You're a weak beta male, deal with it and accept your role as society's leftovers
That's your fucking problem right there. You're weak minded and start sentences with "can't"
How about if your going to quit anything, which I'm sure you quit a lot of things, quit saying "can't" and see what happens faggot.
You have tricked yourself into believing motivation is the key to achieving your goals, it isn't. Do you think anyone is motivated when they get up at 5:30am to work out before they go to work, or are in the 90th hour of a 100 hour workweek earning shit pay to start a business? No, motivation is not what makes success, discipline is. You need to add discipline to your life user. Godspeed.
I think that's my problem. You say discipline is how you achieve success, but how can you become more disciplined? I know you just need to repeat things even if you don't necessarily want to, but it's really easy to just...not do them. I'm my own worst enemy and I don't know how to effectively fight myself.
>implying you can get willpower from other people who post on a Krygyzstani yurt aficionado forum
do things that are hard
feel good about self
get into routine
it gets easier
exercise , meditation , cold showers , cut sugar
do something
stop masturbating
If you can’t do things you don’t want to do how do you ever expect to succeed in life? Your boss says to complete a task and you don’t want to do it, are you just not going to? You’ll be out of a job. As a kid did you not eat vegetables or anything like that?? Just realize it’s good for you, man up, and do it. It might be tough mentally but the process itself really isn’t that fucking hard. If you can’t accept this reality you’re never gonna make it.
I guess it's because there are no immediate consequences to a lot of things. If my boss tells me to do something, I do it, but if it's something like deciding not to go on a run one day, it's easier to say no because it's not like it will have a large effect on that single day. You're right though, I just need to man up and do those things. It's not easy to stay disciplined though, I think I'm just mentally weak. Any tips on how to improve?
stop eating
You're at the beginning, it's a given that you're going to make mistakes and experience setbacks. But if all you do is shit on yourself, nothing will change cause you're only ever expecting yourself to fail.
Try having some self respect and be objective about what you're trying to improve in your life.
I understand that, but like with planning for anything (home, education, job, etc) you really need to look ahead. Really think about the long run before you make any decision that you think you might regret. For me, when I feel unmotivated to work out or eat healthy, I take my shirt off and look in the mirror. I know that I’ve come a long way only through hard work and dedication, and I say that today’s not gonna be the day I slip up because I wanna keep improving. Also, try to find an idea that motivates you. For me, it’s my gf. I want to be strong and able to protect her, so I think about her on the bench before a set. For someone who doesn’t have one, it might be the thought of getting a gf. The “reasons why you lift” threads are unironically motivational for me
Relevant thread. I dont have a full answer. I've been thinking about this a lot. I think that a big part of it you need to realize is that the things you're not doing are things that you want to do and enrich your life, even though they interrupt the hedonistic lizard brain momentary desire you have to sit around and jerk off to anime girls. There must be some things you CAN do, like go to work or school or feed yourself or your dogor whatever, that aren't always convenient. How do you do them? You accept that they are imperative to your continued existence, and do them regardless of whatever else is going on. I'm developing a sense that this feeling is essential to achievement. You cannot ever question whether or not you will go to the gym/learn C++/do your homework, because it is an essential piece of your natural happiness. I struggle with this daily.
Also, any kind of routine makes it easier to repeat tasks. If you work out every morning, it’s a habit. Same thing with clean eating. Goodnight OP, stay strong. Remember me when you’ve made it.
Alright thanks user. When I think of motivation, I don't think of a girlfriend, although that would be nice. Rather, I think of becoming someone who is strong and proud of themselves, like Guts.
Discipline is a skill. You have to practice and get better at it. Sitting and wondering how to be disciplined won't do much.
There are consequences nonetheless.
Let's take your example and expand the scenario: you skip the run, then you decide to have a bunch of fast food, and you're supposed to be on a cut.
Now you've put yourself in caloric excess meaning the only difference you'll be seeing on the scale is an increase in weight and body fat. This will discourage you and you'll beat yourself up about it, you'll probably physically feel shitty too cause of everything you ate. In the end it wasn't worth it, but you did it anyway cause ayy it's just this one day, but you keep having days like that.
You need to break the loop dude.
Literally JUST masturbated
Forget about "solutions" to your problem and forget about willpower. You thinking about motivation, and thinking about what you need to do to solve your lack of willpower, is stopping you from doing the things you want to do.
You need to just do the task without thinking. Make your routine automatic, and independent of your mood or motivation.
Train your willpower like a muscle. Every time you overcome your laziness, even in tiny things that you normally don't think about, your will-power gets a tiny pump. By progressive overload, you will become strong.
Rewire those dopamine circuits big guy. You need to remove yourself from the things that are stopping you from achieveing your goals whether it's porn, wasting time on the internet, movies or TV etc. Also look into the "stay focused" app, makes your browser unable to access sites and only unlocks after a time limit, has helped me a lot.