Police Officers

Any LEO lurking on Jow Forums?
Post your country and age.
What's your workout routine? Do you rely more on cardio or strength training
Which martial art is the most effective in your opinion?

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I hope you get shot by a coked up nigger

Fuck the pigs.


>Oh boy I sure wish feral niggers were allowed to roam free

>take massive amounts of PEDs
>arrest people for small amounts of weed
Fuck the 1-2


Fuck off cucked bootlicker

Fuck the pigs x 2

How do les it feel to know you’re working for a government that wants your people dead? Mercenaries for the state who are being fucked and agree to it for a paycheck.

American cops are so fat they resort to killing people instead of trying to best them in a fight or outrun them and tackle them. I mean look at those fat fucks. I could probably walk faster than their sprints. Trigger happy American pig fuckers. Knowing all the Jow Forums-crossdress- I mean, crossposters, you bootlicking fags will defend your precious police to a fault. I mean, I've had multiple years of training with a gun, but I'd never unload a whole clip in some guy running away like these pigs do lol.

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My friends in HS always managed to outrun them.

Based trips.

So much jelly in this thread, I'm going to need a shot of insulin.

t. tyrone watermelon

>killing people
It's very rare that they actually kill people. They usually kill niggers.

this thread is exactly what i expected it might be.
fuck cops.

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If you run from a cop, will you get shot in the back or not?

i'm a texas game warden. the worst part of every shift is when i have to respond to some dip shit domestic because of the dumb fuck local cops. i don't know how cops do this shit day in and out, i'd unironically put a bullet in my brain.

not if you're not in the US

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>infringe on constitutional rights 10xf
>harass citizens 5x5
>shoot unarmed people 17x1
>be an asshole 10x3

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They aren't supposed to, but the cops obviously do anyways. The outcome is usually little Tyrone is dead and society and the force is happy about it, but someone's gotta take the fall so Sargent Johnny gets paid admin leave.

>Any LEO lurking on Jow Forums?

>Post your country and age.

USA, 23

>What's your workout routine?

I just started 5/3/1 Building the Monolith

>Do you rely more on cardio or strength training

You need a good mix of both strength and speed and anybody that doesn't have both is a liability.

>Which martial art is the most effective in your opinion?

Anything where you learn how to take people to the ground and grapple with them.

You don't want to have a boxing match on the side of the road.

>a pig building the monolith

lmao i've never seen a jacked cop in my life. they're always the fatty rejects of the marines.

The one's in my city are always at the fucking café I go to. Gotta get those muffins, donuts, and the joe :')

>Any LEO lurking on Jow Forums?

>Post your country and age.
Germany, 25

>What's your workout routine? Do you rely more on cardio or strength training
Running 5 times a week, swimming up to three times, lifting 4 times with 2 days pull and push each
>Which martial art is the most effective in your opinion?
Boxing and BJJ with some solid takedown skills

Yeah, they'll claim you pulled a gun which mysteriously went missing after you were capped.
Toss a bag of weed on you for good measure, so the boss man will be impressed and give them paid vacation.

A lot of businesses will give free shit to the cops because their presence wards off degenerates.
Can't blame them for partaking in free food.

2nd Lt.
rely on cardio cause im in drill but prefer strength
a grappling art and gun-fu depending on situation


and im doing madcow currently

Fuck cops. The good ones are so few and far between now.

Yeah most places have shit physical standards.

Nah, they should be working their beat but instead their in my way ordering a mochafuckacino.

This goes for people in general but it hurts the most when professions like protection and medicine are like this.

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50/50 if you're in the US. Really depends on the area and your skin color desu

Blame the politicians for the law, not the guys that enforce it.

>34 and USA USA
>strength training and cardio
>for me, it's wrestling and I see a good amount of action

A lot of beat cops are out of shape, but once you start getting into more specialized units, you start seeing a lot more psychically capable officers.

If I deem you a threat to society IE possibly armed, recent violent behavior etc, then there is a very good chance you're going to get lit up. Personally, I don't like having to shoot a fleeing or erratic suspect , cops can say all they want about how they don't care, but it effects everyone deeply whether they admit it or not. plus the paperwork is fucking atrocious and no matter how justified, you have every part of you challenged by some liberal watch group that would prefer you took the shot.

