How can I overcome pizza and burger cravings?

How can I overcome pizza and burger cravings?

I've got them EVERYDAY at the end of the day and starting from 7:00PM I get into a deep state of depression that I can only think of junk food.

Yes I'm fat, but I believe that something is not right in my brain, we all have willpower and I've got it too, but c'mon, there's no one that can overcome this every single day.
I must have some kind of brain problem, because this starts exactly at 7:00PM, some medfag here knows if there's a condition that may be causing my "programmed food depression"?

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Buy pepperoni, pizza sauce, mozarella cheese and flatbread and make your own at home. It will have way less calories and leave you satisfied.

try the 'not eating shit' diet for more than a few days

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you could start doing long distance running if you ~must~ eat calorie dense foods

If I knew for sure that would work, I would fucking do it, even if I had to get lost in a mountain for a couple weeks to avoid junk food.

>"programmed food depression"?
Carbohydrates = easy, fast sugar in the body
Sugar = dopamine
Dopamine = Fuckin... dopamine.

You set the bar for pleasure to astronomical proportions. I know people here like to bemoan keto a lot, but if you're struggling to get past obsessive food thoughts or binge eating, keto helps. A lot. I wont pretend to wax poetic about health benefits, but it's an easier way to help deal with the insane cravings.

The 7pm thing is either just a time in the day that your blood sugar dips, OR you are noticing a pattern where there isn't one and reinforcing it by associating this time with "shit, pizza"

>Eat ice cream every day, develop a craving
>Stop eating ice cream for a while to try to improve my diet
>Cravings last for a few days, then suddenly disappear
>If I eat ice cream, the cravings come back for a few days, then disappear again
>After a year of not eating ice cream, I can now eat it every once in a while without getting cravings
You need to cut it from your diet completely for a sustained period. You can't eat it if you don't buy it, and I find it's easier to be disciplined when I'm at the store than when I'm at home with something I shouldn't eat in the fridge.
>There's something wrong with my brain! I can't help it! Muh genetics!
No, you're just a fatty.

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Whether it will 100% work or not is irrelevant. The fact you won't even attempt it indicates you don't want to help yourself enough, and this whiny thread is just more of your self-indulgence showing.

This may seem like a epic retarded move or a einstein move, either way:

My father was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, which, as some of you may know, it's a disease caused by the lack of production of dopamine in the brain.

>So consider the following:
Can sugar/carbs improve my father's life?
Can I take levodopa in small doses (I don't have Parkinson's at least not that I know) at around 6:00PM to control the 7:00PM food depression?

Tell me if this looks completely retarded to you, because to me, this looks just like the holy grail.

The link between carbs and dopamine is not a pure one-way thing. High blood sugar has a stupid amount of negative health connotations. It's simply a reward system. Food keeps you alive, dumb lizard brain rewards you for consuming extremely calorie-rich foods with dopamine.

I'm not super familiar with parkinsons, but if it's a disease that is a lack of dopamine production, carbs wont help. The dopamine generator being broken wont make more dopamine if you keep hitting the button.

That being said, it might have positive benefits in terms of reducing more damage to the brain cells.

make healthy cheeseburgers you fucking faggot

No, you are just weak. There is nothing wrong with your brain, you are just used to being a fatty. Your lack of will is why you will either 1. Remain fat or 2. Lose weight, then gain it back once you decide it's ok to eat like shit again.

You're weak. Decide on whether you want to stay weak or not. You'll know what to do if you don't, but if you do wanna remain a weaklet, kys khlv incel

Realize that you won't loose ANYTHING by not eating it for an extended period of time to see if it works out

Put an assload of high protein, tasty frozen dinners in your fridge such as:

Just bought a dozen on those and other varieties myself.

This really hits the spot flavor/cravings-wise. 20g protein:

Or save money and make your own:

Also make your own tuna or hamburger helper with those noodles.

If you must have pizza, get a veggie pizza with light cheese and thin crust and extra sauce from papa johns or dominoes. 1300kcal instead of 2500.

Still hits the spot surprisingly well.

Btw some of the other species of dry veggie pasta taste like shit (like the yellow lentil shit and black bean garbage) so def stick with the red fusilli first.

I mean you are right but there is something "wrong" with his brain. Neurons like to fire in the same way so changing your behavior is like trying to forced a "fixed" electrical circuit to behave differently.

My diet problems gradually corrected themselves after I started lifting. It's a lot easier to make good decisions when you have a more tangible place to make decisions from.

Former pizza/burger enthusiast here. The only thing you can do is man up and quit cold turkey. Eventually the cravings will go away. Any other answer given is never gonna make it tier.

Just made this bad boy today.

Toasted Homemade buns, BBQ Sauce, Sauteed Onions, Lettuce, Fried egg, Center cut crispy bacon, Medium cheddar, 96% beef, tomato, Mayo.

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Holy shit I really hope this is bait otherwise you’re a retarded lardass who needs to lift weights and stop being such a pussy about eating lean

Just drink plenty of water and chew gum with mint.


Intermittent fasting also helps. I have the same problem OP has. Sometimes I will be in my room pacing around like a werewolf before the full moon thinking about ordering Little Caesars cheese bread or going to CiCis. I know I won't even enjoy it, but the cravings are hard.

Fasting just lets me binge on good healthy food and makes it harder for me to justify the extra calories. You're also less hungry throughout the day.

Stop buying pizza and burgers

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Hey babe, lookin' good tonight!

It's a pizza, it can't hear you

You're human, we're creatures of habit. Accept the fact that you'll have to deal with some bad cravings for a week or so while getting off of that shit and you'll start to feel much better.
Look into stoicism, embracing discomfort is crucial for personal growth. You're gonna make it!!!

abstain from fat, load up on starch and veggies, eat only twice a day, cook your own food (weigh it on a digital scale so you know exactly now much you're eating every day), no snacking.
and drink a whey shake in the morning every day.
spices and artificial sweeteners can be used to liven up starch, avoid sugar. eat lean chicken occasionally if you want.