Jow Forums newbie here. Are you suppose to wait until you're no longer sore before going to the gym again...

Jow Forums newbie here. Are you suppose to wait until you're no longer sore before going to the gym again? Is this what rest days mean?

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No, keep going if you're sore.

Just stop lifting bro

1 day in between

If you get sore from lifting it's usually either bad genes or an autoimmune disease. Find something else to do.

DOMS usually means you're doing something right. just stick to your routine and make sure you eat and sleep alot. also read the sticky

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>Is this what rest days mean?
a rest day is when you do the rest of your workout.
so if on day one you did deadlifts and chinups, then on your rest day you would do bench and squats

work another part of the body that is not sore in the meantime

Ok, so work through the soreness then.

As a newbie getting doms is completely normal, and if you are following a decent program and still find that you are sore going into the next session where you train a given muscle there are a few things you could tweak to fix it. Firstly get more sleep if you are not getting a solid 8 hours per night and secondly eat more.

That being said I found a lot of times as a newbie I could go into a workout feeling sore and still hit all of my numbers for the day and not feel too wrecked afterwards, so if you can push through it, do.

That depends. If you are new you should lift 6 days per week to get form down. After you have an idea of what you are doing you can hop on a linear program like starting strength (anyone who says to do SS from the beginning needs to caveat: with a trainer to make sure you don't fuck up on form and injure yourself). After SS you can choose where to go based upon goals.

If you want to get conditioned for sports pick up powerlifting like 5/3/1 and consider doing that 2x per week with a third workout for just mass.

If you want to get big without concerns about CNS adaptations for strength do bodybuilding

Who... who is this?

Martyna, says it right there

You have to get in-touch with your body and identify what the soreness indicates. You can not simply generalise all soreness as DOMS. It could indicate an injury, lack of stretching, or even a disease/cancer.

As a beginner you should feel a slight soreness in the muscle groups you worked. It should never be painful and if you have trouble moving/walking/lifting things in your daily life then you probably went too hard. Soreness will be much less noticeable the more you lift, but as a beginner you should ideally feel a little sort the next day while you rest and then by the time you work out the day after that hardly sore at all.

He's lying


Martyna, you blind fuck

imagine being on top of her haha
imagine putting your hand around her throat omg hahaha that would be crazy


There's really fucking sore, so sore you can't move. Then there's a little sore. It's up to you to decide what your threshold for injury and pain is. I personally wait 7 days between workouts since I do compound movements. Legs, back, chest split mwf. It's simple and gives me adequate rest time so I don't have to book tix to snap city.

>ywn make a woman react like that after sex

Its a fact that a women's runner high simulates an orgasm

Push through the soreness. It’s actually the only way to make it better.

If you're that sore odds are you're probably undertrained or have bad food habits.
For instance I have an overdeveloped upper body and underdeveloped lower body.
When I work out my lower body, I feel it for a fucking week. Not so much the case anymore and if I wanted to I could work out multiple times a week lower body.

My upper body I can work out pretty much every day if I wanted with the exception of very specific lifts like OHP that require strict dedication and training otherwise I'd seriously fuck myself up.

Nutrition also plays a large part in this.
If you aren't getting near enough protein, your body will be sore for longer periods of time.
Excessively long soreness indicates a lack of macros/micros or outright damage to the body that needs careful evaluation to determine if you've strained or hurt yourself.

Your programming could also be fucked up.
A small example from me
mon- hamstring/calves (further rest day for upper body)
tue- quads (accessory lifts for legs) (further rest day for upper body)
wed- chest/triceps (possible rest day if i'm feeling sick or overly tired)
thur- back/bicep
fri- everything shoulders
sat- rest day (or wed workout)
sun- rest day

I go hard to failure every single one of these days and have no need to work them out multiple times. There is also often an entire week in between that muscle group and the next time I workout so plenty of time for the body to recover.

This is called a brosplit user.
It balances the benefits of muscle development, training, and recovery.
While limits the benefits of extreme muscle development. However a lot less likely for serious injury. Since you're not in a state off constant physical stress you also don't sacrifice proper form (training) further increasing the chances of injuring yourself.

You can still get amazingly strong on a bro split. If you're new you should try it for a few months.
When you're ready switch to a more dedicated program.

Absolutely based

she's already out of breath, why would you put your put your hand around her throat!?

>autoimmune disease

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Weird, I've been no fap for a month and this is the most arousing thing I've seen despite teasing myself on /gif/

this is the best bait post i've ever seen. Had me going RIGHT till the end. legit 10/10 well done.

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based. Astounds me people are so oblivious of their own body

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Rest days are not necessary if you haven't been lifting for at least 2 years. Work another set of muscles while the one set is sore, they get a rest while you still go to the gym.

Thanks to this GIF I can sleep after watching the ring, I can also fap the entire time without losing just a bit of stiffness. I've discovered alot about myself but didn't expect this when I began my journey. Thanks for everything

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If you're just starting doms will be brutal. Wait until it's manageable, then hit the gym again.
Withing few training sessions your muscles will adapt to extra stress and doms won't come back

What if I got carried away and did both my A and B workouts in one day so I'm sore all over?

do people here really believe this?