Public feelings towards law enforcement is cyclical, almost like a market. We happen to be at a pretty low point, but a lot better than it was a couple years ago. For every one person that says something negative to me, there are ten people who genuinely thank me for doing my job.

How old were you when you entered the field? I'm 18 now, looking to join the RCMP one day.
Not sure if I should do anything related to formal education beforehand, however.


Mostly 5x5 combined with muay Thai.
I feel the shift work hindering my gains tho

Ah yes. Blame the war lord, not the soldier

25, i joined after my millitary service.

The police and prison system get a shit load of money because of the amount of arrests they can make. They're gonna defend their jobs tooth and nail

You must not be American


A dirty cop is far worse than any "feral nigger" could ever be, bootlicker

The old "I was just doing muh job" meme eh?


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Not an LEO myself but I work with US marshals and other federal LE in an advisory and assistance capacity as a part of my national guard unit pretty consistently when we're not deployed or training. I use a mixture of ultramarathon training, strongman, powerlifting, and a bit of olylifting. I also get a lot of anaerobic capacity work through Muay Thai, BJJ, & Silat. Programming wise, people use different shit. Some guys like mountain athlete, some prefer powerlifting routines with strongman style conditioning, some prefer basic bitch strength training and just run a fuck ton (endurance athletes essentially). I try to incorporate a bit of everything. I'm not the hulk but I have some solid PR's for being a generalist.

28 years old. 6'4 220lb 10% BF
PPL workout routine, 1 hour cardio every day
250mg test e e3d
occasional dbol/viagra
knowing kickboxing, takedowns, and a good chokehold has served me well.
also, don't take tren when on duty

24, US
Chemistry degree

I do a lot of bouldering/biking/running, body weight stuff like burpees/push-ups/etc. I’ve maintained 1/2/3/4 for about a year now, and run a ~6:30 mile.

Cardio/stamina will keep you alive on patrol far more than strength.

Get your degree then join up, helps with promoting/pay/etc.
Good luck

Thoughts on jiu jitsu? Been thinking about taking it up

lads i was rejected by police school because i was too immature, how do i mature

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fuck pigs

Stop being so insecure and realize you're not very important. Then start listening to others instead of just trying to talk over them or be the class clown

how does it feel to look in the mirror every night knowing ur a bootlicking cuck

show me a cop and ill show you a coward

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thanks user


I don't work out. It doesn't matter. Turds do whatever you say when it's six against one and you're pointing guns at him.

> i dont work out
get of fit you fagottini

try harder oink oink

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there's a lot of guys i work with that are trained in BJJ and they seem to use it a lot in LE work.

Where are all you keyboard warriors IRL? Too scared to say anything?

Threads like this make you think people hate cops but in real life I get free meals every day, little kids coming up and getting starry eyed looking at me, random people shaking my hand, get called "sir" by people 2-3x my age. I've been called a pig like maybe once after I had already arrested the guy but he was saying "sir please I'm sorry!" beforehand.

based and redpilled
>scare quotes
yeah you're not experienced with niggers. absolutely non-human

>cunt and age
murica, 28
all fundamental bodyweight exercises plus a ton of isometric training for those invisible tendon gains
>most effective martial art
Karate because it's not meant for kickboxing, it's meant to kill people, and as popo we literally use tonfa so
Also there is some ground fighting in karate but it will never compare to helio gracie's anatomically perfect BJJ, so BJJ for grappling

I've also never shot my gun at anyone and I'm friends with three other black officers

>blame the politicians for the law, not the obstetrician who cuts your foreskin off
Fuck you. I know what is and what is not moral and I'm not following orders if it comes to crossing that line

Also this goes for 80% of us anyway but fuck the police. Especially Mexican and Russian police.

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Putting that STEM degree to good work, I see

uh oh lookout piggy getting heated better go shoot someone to relax before u end up beating ur wife

Anyone regret becoming an LEO?

