Newbie needs help

Hey Jow Forums first time poster here. I wanted to get some advice from the bros over here about getting a workout routine that I can do that fits with my schedule. I currently work 40 hours full time 5 days a week 12:30 - 9pm and my question is what kind of work outs should I start with? And would it be better to work out before or after work? How do you guys with full time jobs make it work lemme know

All advice appreciated, and definitely need a good workout routine. I honestly have 0 idea where to get started. I'm decently skinny right now 5'10" and about 165lbs so I don't have to start too small but I don't wanna overload myself right away and just burn out on it

Thanks in advance my dudes

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Bumping cause really looking for some advice

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Also bumping.

thanks man, prayin for those sweet blessings of gains

Whats your sleeping schedule look like?
When i was working later hours (4pm-midnight/1am) like that i would workout in the morning.
Also since you're just starting out just do a beginners routine like reg parks or SS. Try for 3 days a week or every second day.
Also 1xF sticky reads

Usually head to bed around 12 - 2 wake up around 10ish that gives me about an hour or two for workout time before work. Is that gonna be enough time? How much time should I set aside for working out

Also thanks for the reply appreciate it

Yes that's enough time. Read the sticky

thanks man, will do I more wanted to know how you guys work your workout schedule around your work schedule than anything appreciate it

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Yeah, you'll be able to easily get a workout in before work. Just have a shower before you go and slam down a second breakfast/shake

try to go to sleep as early as possible after work and hit the gym in the morning

do ~3x a week minimum to not burn out and see if you can throw in another day

I now work 8am-4pm normie hours so going to the gym after work is easy as.
Plus a bigger session on saturday or sunday

I get two days off a week so I figured me 3 times a week to be light days and my day off I can push it a little harder so that I can rest after

How are those bolthouse naked ect smoothies for a quick after workout meal before work?

what a weird bait

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not bait just looking for some advice

>only going "harder" 1 time a week
Never gonna make it. Also read the sticky

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>bolthouse naked ect smoothies
Never had them. I was thinking of a regular protein shake, maybe chuck in a banana or two

I was asking like what I can get off the shelf, I don't own a blender rn

I don't wanna push it too soon and burn out before I get in the groove, and thats the advice I've gotten on here and from others so I think I'm gonna stick to not giving myself an injury off the bat but thanks for the support

>I don't wanna push it too soon

Are you over 30? Do you have old sports injuries we don't know about?

no but I'm not in very good health and have a serious gastro issue (crohn's) so I can't go as hard off the bat and I'm also completely out of shape

Personally I would work out before work, because I have a desk job. Working out first thing in the morning gives my brain time to wake up while my body is exhausting itself; at work the body can rest while the mind takes over. For the past months I have only been able to work out after work. That is also fine, as long as you manage to stay in a positive mindset so that work doesn't kill your drive to go to the gym.

For a routine read the fucking sticky. Do any beginner strength program for 6 months (SS, SL5X5 or whatever else there is), then figure out if you want to keep going that way, modify your program to suit your needs, or gt a new program.
Just train 3x per week, NO EXCUSES (this is crucial) and the gains will come.

We're all gonna make it, brah!

Consider shifting your sleep schedule ahead by an hour or two so you can take your sweet time at the gym before work. Rushed workouts suck.

thanks dude, I'm gonna try and push myself as hard as I can and
I'm gonna try and take this advice and work on pushing my schedule back to midnight strict cause I don't wanna feel rushed because that'll burn me out more than anything