Why is acid the most Jow Forums drug?

Why is acid the most Jow Forums drug?

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It’s not

Heroin is the most Jow Forums drug

>Jow Forums drug not being roids

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lifting expands your body and acid expands your mind

mushrooms are better.

>being fit
>Doing drugs
Choose one, degenerate

>acid expands your mind
Oookkkk slow down there

I feel the same, but everyone I tell that too says I've never had good acid. I don't know what's true.

both good but different. try higher doses

foxy contain is the most fit drug.

>foxy contain

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what have you never had some mind bending thoughts on acid?

Coke is you faggot

t. never did a psychedelic

The most Jow Forums drug is finasteride

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oxy continues

I kind of agree, but I've only done acid once

that guy had solid fucking frame

based rich white men

You nodded out halfway thru typing this didn't you?

I'd say my most Jow Forums drug of choice is Phenibut with some caffeine. Acid just makes me want to stay at home and be alone.