Give me the BEST and FASTEST way to lose fat while preserving muscle and defend your claim

Give me the BEST and FASTEST way to lose fat while preserving muscle and defend your claim.

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Sucking dick

Drink water.

Fasting of course.

Dnp fast. Because it's easy to lose bodyfat through sheer and utter misery

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>8x elevated GH
>testosterone out the ass
>leucine blood content increased
>it's the quickest
>costs nothing

Can't lift while fasting tho, so you lose muscle.

steroids + dnp

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You need carbs to build muscle, even Lyle McDonald's said so


PSMF (high protein, low carb, low fat)

have any pics? Would this be better than doing a 7 day fast, refeeding and lifting? I've tried PSMF before and it's hard as fuck, I feel like I could fast a month but I don't last 3 days doing that diet

Left is hotter, no homo.

Sure he is fatty

The builtfat looks significantly better than being roided.

Tren test and dnp

Go figure out your own desperate crash diet you pathetic undisciplined skinny-fat piece of shit.
Over here making demands like anyone gives a fuck.

>Dnp fast
That's how you die user

Roids (test + tren maybe, no expert though) but besides that ive had great results with 2-3 daily 100m sprints; it increases T, DHT, IGFBP3, insulin sensitivity, decreases baseline cortisol so you will get ripped fast as long as you have a good diet and a decent thyroid function

You're not gonna get any pics because coming off the diet everyone binge eats all the fat back.

Body weight in protein to preserve muscle mass.
High fat intake because fat is able to produce more energy.
And keep carbs low enough to make sure your insulin levels don't spike.

Also find someone who can give you and inject you with growth hormones.

You absolutely can lift while fasting

Find me one person who has lifted while fasting and doesn’t look dyel at the end. (You can’t)

Fasting is a meme diet for shills and skinnyfat people looking for the easy way out.

Simply eat a high protein diet at -500 TDEE, lift weights hitting every muscle group at least twice a week, do a little cardio and be patient.

Alternative fuck off to r*ddit with the Keto CrossFit fags crippling themselves.

Correct. Do this OP

Liposuction is most time efficient.

Fasted cardio + yohimbine hcl bto

Intermittent fasting. Feeding windows only 8 hrs. And once a week do a 24 hour or 36 hour fast.

Test + 100mg Anavar

>offers zero proof to back up ludicrous claims

kys my dude


I had extremely good results with lyle's RFL diet. It's basically a PSMF, but with detailed instructions so you don't end up in the hospital.

Anyway, I went from roughly 90 kg to 80 kg (after regaining water weight) in 5-6 weeks and kept it off. It was a little mentally challenging, but not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Seeing the number on the scale go down every single morning gave me plenty of motivation as well.

I went from strongfat with a flabby belly to visible abs. Strength went down a little bit, especially the last two weeks, but it wasn't too bad.

Just eat enough protein

What do you except from unathletic skinnyfat people who have 0 lifting experience

roids because its the only way you will look like pic related


his arms were fucking huge, he just lost bf

i am planning on using dnp on my next cut, 400mg ed, can i still eat a lot while burning fat or do i need a stupid deficit??

Yah this actually, read Lyle McDonald's psmf for more info. It works really well and isn't too hard if you do it with an EC stack.

Based and redpilled

DNP only burns about 200-250 extra calories. I'd rather just run another 20 minutes and improve my cardio rather than take poison famalam.

there was a study done that shows a 1,500, 2,000% increase in HGH in men

Sounds good, have any pics?

Op asked about losing fat, not gaining muscle. Keto is very muscle sparing but sucks for gaining.

came here to post this. cant beat simply sucking the fat out

Carnivore diet with vegan mixed in

Is this natty?
If so, how many years lifting?

I’m on day 5 of fast, lifted and did cardio each day. Drink lots of snake juice, I’m fine.

Just eat more meat and veggies while cutting down (but not eliminating) carbs. Add ten minutes of biking before and after lifting. You’re welcome.

Yeah but you’re a fat cunt and/or your lifts are shit

>DNP only burns about 200-250 extra calories

Nope he's using creatine

I'm not even trying to argue with you about health benefits of fasting, but the sharp rise in HGH while fasting is to prevent muscle wasting and to liberate body fat for burning.

