‘An adult male should weigh at least 200 pounds’ - Rippletits

‘An adult male should weigh at least 200 pounds’ - Rippletits

Was he right?

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I have had the whole day off of work and have done nothing but browse Jow Forums and larp and meme and start shit.

I swear to fuck I was going to make this exact thread and you beat me to it. Fucker.

Damn, this feels good tho, is this what it's like to be a summerfag??

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Too much fun isn’t it lol

Bump faggots

i think so

nobody under 200lbs is strong they're just manlets that manipulate leverages


relax short stuff

Yes, especially considering anyone under 6’2” is a little boy, not a man and therefore doesn’t count.

>tfw 5'8 192 lbs
gonna get there by the end of the year, lads

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He gets it

Actually yes. You should be able to hit 200 without being a lard ass. Unless you're short.

Sure, but there’s not being a lard ass and there’s actually being lean, which is difficult af at 200 pounds

Gonna get where, little '''''''''man''''''''''?

177lbs rn heaviest I've ever been, gonna cut at 190

I prefer to stay in my sophomore college shape 6'1 175

Why the fuck would you care about being lean. Just be big. Who cares.

I love this 6'2 meme. Too long have 6'0/6'1 manlets coasted in our club.

have you ever been lean? it feels incredible desu

I was incredibly skinny and then bulked 50lbs. Being big feels pretty good too. As a former skelly cutting just seems wrong.

well, I don't mean being lean with no muscle mass, I mean being lean with some muscle

it really feels good, much better than being a big bloatlord (i've been both)

Yeah maybe I'll try it out one day. I'd probably bulk more before I'd do a cut though. Currently I'm just trying to hit a 4pl8 squat. Only 25lbs to go.

yeah i don't even mean crazy lean, i just know i feel better at 15% than I did at like 20+

Oh, yeah that makes sense. I'm like 17-18%.

It's a blaha-esque statement that reveals rippletit's insecurity and level of cope.

As someone who weighed over 200+ for the majority of my life 190 is the sweet spot for most people.

Somebody should shoop "squat in tarnation" on this pic

Rippletits is a dumb fat faggot

I’m 6’ 1” and ottermode at 175lbs. I train mma and would knock him and everyone else ITT the FUCK out

Say that again

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I mean I have a fucking headache but I can't stop yet... I have 30 fucking arguments to handle rn.

An adult male should be at least 700 lbs ripped

Those sound like the words of a jelly faggot who knows he will never achieve turbo manlet mode

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201 pounds is the natty limit for 6’0” 15% bodyfat. Anything above 15% is a fatass.

nah 6' could probably get like 15-20 pounds heavier natty at that bf%
depends on jeans I guess

You sound like someone who severely overestimates how much of his fat is muscle



>I have had the whole day off of work and have done nothing but browse Jow Forums and larp and meme and start shit.

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tfw 6'5 and look like a twink if I dip below 200

230 is kind of my sweet spot desu senpai

>5'9'' turbo gimli manlet mode
>pull other celestial bodies towards me and hold them in close proximity
>tfw never alone