Considering because I'm 24 and unemployed with a degree.
Skelly mode though so I gotta fix that

oink oink statist degenerate

Are you actually this stupid?

I’m STEMming crime
Doesn’t matter anyways, it was 100% free from scholarships so

Nice, same. I got a full ride through med school for being so dang good. Although I'm not a copper like you I just teach at my former highschool

>not knowing that sophomore fedoralords have figured out by pure a priori reasoning that all countries in recorded history were WRONG and BAD

First for Krav Maga GOAT


Shut the fuck you monumental "spinning heel-kicking a rifle away from you while someone holds a knife to your throat in self defense" and "every other martial art is poor and lacking compared to krav maga" retard.

No u

>Paying to learn the jewish martial art of kicking someone in the nuts
You got heebed son.

Are you like MP that gets assigned to work with Federal LEO? Very interested. Could you explain more within the confines of OPSEC of course?

Have you? Lived in DC and got more shit from cops than random street bums.
Get a dog sign and a bat if you wanna be scared of ghosts; integrate your community if you wanna walk the streets.

Lots of onions in this thread

For all the Leo in this thread, how do you find time to work out?
After a 12 I drive an hour home and just wanna rest.

you literally enforce state laws and regulations if you're a police officer. Whether you like it or not, you are a statist

Italy (Local Police of Milan) 30 yo
Lots of cardio (run and swimming)
At the gym
Day A
Chest, back, and core
Day B
Legs, arms
Krav maga, but the hard part is doing it without let other people know what you're doing.
Here in Italy the judges are against the cops so if one of us use a little bit more force than is necessary they have to pay/lose job/go to prison. If you arm someone while you're arresting him (maybe because the someone doesn't want to go to jail) you have to repair the damage in €

Strip naked so at least when they shoot you in the back they can't say you reached into your waistband.

>I don't work out

Take that Austrian piece of shit on your hip and put it to your temple. You're no better than the grocery store security

mentioning cops really riles the kiddies up

Get fucked. You weren't press-ganged.

No. National Guard SF. We do everything from providing training and advising to SWAT and federal tac teams to doing more on the kinetic side of things, mostly along the border in a limited capacity. If we're doing things under title 32, which we almost always are if we are working in any capacity with law enforcement, we're usually kept on a fairly tight leash (no Sicario shit).

cant wait till you get killed slave

You're not allowed to reply to my post if you hate cops AND you were arrested/penalized at some point for the following:
>possession/use/distribution of any drug or marijuana
>giving alcohol to minors/consuming alcohol as a minor
>speeding/other traffic violations
>having sex with minors/kids in high school who you realistically shouldn't be fucking anyway

I implore anyone who is assmad at the police for any reason other than those listed above to explain why their anusrage is valid. The rest of you are just angry because you broke the law

Make it where? Into the paper for running a sex trafficking ring. Police are trash.

>Sandnigger cop saying fuck the pigs.

Kek. Pretty underrated.

Second for Krav Maga GOAT

triple layered humour baby

>part timers training full time SWAT teams


How is a NG ODA able to stay proficient enough to do that? I'm in a NG airborne infantry unit and we don't know WTF we're doing about 80% of the time

this nigga right

man them POLICE is mofukin RAYSIS
>hits blunt
>beats girlfriend

This but unironically. They'd be less feral if I didnt have to pay tax dollars to police forces that beat them like animals. Lower taxes were the number one reason black people were so pleasant pre 1960s despite living in Jim Crow. Then the war on drugs came conviently after the Civil Rights Movement along with tax hikes and growing militarized police forces.

35. UK. 15 years service. Never fired a gun. Work in a covert role. I do PPL 6 times a week at home. Not much cardio maybe some cycling. Our self defence training is a joke and has been really cut down due to too many injuries during training.

I dont break the law. I just dont like the fact that tax money goes to this when people could do a much better job of protecting themselves by owning guns and recognizing that other people walking down the street are armed as well.
Forcing everyone to pay money for a police force is theft and allowing said police force to both selectively enforce the law and violate constitutional rights on a whim to help complete their 'duties' on top of that is pretty sickening.

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