other maxes

I must not be deadlifting right
I can barely do 225 for 5 and i've been lifting for about 4 months

Bench is 160
Squat is 100
Deadlift is 270
I have very weak stats.
Im 135lbs

HOW THE FUCK IS YOUR SQUAT 100 AND YOUR DEADLIFT 270? Otherwise, your 5RM is bretty good in comparison to your 1 RM.

first day at the gym tier

Literally terrible. That's 5 lbs away from my second warmup set lol.

I am feeling suicidal now


Fix. Your. SquaT.
It's going to fuck up everything else. I was just like you for years, never had equipment to squat. Here's what you can get to fit sure at that weight though, I did before my bulk kicked into gear. 5'10 ish
172 bench single
240 5x7 squat
316 3x3 dead
122 clean and press single

How is everyone so yolked?

I DL 240 for reps after lifting for two months and have been struggling a bit to progress because of grip strength

I started as a auschwitz mode at 150 lbs 6’1 but still

>second warm up
My first warmup set is 225x12

Please be kilos.

>tfw front squat 140
>tfw deadlift 150

Something isn't right.

yup are you eating? I'm week 12 and doing 455 pounds