I’ve tried everything and nothing will get rid of my love handles...

I’ve tried everything and nothing will get rid of my love handles. I couldn’t even take my shirt off at the beach today dude to embarrassment. I’m on a 500 calorie deficit and the fat won’t bulge. What can I do?

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try counting your calories accurately from now on


Is this a meme or does it really work? I will skip breakfast if real

keep eating at a deficit
actually eat at a deficit

Yes. I've personally lost almost 20 pounds in just 2 weeks by fasting for 2-3 days at a time. That's probably more like 15 pounds because you obviously weigh more when you have a stomach full of food, but still 15 pounds of fat lost in a month, let's even say 10, in one month? That's no joke.

It works. I went from 100 kg to 83 kg with fasting and I eat pizza and burgers regularly. Deficit diets are for boomers.

if your weight isn't decreasing you aren't in a deficit

>Accurately track your caloric intake and be conservative when estimating your TDEE and deficit.
>Lift and lift consistently.
>Low-impact cardio, for example, maximum incline walking at a moderate pace on a treadmill if you can't get /out/.
You've done all of that and still defy the laws of physics?

>i will skip breakfast if real
you need to skip a whole lot more than breakfast, unless you mean you won’t ever breakfast, that i’d recommend

>I’ve tried everything

translation: I ate slightly less for a week and look the same. please do the work for me.

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Read the sticky 1xF.
Calculate your TDEE and eat 500 less than it.
Lift weights.
Do some form of cardio on your off days.
If you want to make it, you have to do all of these things.

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this. everybody fucking lies online

>Do some form of cardio on your off days.
CICO. Read the sticky, newfag parrot.

Try giving it time my guy, weight loss takes time, you're not going to have abs and rippling pecs overnight

Interesting short article that dug into the pathways of how fat is removed from the body. Archive doesn't like the link. Bottom line, you should be doing cardio if you want to help cut fat faster.


Are you working out? Lifting weights? Cardio? You need to do both and also diet. Be honest with yourself and count all the butter and oils and weigh your food by the gram.

Read the sticky.

Don't be a tard and jump into to starving yourself for a week or some shit. Once you get off your body will do everything it can to store food as fat to prepare for the next starvation period. It's actually better to overeat everyday for a week so you get the opposite effect and then go into a deficit while working out heavily

Yeah, because biology has changed soooo much since their generation....
>actual brainlet

Don't believe this slav, you won't hit "starvation mode" until like at most 5% body fat.

This....just cut 8 pounds in just under 2 weeks by accurately counting calories.

OP, I lost 40 pounds while gaining strength and muscle by following the Sean5mm in the sticky. Did it very fast--was losing about 5 pounds a week.

This was coupled with intermittent fasting (2pm to 10pm eating cycle) and occasional 24 hour fasts from Friday night to Saturday night (when I would then feast). I was mildly ketogenic--no carbs on workout days, only protein and vegetables.

Felt great, mood and body image improved rapidly. Then I got a qtgf and gained it all back.

i'll let you in on a secret I found with some of the TDEE calculators: they're about 300-500 calories above what you need to lose weight. I'm decently active, but 2300kcal to lose 1lb a week isn't happening, so I cut it to 2k and could see further cuts happening. I was losing a bit of bodyfat, but not at the pace I wanted/expected.

It says to do cardio...

Deficit diets work, they are just a shit compared to fasting.
>actual brainlet calls me a brainlet

The sticky says abs are made in the kitchen...so does exxercise really even matter?

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Similar body type to me, focus on lean gains whilst maintaining caloric deficit
Focus on the following
- Legs ( ^mass will increase bmr)
- Shoulders & Traps (v taper)
- Rear delts for posture
- Upper Chest get rid of tits illusion
- Learn good posture
Most importantly keep going, this won’t happen happen overnight. Long term
I did not listen to the memes and did a brosplit
Here’s my before & after.

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>Cardio is [not] required for burning fat
Read the sticky.

>Article published in 2007.
>Later meta-analysis that links to said article identifies conflicting results in the literature regarding its validity.
>Not enough data to draw a firm conclusion.
>But the sticky lists it as truth!
There is a reason you read additional literature, particular those manuscripts that cite the initial article that are also more recent.

That is above and beyond the fact that the method in which fat is utilized as a fuel source is documented, for example:

>I did not listen to the memes and did a brosplit
No wonder you still look DYEL


not OP but this is motivating, thanks

>My suggestion is to do cardio.
now you’re just trolling this fat guy trying to improve himself, kind of sad

Can I do bodyweight exercise instead of lifting?

