My gf left me because of how fat i am. She said she has been watching me go down hill for 2 years now. I just weighed myself for the first time in 4 years. I weigh 352 lbs. I feel like i hide it well because I'm 6'4 though. What do i do? How the fuck do i make this bitch jealous as fuck
My gf left me because of how fat i am. She said she has been watching me go down hill for 2 years now...
Stop LARPing here as a fat dude, for starters.
post body
>2 years of downhill
>Only tells you when she's leaving
Sounds like a fortunate excuse to leave you desu
Make her jealous by injecting copious amounts of steroids
No fucking way are you hiding anything but your penis at 352 lbs you fat fuck
how do i get a gf in the first place? like where do i go to meet girls?
Read the sticky
Also no reason to make her jealous. She just did what any other human being would
hid it so well
damn nigga u like 2 of me
Start water fasting. Start checking out the fasting threads here.
If you are 352 even a mild change to diet and exercise will make you drop 100lbs very fast.
Start lifting weights and brisk walking. Evolve this to lifting and running on trails.
Cut out sugar in drinks. Get diet pop/unsweetend iced tea.
If you eat fast food start getting smaller fry portions/etc.
After that start eating cleaner and you be below 20% bodyfat.
Whats for dinner tonight?
Can confirm, I'm 6'4. Was never 352 lbs tho, that's just disgusting
deep dish pizza, doritos, ice cream and a couple natty ice's
fuck off troll.
>sage in ALL fields.
basically this
you'd think she'd have said something if you were too blind to notice
This actually
>325 lbs
>hiding it well
Stop eating lardy
Based and fpbpilled
aside from the larp any user wanna help me into getting rid of stomach fat? when i used to work out my abs they got stronger but still didnt reduce the fat
It's because OP is larping at the moment and nothing in this thread is based on reality. OP is autistic and this is his idea of what a relationship gone bad would look like.
Same. My gf of 3 years just up and left me and doesn’t give a fuck cause I’m fat. I’m using the pain as fuel to get in shape and make her jealous.
almost 21 about 190 but literally barely 5'10
isolation doesn't work, you have to diet to lose fat. cico, fast, whatever as long as you keep exercising
i take adderal but i can always start drinking caffein again. really need to start working out right away after waking up
just go omad then should be easy with Adderall
Fuck you, fatty.
Normally I hate wasting my time on pathetic people, but on the off chance you really might make a change here’s some quick advice that’s all you need to know.
>Work out, eat better - at the end of the day that’s all there is. Not getting results? You’re eating too much or not working out enough. Period.
>Set reasonable goals that you can stick too. This is gonna take a long time and if you go too hard you’ll burn out quick. Consistency is all that matters. Trying to do too much will always backfire.
>The only difference between me and you is that I do it even when I don’t want to.
Your BMI is 42.8, you're obese, but not morbidly. Turn it around, only eat until you're satisfied not when you're finished.
For fucks sake read the sticky.
Rule number one of losing weight: it’s NOT site specific