Post your favorite workout shirt

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I have 6-8 of these.

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Btw if you ever decide to buy any of these then make sure to pick 2 sizes over yours because asians r tiny

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literally 12 years old at this point but still wear it regularly on my lifting sesh

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I've got 6 of these bad boys myself

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what am i looking at
i have similar shirts but i never wear them because i hate their material, exposes my gyno.

Have you never seen dbz? You must either be a legit boomer or a minizoomer

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I use the lightweight tshirts from Asket
You can have them lightly customized to fit much better than most other t-shirts
They're fairly expensive for plain tshirts.
But they're ultra comfortable and look good enough that I can wear them when out and about, too.

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im 19, i've heard about it i never actually watched it. I barely even watched tv or did anything really when i was young i just kinda played mmorpg's and got fat.

Anyone remember this?

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>over $50 for a plain white t-shirt
You can litterly go to a discount store and get 10 white t shirts for 10 bucks. I'd get that shit stained with coffee and grease in the first 3 hours of wearing it anyway.

>I'm a slob and can't take care of my things
well then, you should probably only buy the cheap shit

They're 100x more comfortable than bargain bin tshirts.
They'll also fit better

Anyone who wears plain shirt is incel. Normies are laughing about you. If any of your clothing is black you should kys immediately you edgelord.

>made out of cotton like every white t
>"100x more comfortable"

You only wanted to humble brag that you can afford to waste $50 dollars

Do people actually wear shirt while working out or is this a meme?

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damn, i bet u get mired a lot.

>this has not been posted yet
you disappoint me Jow Forums

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Bumping this

Breathes real nice in this warm weather

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would i get the lunk alarm pulled on me if i wear this to pf?


that's almost exclusively worn by fatties though


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>im 19,
There are people born in 1999 posting on Jow Forums right now.

Some of the CP we saw on /b/ could have been of this guy!

Not a shirt technically but

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>No monkey shirt belly bounce ITT
It's like you don't want to make it

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A lot of b right now is 13-16 year olds

Are you chad enough to pull it off, Jow Forums?

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Nevermind I'm blind as fuck

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i dont know, you tell me ;)

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You'd look better in a dark gray sweatshirt, blue jeans, and new balance sneakers.

fruit of the loom multi pack 1 size up.

>in 4 boomer
Fuck off.

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There was a guy who used to work out at my gym and he wore a black tanktop with an embroidered roaring tiger face on the back. Looked campy but also really well made and cool in a way, almost like something you'd see a video game character wear.

Then again the dude was a 6'2" shredded roider so anything he wore would've probably seemed cool.

looks better than 99% of fit

I'm a bit bigger than him but I've still got the dip between chest and hips. How do you fill that out?

that's what /fa/gboys dress like. Wait are you giving actual advice or fucking with him? I don't even know anymore

get really fat so its not noticable


I'm describing the virgin of the virgin vs chad meme, dumb-dumb

Fight me

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It’s a Nike dri-fit with my college logo and colors. V soft

> going to college

Too late now. I have a comfy job