Great change!

you unironically look better on the left. What's with the obsession with twinks on this board?

of course. but a lot of the really good bodyweight exercises are incredibly hard to do if you're heavier. There's techniques to make them easier or 'half' do them, but they're much easier for someone who's already lean.

Bodyweight exercises are difficult to progressively overload and are overall inefficient compared to weight training.

1000 deficit obviously jesus christ

Your body doesn't go into starvation mode until sub 5% bf retard

If I do them while eating less will I see progress?

>taking your shirt of in public and not for a sporting event
immodest, halal, and un-american because the puritan pilgrims wouldn't approve.

Whenever you get hunger pains, just drink water. Carry around a 3L jug of water. Do some 24 hour fasts and then transition into OMAD. That's what I did when I was skinnyfat like you and wanted to go Bruce Lee tier ottermode, but in the end I'm just your run off the mill bloated powerlifter that can't lift anything deserving notoriety among power-lifting groups or PLG. But that's me. You look to be around 220lbs so you have a chance. Be the opportunities I left behind. You'll make it.

(also, do pullups immediately)

You would be better off lifting. Hydrate, eat well, sleep well, use a moderate deficit, and don't get meme'd. You're stuck in your body for decades, not just the next few years.

Or fast and see fast results that stay off. But thats just advice, do whatever the FUCK you wanna do.

>You're stuck in your body for decades, not just the next few years.
Unless there's an urgent medical need for someone to lose weight that fast, what's the point? Better to do it in a way that also forces permanent lifestyle changes in a gradual manner and gets them acclimated to a normal, routine diet. Fasting is a short-term mindset.

Increase the cut. Down 70 pounds in 4 months on a 2k/day cut with a 3500 tdee at my current weight.

Don't feel sick, progress hasn't stalled yet. Will be stopping at 215 though, cause cutting 10 pounds of water isnt hard and I only need be 205 for light HWT (235 now).

Are you telling me fasting wont change your relationship with food? Its actually gotten me to drink less because I wanted to stay on program. The way most people eat changes their programing with food and fasting can correct that.

less carbs
less sodium
yohimbine HCL
reduce mental/emotional stress

if you have no regard for health and are purely focused on removing fat ASAP, order some DNP, learn to dose and strap the fuck in.

>yohimbine HCL

First this only works with fasting. Insulin negates the effects of yohimbine HCL.

This is the most sound advice in this thread.

This reeks of somebody who had an unhealthy relationship to food and poor willpower who (good for you) found something that worked. I can't believe the absolute state of people who act like eating and working out in a deficit hasn't been the gold standard for decades.

>less carbs
>reduce mental/emotional stress

Drop the rest. There's no real reason to be taking yohimbine at all, and especially not because fucking love handles. If you are dumb enough or don't give enough of a fuck about your own wellbeing to take DNP just get on gear and eat cleaner.

Fruits and veggies fatboy, CLA AND garcinia cambogia if ur desperate

post body

>Are you telling me fasting wont change your relationship with food?
Nope. Just that it's likely easier for most people to keep a continuous routine and make small, incremental changes, rather than large, drastic changes.

Fasting is not something you would continuously do for the next several decades, on top of being a large, drastic change going into and out of that would likely be exacerbated depending on the person's non-fitness related lifestyle (work, family, etc.).

Whatever works for user is what works, but the fasting mindset is only a step above the normalfag dieting mindset when it comes to long-term fitness or health. Give user the best chance for success, not a crash course.

Eh I had an unhealthy relationship with food at one point in my live but I got right even before fasting but fasting just added that bit more of improvement.

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You can still get dnp?

So basically eat less and do bodyweight exercise and im good?

Eat whole healthy foods and home cooked meals.
No snacking.
Intermittent fasting

That's it.


Thanks user that simplified things a bit for me =)

>Is this a meme or does it really work? I will skip breakfast if real
Why wouldn't fasting, literally putting less mass into your body, not result in you being lower in mass?

>Lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks
>Lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks
>Lost 15 pounds in one month
>Lost 10 pounds in one month

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Well yes, notice how naturally skinny people who never exercise don't tend to have visible 'abs' as such, despite being at 8% BF or whatever. The abdominal muscles, including the rectus which is forms the visible 'abs' should be strengthened (and grown) like you would any other muscle

>I think I'm too weak to do regular lifting
>instead i'm going to try and lift my own fat ass

dont eat anything for the next 5 days and your fat gut will be gone

its really that fucking simple

where are you from, friend? like, where are you FROM?

