Reminder that it's literally impossible to be incel if you run test+tren+mast+var+proviron...

Reminder that it's literally impossible to be incel if you run test+tren+mast+var+proviron, do literally any lifting and don't literally starve yourself or permanently binge on complete garbage

Attached: upper-body-shreded-low-body-fat.jpg (525x628, 39K)

Do you know what an incel is

Coping faggots who've given up
NO ONE can not get pussy running the stack in the OP and actually trying get laid

Has it ever even once occurred to you that the reason girls/women won't get with you is because your personality is shit, and NOT because of any physical attribute? Steroids will not fix your personality. Stop being stupid and fix your shit.

yes I know I have a terrible personality, I have autism. How do I fix THAT?

>I have autism.
Everyone tosses that term around so much that it doesn't mean anything anymore. Were you actually BORN with autism spectrum disorder, an ACTUAL MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS for it, or are you just memeing and just feel 'socially awkward'?

Attached: 233E9AEF-0DD9-481E-8C0F-42793FA0D63D.jpg (700x700, 160K)



shit advice. OP is giving advice for getting laid not for getting a gf. bitches don't fuck you for your personality.

Even if you're just tryna get laid you need to be able to like, hold a half decent conversation for 10 minutes or so


so thats a no and you just are a bit awkward and dont feel like trying

and there are easier and healthier ways to get laid than becoming a chemistry lab

true but if a girl is into you then you can pretty much say anything and they will laugh.

Incel is involuntary celibate. So no, it's about
>tfw no gf
not about
>tfw can't get my dick wet

celibate means no sex

What if I'm celibate (the voluntary kind)? The fact that I need to define it as such on this board truly shows how toxic this place is.

try using literally more you fuckin zoomer cunt

Depends, the bitches that are like
>the holocaust never happened
are usually that thirsty and desperate for a reason, i.e. they are fat/ugly/just plain dumb etc.
Then ones that actually get to choose don't like autismos no matter how Jow Forums they are

Spoken like a true Incel.
>he's already given up completely, so sad!
Just pay whores then, that's the best someone like you will ever do.

>Coping faggots who've given up

No, you idiot. Inceldom is being ostracized from the game of reproduction altogether.

the mentality that compels you to do dangerous drugs to shortcut physical changes, is the same mentality causing your incel-dom

You're reaching pretty hard with that reply. Projecting almost. I suppose someone who tripfags probably has low self esteem and feels the need to lash out at the world. Perhaps you should take your own advice and drop the shitty personality.


>hurr what is a colloquialism