how do I imrove my bench press?
I can deadlift 280kg and Squat 250kg
But I simply can not bench over 140.
How do I imrove my bench press?
bench more
Why tf you asking Jow Forums?
Read, nigga, or get a coach who does the reading for you.
99.99% percent of posters here can't lift anywhere near your numbers
Get a coach big guy
why not, its does cost much to ask on fit and it takes me 10 seconds to form that question.
there is always hope a reasonable person to help.
but i guess you turds can just contribute to make fit less of what it should be.
I can bench 125kg, but can only squat 100kg and deadlift 130kg.
Something is wrong with my spine, it doesn’t let me load much. I guess that’s what a lifetime of PC gaming does to your spine.
i can squat 160kg and dealift 200kg, but i can only bench 85kg
thank you rippetoe!
Work your triceps, do more benching volume with mostly close grip since close grip builds the wide grip. What does your programming look like?
I also gotta tell that I'm a big guy.
6'4, 240lbs
You're above the level of 99% of Jow Forums.
Weighted dips.
I do coolcircada ppl + deadlifts.
6 days program and yeah you are right, I need to work on my triceps.
Where is your weakness?
My weakest link were shoulders so i incorporated more volume in ohp and floorpresses and my bench exploded up again.
I would say triceps
Stop talking like you're black. Because you aren't.
issues weren't in the top of the lift tho
Bix noods muffuga
100 reps of LTE every pressing day non-negotiable, the way Rippetoe does them, look it up (with a full ROM pullover since the long head attaches to the shoulder joint)
>3x5 flat, 3x5 ohp, 3x5 incline
Obviously not enough volume or specifity.
Try doing 5x10, 2x20-25, shit like this will put mass on your titties, how else are you going to bench more?
OHP and incline are not the best flat bench builders. Try doing CGBP, pin press, floor press instead.
Programming I suggest:
im talking about myself
nice, gonna look into that.
>deadlift 280 kg
>squat 250 kg
Jesus fucking christ, you're a fucking beast.
go obese powerlifter mode
easy 1000kg bench
underrated post
there isn't a single person on Jow Forums that lifts that much
Close grip builds the wide grip. What do you mean by this?
This, if his lifts are natural, the guy is a genetically gifted machine and should consider a international career.
What do I say, his lifts would be also great if he were on roids.
work on a tighter arch and scapular retraction which makes your form more stable (and uses more of the chest and less shoulders in my opinion)
I think I might be Japanese because I feel very deep connection to their culture.
Honestly, just train harder, you know you don't train your bench as hard as your lower body.
You have to KILL your triceps and shoulders, don't forget that.
Gonna have to agree with this dude , you should start doing weighted dips, OHP, & chest flies more if you find you’re stalling on bench, methinks your chest is too strong for the rest of your upper body. Then again you lift almost 100kg more than me on every lift so maybe you shouldn’t take my advice lol
well thanks guys but I've been training for 6 years and before that I started doing hard labor at my father company when I was 14.
I'm just used to lift heavy.
This, There are maybe 5 people in whole Jow Forums who can lift more than that and they're in /plg/
lmao i just started lifting and can dl/squat the same as you but can bench only 60kg