Just. Fucking. Lift.

Hit your chest/shoulders/traps/lats and forget about your love handles for a second.

The second you will actually start lifting and dieting properly is the day your love handles will disappear.

If you're losing 10 lbs a week, you're obese as fuck and can literally do anything to lose weight.

No you retard, don’t do that. Your love handles will go away without you having to do some retarded ass meme fasting shit. If they didn’t budge before, know what that means? You had more weight to lose.

Shut the fuck up, grind, there is no easy way, you didn’t cut long enough, stop making excuses and being a pussy, stop trying to find the white whale answer, and continue with your normal deficit. And don’t stop til you’ve made it.

Based + redpilled

J-Just fast bro! Forget building good habits and learning how to eat clean for when it’s time to build muscle.

I simply cannot believe these delusional fast queers who think that eating in a deficit absolutely doesn’t work.

Agreed. 98% of diets fail because people get rid of their old habits. But then they don’t supplement them with new ones. And when people fall of the wagon, they typically fall back on old habits. So would you rather fall back on your old habits of eating like shit? Or fall back onto newer better established habits?

THAT is how you lose weight long term. I fall off the wagon sometimes, but i’m never scared I’m gonna go back to how I was. Because eating at a healthy deficit, counting calories and macros is as much of a normal part of my daily habits as showering or brushing my teeth anymore.

Establish habits if you wanna make progress. That’s how you get sustainability.

FUCK fasting.

The thing is that when you're losing weight you're going to eat differently than when you're trying to bulk up or be stable, so even with deficit you're not going to maintain the same diet. Your diet when losign weight is just special and with fasting you're probably going to reach your goal sooner, which is probably preferable.

slow and steady my friend. that is the way to go

mate you're a fucking fatass, of course your love handles wont be gone.

try not being a fatass.

Fasted cardio + yohimbine hcl

Fasting is not good for your healthy. Never skip breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day

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Try pooing INSIDE the loo.

My hips do the same god awful shape. Just kill me

still better than any SStard

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>couldn’t take off ur shirt
U need to work on ur social anxiety before u worry about ur body desu

Any tips on how to do that, bro? It’s very debilitating

Exposure therapy

Do it a little bit at a time and eventually you’ll realize that nobody really cares about what you’re doing unless you look like you’re going to kill them or kill yourself.

This isn’t really true. I’m looking at and judging everyone at the beach. If you look like shit, people will notice and you will get laughed at. Better to have your shit together

Lyle McDonald Stubborn Fat Solution

>there are people on Jow Forums that actually believe anything in the sticky
>liam (((rosen)))

haha cute



Liposuction works. Why don't more anons support it? When you're lean but fat distribution genetics fuck you over, lipo works.

I lost it in 2 weeks, I'm just saying that in one month 15 pounds would be fucking crazy, even 10 pounds would be a lot in one month. In two weeks it's bonkers.
I had the same body type as OP when I started, maybe 10 pounds more fat. He could easily get similar results by fasting.

You are in no position to be dishing out advice

Can you explain how you would fast? 24 hrs? 48 hrs?

Bullying some poor dyel on Jow Forums

48hrs usually, up to 72ish hours. Usually broke fast a little before then.
Find the /fast/ general and read some shit on there. Basically what I did was just not eat, and if I worked out (only doing bodyweight stuff) I drank Snake Juice. Personally I had to dilute 4L of the stuff with 2L of pure water because I would drink too much and gave myself the shits.
2 times when I broke my fast I ate too many carbs to stay in ketosis, but every other time I'm pretty sure I stayed under the limit. My refeeds were giant 1000+ calorie refeeds, which is sub-optimal, but shit worked out for me.
I'm still keeping with it, hope to be down to like 180 sometime soon.

Fucking retard. Just like OP can't math. Him it's food, you it's weight.

Also the worst part is the hunger swings you get on the first 2 days. There's just no escaping it. Day 3 always ended up being easier for me, but day 2 was always the hardest. I think this might have been a mental thing, since I broke after 2 days most of the time and I might've just been conditioning myself to really want food after 2 days of not eating.
Drink water to counteract this. Snake Juice if you're fasting for longer than 3 days or if you're exercising.
Shit speaks for itself, homie. I'm just saying, people tend to weigh themselves when they actually have food and feces in their digestive system. Pure body weight is a retarded metric to judge fitness on, but for fasting without busting out fucking BMI equipment it's the best we can do.