Pic unrelated

>started injecting testosterone two weeks ago thinking it would give me motivation to lift again
>it's still too mind-numbingly boring, can't be bothered most days to work out, only last about 20 minutes in the home gym before going back to computer

Why do I have to have an IQ of 126. I'm literally too smart to lift. I didn't ask for this shit.

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Suicide is always an option instead of posting this shitty bait every single day.

Home gyms and testosterone just so you can start lifting? How much of a pussy are you. All these excuses and not a shred of discipline. Pathetic.

What the fuck OP? Make some goals and reach them you undisciplined slob. And get the fuck off Jow Forums, you're "too smart" for this shit too.

Tfw I'm the same
Spent $6000 on a fully kitted out Rogue home gym thinking it'd motivate me to lift.
I used it once

4 months ago

I'm hoping I can convince my son to lift when he grows a bit older, that way it won't have gone to waste.
For the time being I use my reverse hyper as a changing table

>started injecting testosterone two weeks ago
weak, you are so fucking weak. COWARD.
Only weak people go the short way.

I guarantee you guys on gear can lift heavier than you

I think the point is that you're weak minded...

>127 IQ

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all these newfags took the bait lmao

>IQ of 126
>too smart to lift
No "126 IQ" person on Earth would make up such a shitty excuse, while being so weak-minded
Sage goes in all fields lads
>inb4 b&
OP is a faggot anyway

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>Why do I have to have an IQ of 126. I'm literally too smart to lift.
Lmao. Keep telling yourself that.
>tfw iq in the 140-145 range and gym is my most enjoyed activity of the day because I don't have to think

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Injecting test still builds muscle even if you don't lift.

>tfw Filipino Manlet with IQ 126
>lift 6 days a week regardless of how I feel

How do I actually do rest days? Whenever I am at rest I feel like I might grow a vagina and start sucking dicks.

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All I have to do is exit my room and go to the next room over where I keep the power rack and weights. I just can't be fucked though. I could even go from room to room in-between sets and browse Jow Forums on my PC to make it less boring, but I just don't have the energy or will. I'd rather just drink. When you're smart enough to realize that nothing really matters, lifting becomes nothing more than a meaningless, painful waste of time.

I wish I were a naive 18 year old again. Back when superficial things had illusions of meaning.

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Fuckin calisthenics - breakdance boy. You have all the variation you could possibly need, and bodyweight exercises at every difficulty level, plus the constant game of making it an actual dance in a spontaneous way. If that doesnt get your intellect pumping, I cant even conceive of a thing to say here that is properly vile and on point, the point is if that doesnt do it for you, you're either lying to me or lying to yourself.

im glad i actually like lifting. always itching to go again after my rest days

Being 18 again would be nice, but you can always find solace in the fact that mentally you are 12 years old with the social nuance of an elephant penis

cool b8 m8

IQ of 126 puts you into that unfortunate valley where you’re smarter than many people which gives you a sense of entitlement, but you’re not true IQ>135 tier enlightened enough to see the truth:

Sacrifice and hard work are rewards of own.

I have a tested IQ of 140+ and i love lifting you fucking pussy

It takes more than 2 weeks for the test to set in. At least do your bait thread properly. In all fields.