What's Jow Forums's solution to the plastic devil?

What's Jow Forums's solution to the plastic devil?

>We’ve known BPA significantly suppresses testosterone production. And now, we know so does BPS and BPF—”the first report describing…adverse effects on a physiologic function in humans…” Well, kinda. These were experiments performed on the testicles of aborted human fetuses. But, bottom line, BPS and BPF seemed to have similar “antiandrogenic”—meaning anti-male hormone—effects to BPA.

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Just use a stainless steel waterbottle if you are so afraid of plastic you retard

I only drink water out of my double-insulated stainless steel flask. Wide neck too, so you can get ice cubes in there, keeps that shit nice and cold for days.

Pic related, long read but worth it. Plastics are not the only thing in your daily life with a hormonal effect.

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Don't they have plastic insulation kind of like a thermos?

Nalgenes are BPA free idiot, you can see it says on the pic you posted

I've switched to a glass bottle for work. Much more enjoyable to drink out of

There is nothing wrong with plastic bottles you autistic idiots.
The only time anything can happen is if you let it stay in the sun for hours.

Go on and pay 20$ for crap "BPA" free bottles.
Or you could just buy one glass bottle for like 1$ and pour tap water in.

Wanna know how i know you have gyno?

Wanna know how I know you have no muscles and brain?

Two layers of food grade stainless steel with a vacuum in between. No plastic coating.

*blocks your path*
also replaced my tupperware with pyrex

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>Nalgenes are BPA free idiot
The replacement is just as bad.

>plastic mouthpiece

Have one glass or stainless bottle and drink only tap water, avoid all sodas and you are good.


You really can't win, theres always a silicone or platic ring to seal the bottles.
Even in glass mineral water bottles, theres platic in the cap.

>closing the water bottle

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T. Alex jones

>follow all the advice in this guide at the expense of extreme inconvenience, time and cost, walking 4 miles uphill to the farmers' market every day to buy organic beef for $20/lb

>use mass-produced products and potentialy suffer maybe a few percent drop in testosterone at most while living a free, easy and cheap life


Kys. You think Chad worries about this shit?
He drinks water on plastic jugs while he fucks your oneitis.

I use pic related.
2 L double wall vacuum insulated SS bottle.
Perfect size for whipping up snake juice, or a pre/intra/post workout drink.
Had a 17 fl oz glass bottle before but it broke.

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There are materials without these chemicals, for example:
>stainless steel

I would recomend stainless steel and polyethylene for most uses, as they are more robust than glass and polyethylene can even be sqeezed, wich comes in handy when cycling or doing other cardio.

When you have an opaque bottle, how can you be sure the inside is clean?

There could be germs in there or even spiders

Imagine being such a dyel you think your nogains are related to plastic waterbottles lmao

Use "coconut oil instead"!!!

Fuck this crap, I go back to good old lard, like all my ancestors did.

What about aluminium?

So? If you aren't a faggot raised by a single mother you will be fine.

Enjoy your dementia.

Dont drink from plastic, and dont let your water stand out too long. Micro plastic get everywhere from your cloth

Aluminium isn't exactly healthy either and gets in yout water.

Jesus, may as well fuckin' go into the wilderness and live in a log cabin. To be able to feasibly avoid all that shit you'd have to be very wealthy, not to mention the hassle. Can hopping on test reverse the effects of xenoestrogens?
>mfw faggots can get estrogen to become women but if you feel unmanly you can't get testosterone
really makes you think

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Paleo mogg everyone

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Why do you care if it stays cold for days? If you are actually drinking it then you'll have to fill it up multiple times a day anyway.

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