Show me one example of an intermediate/advanced lifter not using steroids cutting successfully using fasting

>DNP only burns about 200-250 extra calories
That's incorrect. It's an estimate of about a 10% metabolic increase per every 1mg/kg/day taken, and the effect scales linearly with the dosage. someone taking 400-500mg/day at a normal bodyweight range is going to receive about a 50% metabolic increase. so if your TDEE is normally 3000 kcal/day, on 400-500mg DNP you're going to have a new TDEE of about 4500 kca/day.

And if you were to do cardio/resistance training, the calories burned doing so would also be scaled up on DNP as well.

I absolutely agree that the shit is fucking poison and it's super dangerous and makes you feel awful, but it's absolutely doable. I've done this. 500mg/day for 3 week cuts at a time shedding like 15 lbs of fat, after taking changes in water weight into account before/after. I wouldn't do it again though. I was only able to manage that by essentially using my winter break during college to suffer through that shit.

thermogenic works?

This, especially on keto cause you literally just burn the fat quicker

Won’t be as fast as on PSMF


>>testosterone out the ass
wrong>there was a study done that shows a 1,500, 2,000% increase in HGH in men
this means nothing

That's not a result of the diet, that's a result of idiots being idiots
You also have no proof to back up your claims

>He's using creatine
My (((doctor))) told me this is a steroid and I shouldn't use it.
Fuck, man. Are there any true natties out there that don't abuse steroids such as creatine and whey protein?

I'm curious, is there anyone who has made gains on long-term keto?

Unironically works

>whey protein
Kek, do you really wanna get big the all national way?
Rich piana{RIP} says

Eggs and oatmeal (for breakfast)
Chicken and rice (for lunch)
Yams(before dinner)
Fish and asparagus (for dinner)
{the best weight gainer you can make at home}
1 cup of oatmeal
1 banana
10 egg whites
1 spoon of natural peanut butter


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This thread's biggest mistake was not asking for body pics, would invalidate most of the fast and ketofags here

>fasting is an easy way out
The absolute delusion. If its so easy why doesn’t everyone do it? Fasting requires willpower beyond anything your uninformed ass could ever muster up.
Keep coping retard.

Count your macros(500kal below your average) and get a high protein diet

So do I diet first and drop stomach fat, then hit weights? I have some stomach fat I'm looking to get rid of, do I diet to lose it or burn it by working out?

Fasting and keto. Ketones are known to be anti catabolic and thus preserves muscle while on a caloric deficit

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I did, but those were noob gains. I started lifting after 45days in ketosis and loosing 12kg of fat. The first 3 weeks at the gym I started gaining weight again, in the forth week it began going down again.
My PR's are still going up but it's slow af and I don't see any muscle difference.
Once I loose another 10kg I will go on some not keto diet to get the carb pump and more protein/calories for muscle gains. Keto is for loosing fat and/or maintaining muscle, you can't gain shit on it or at least it's very hard.

What this user said.

Preserving not gaining you knob.

the stiickys shitty.

Anything else than

caloric deficit + high protein + lifting

is ignorance or denial

I'm not the guy you replied to, but fasting really is easy. My first multi-days fast was a 7 day one, and I managed to do it on my first try with little difficulties. The hardest thing about it was my parents bitching at me for fasting. I wasn't even taking any supplements either.

no such thing

I want to live in this room


what about clen?

Cut and lift w/ a fuck ton of protein.

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so close. you are gonna make it. godspeed. very inspiring.

> what are the lack of PSMF progress pics compared to normal cut pics

You lost a bunch of weight - great job on that - but you need to lift hard buddy. You shoulders and arms... your chest. It honestly looks to me like you've never lifted anything heavier than grocery bags. I think you can make it, but you have to push.

steroids + DNP

it puts your life at a much higher risk than usual, but it's fast as fuck and in terms of accomplishing what you describe, there is nothing better. enjoy.

yeah but wasn't that on people who fasted more than 4 days?

Haven't been focusing on muscle growth, just retention durring the cut. Once my bf% is 16 or so I'll clean bulk.

Go ride a bike 60-70 miles a week and eat less that 2500 calories a day....weight will fall off in days

good genes

I bet you lose your hair due cbh deficit

Not losing hair, just a shity haircut + bedhead

you can do both just dont expect to gain much muscle while trying to lose weight
lifting is good for burning calories