My friend is skinnyfat and is convinced that the firt thing he should do is bulk. i think cut...

My friend is skinnyfat and is convinced that the firt thing he should do is bulk. i think cut. what does Jow Forums think?

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>being skinnyfat in the first place
He should kill himself

Cut. If you bulk at high BF you will obviously get stronger much sooner but you’ll look like shit.

Take 2-3 months, cut while lifting to get some noob gains and learn the movements then bulk. None of this is rocket science.

Or just do what you want and spin your wheels for years.

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>caring about how you look during a bulk
kill yourself

Not all of us are cocoon mode autists user, I enjoy having sex with women and seeing my own abs. Who hurt you today?

This. Noob gains can be super significant. Went from. ~80-115 on the bench this summer. Haven't lost weight on the scale but I've been losing fat. Do the noob gains level off at some point or am I just eating too much?

>killing your gains for months because he can't get pussy during a bulk
thristyfags are the worse

you genuinely must be new to Jow Forums to have that much edge
top kek

He should lift weights, that's what he ought to do.

If he's eating a lot, he'll gain muscle.
If he's not eating much, he'll lose fat from the exercise.

Win win.

thanks for your useless post, now answer the fucking question


They should put this shit in the sticky holy fuck.

Not that guy but
>you genuinely must be new to Jow Forums

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>not that guy
Ok bud, enjoy your (You)

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who is this guy

>feeding the cut/bulk circle of fuckup

literally neck yourselves. Dude needs to get on a very low (about 5%) calorie surplus and stay there, while doing strength/hyper routine and conditioning.

Everyone telling him to cut doesnt know jack shit. You should eat at maintenance and go for a recomp. Start bulking when you hit a plateau.

nah u gotta cut nigga

Your friend is fucking retarded, and this is why;

>have 5 kilos (1/8) of muscle and 35 kilos (7/8) of fat in body, having 88% body fat (these are imaginary numbers)
>if you increase muscle by lean bulking you will have 20 kilos of muscle from noob gains (1/3) and 40 kilos of fat (2/3), only a slight increase in fat
When dieting you not only lose fat, but also muscle
If you diet right now it'll only take longer to build more muscle, muscle needs nutrients to grow and when your muscle gets bigger your calories requirements will increase, allowing you to eat more while cutting fat in the future.

Just eat high protein and lift ffs it doesnt matter as a beginner I hate this fucking site



>what is p-ratio
Everyone advocating for bulking should unironically neck themselves

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he should lift

Always cut.

Else you will just get fat and lose motivation.
Get Abs and go one from there.

Also, you can easily build muscles while cutting with high protein.

>bulk first: get even fatter but strength gains are much faster. Look like shit until you finish your bulk and cut all the way down to a reasonable bf%
>cut first: lose fat, no muscle and slow strength gains. Look like shit until after you finish your cut, bulk, and cut again
>recomp: maintain weight, slow gains in both aestetics and strength

It makes very little difference. Skinnyfats need to accept that they will look like shit for at least 6 months to a year after they begin lifting regularly. I personally cut first. When i started bulking my lifts went up like crazy and it made me wish i had bulked first. The flip side is that if i had bulked or recomped first the changes mightve been too slow to notice and i mightve quit.

>getting butthurt over what some Jow Forumsizen says
yup must be new

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>If he's eating a lot, he'll gain muscle.
>If he's not eating much, he'll lose fat from the exercise.
wow so hard to understand huh retard?

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he literally just did, kill yourself

I have this turk friend who was skinnyfat and when he started bulking last year everyone made fun of him for lifting and just looking pudgier while eating 14 eggs a day but then he cut it all in 4 months or so and now he looks pretty good and is fucking muslim sloots.