Symmetric Strengtfh

Finally got some green man
Post your symmetric strength guy

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5 years lifting
4 natty, 1 on sauce
Thinking of jumping on tren for the first time soon to make all my body parts into red (elite-world class) level

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Do you feel like roiding has lowered or raised your risk of injury?

>other lifters at your strength level

8 months

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Whatever scale they use seems wonky. It claims 5rm of weighted chin-ups with 35lb added is more impressive than 5rm of a 150lb OHP.

I’m also 215lb so maybe that’s it

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Natty, 5'10" 181lbs.
Currently cutting till I properly see my all of my abs.
I'd say I'm in the area of 15% body fat right now

Bench: 315lbs
Squat/Deadlift: both in the low-mid 400s.
My biggest weak point is the OHP where I'm stuck at 165 for a 1RM.

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Post body

This is exactly how each muscle feels in relation to each their, too

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Reminder for newbies that you cannot increase your lifts by more than 1.8 times in a year. Then it becomes even slower. If you start with less than 1 plate bench, sorry. Better luck with genetics in next life.

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Poo in a loo

Of course, why doesn’t?

What routine do you follow? Because I do PPL in PLP format and only when I moved heavy OHP to Pull day, that is two days after Push, did it start going up again.

3 months

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6 almost 7 months of SL 5x5.

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>3 months of exercising from literal atrophy twink
>Still all subpar

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8 months what? Surely not lifting. I had that in 4.

Based and redpilled

How old are you?

Eat more nigger

Oh wow congrats you're clearly a much better person than I am

Were you just super weak when you started (under 95lb bench) or did you progress slowly because of a sub optimal diet/sleep pattern.

If you can't add weight to the bar at least once a week something is amiss. I'm not special, anybody can do it if they really want to.

Post body cunt
>(You) wont

I started off at 115 bench and life has gotten in the way here and there, some weeks I lift 5 days some weeks I lift twice
If I took it very seriously I'd be further along but I have plenty of other hobbies and I'm happy enough with my progress

guess height/weight

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Same as yours OP, feels good not being a deltlet

3 weeks
Im shit but im gonna get there one day
I want to eat more but im already kind of fat, should i?

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5'3", 286 lbs

Lifting for around 5 or 6 months, I had zero muscle at all when I started so that’s why I’m still weak

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OHP and push press are hard as fuck

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im weak as fuck, how do you get stronger in bench and OHP, im having lots of problems with that

I run the chest press machines along with pushups. Cable pull downs would also help. Dumbbell chest press is better than bench press for activating all the muscles involved. I’d say on chest day you should do bench press last as just a test exercise rather than a muscle builder.

Recently started Stronglifts but my squat is already stronger compared to my bench, should I switch or add something to the programm?

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I use dumbbells for chest and shoulders but I heard those are harder than barbells because of differences in the ROM, any way to convert ORMs other than trying using barbells?

im doing starting meme, should i add a ligther dybbell chest press as an accesory?

why you have no pecs user?

Since youre an absolute beginner i would cut in the beginning and start eating more when you begin stalling. Only applies if you truly have some fat though
Eat a high protein diet and read the sticky

Altough im a beginner myself (6months) this is how i would do it if i were to do it all over again

Just do the program mang

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This is my body right now, so cut right?

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-500 kcal cut until you don’t progress any further with your lifts.
Its ultimately your desicion if you want to bulk immideatly after that.
If your face puts on fat quickly i would honestly just keep cutting for a while. You will become a bit skelly and wont make much progress, but you can do a slow bulk after and look pretty decent all the time.

This is entirely another noobs opinion though so i dont matter and you shouldnt really listen to me

Little bit over 2 years, but you could never tell by looking at me. Feelsbadman

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post ass

Been doing SL for 2 months after 3 years of no lifting and lost gains.Tomorrow I'm starting Super Squats.
Any tips?

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Yeah fuck legs, my squat sucks so much

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