Would you date a gf who's more Jow Forums than you?
Would you date a gf who's more Jow Forums than you?
>Would you date a gf who's more Jow Forums than you?
Sure. :-) Would help to keep me motivated during those rare times that I question what I'm doing.
Also if anyone says "No", then I question whether they're really secure in who they are or not.
yup i would
I want to rape wonderwoman
lol good luck
No since that'd mean she roids and I don't want that
A woman more fit than me would have to be on male hormones so would therefore not be a woman. I would however date a trap.
This subject clearly doesn't apply to you at all.
My gf is a legit athlete. When she’s training hard she looks super fit with abs, etc.
I look good, but not “athlete level” like she does.
do you ever eat her ass after a hard training session?
> Stronk powerful Wonder Woman can't be rap-
go back to /n/
If I were into dating I'd have no problem with her being more athletic than me.
Just lose and she'll bang you
deffo I'd love that shit
The better question is, why would such a woman want to be with a man weaker than them? The truth is that nearly all women want to submit to a man that's stronger than them, even if you want to believe otherwise because of your femdom fantasies.
She is so perfect in OP's picture
Strong, yet feminine as fuck
Just win and you can bang her. It's a win win situation, you can't lose.
My Gf is more Jow Forums than I am. She squats more weight than I do, but she's an insta chick/cardio bunny. She has a perfect ass and body. I wouldn't date a powerlifter or any girl that would rather be strong than aesthetic.
That's Hercules, of course she's gonna get slapped around.
He gets his ass beat concave on the next page though.
sure, why not.
post pic of her?
That's the dream. To find a strong, powerful woman, and remind her that she's still a woman.
I would love that.
sure i guess
Kek. I'm not dumb enough to post her on Jow Forums. Besides, I don't even like the way other guys stare at her when we go out, or the way they try to mog me. I'm also sure she will be recognized by some fag on this site that goes to our gym.
to be fair with how shit google reverse image search is these days, if the picture was only posted to instagram or facebook no one would ever be able to find it as long as you cropped out/blurred any identifiable bits like her face or tattoos
>flip pic horizontally
>take 1 pixel size pencil/paintbrush tool and make small black dots at random spots all over the pic