G-g-genetics don't matter

G-g-genetics don't matter...

Attached: 8AjaDXuUrRGrAQrRjpBXvjZwsVBYL7C0HQDPnVYRoSk.jpg (496x767, 76K)

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Yeah, looks about right for 6 months of juice

Genetics don't matter when you use roids.

But how did he looked right before those 6 months?

no he started later
he was already pretty /fit

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

Dorian is a straight up guy man. Listen to his interviews, he admits he was genetically gifted and he has openly talked about how bIg a role genetics play

There's a reason 170 pound highschool kIds on the sophomore football team can bench 225 for reps after a couple months of fooling around in the gym.
Meanwhile Jow Forums autists take over a year to struggle with 205x3

he even tells how much of each drug he took
he started with danabol after 18-24 months after starting going to the gym

>He admits to just being born better than everyone else
Wow so brave of him, he can't be lying

>Genetic anomalies don't exist
>Freakish tall people must have been blasting GH during childhood, it's the ony way


you'll learn eventually genelets


genetics are super important

based roids

So much cope ITT.

How you look like after 2 years of serious training is pretty much 99% of your gains. Youre not going to make much noticeable physical changes after that.

Can't handle the truth? Too bad.

6 months of continuous going to the gym? I sometimes skip gym a day or two due to something stupid and I think that really kills my gains.

Everyone ITT claiming Yates had started juicing that early has no idea what genetics are and should at least read the wikipedia page before giving a retarded opinion

>hurr egalitarianism iz real
>everybody born the the same
>all man created equal
>hurr durr

People forget he was already fit because he was playing a ton of sports in school

Attached: 1998-mr-olympia-114_20090830_1631563038.jpg (799x776, 168K)

>t. absolutely seething at having to confront the reality that some people are born genetically superior to himself

No disrespect to the big man, seemed like coleman was genuinely a pretty stand-up guy, but his mother has a very striking resemblance to an ape in this particular photograph.

Dorian is full of shit. It's typical of many of these bodybuilder types. They're desperately afraid of having their success attributed to steroids. Dorian also claims he worked out 4 times a week for 45 minutes each day. He's a grade A bullshitter.

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say that to "her" face fucker and not online

Attached: r99-72.jpg (475x297, 81K)

Based blackpill poster
Cringe copelet poster

What did he look like with 0 months of lifting? That's the more important metric

starting point is nowhere near as important as response to training, and in general starting point is not predictive of response to training (so the idea that skinny starting out = bad genetics is total bullshit)

see in general you can categorize people into
Low Initial Size/Strength, Low Response to Training (aka genetic dead ends)
High Initial Size/Strength, Low Response to Training (aka hit some decent numbers on SS and then slam into a brick wall and barely make progress ever again)
Low Initial Size/Strength, High Response to Training (initially skinny guy who becomes very very big and strong)
High Initial Size/Strength, High Response to Training (Dorian Yates goes here)

also see forum.barbellmedicine.com/forums/training-q-a-with-dr-jordan-feigenbaum-and-dr-austin-baraki/9136-athletic-spectrum-and-training-sensitivity


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Imagine being this gullible. Fucking Anons lie about whether they're natty and how long they're lifting, and you think this blatant bullshit is legit? I have some snake oil to sell you that will fix your extra chromosome problem.