Attached: juji.png (1231x947, 2.53M)
Is Jujimufu /ourguy/
Henry Wilson
Other urls found in this thread:
Eli Murphy
Literally a Nordic God
Jeremiah Sanchez
Brandon Robinson
He seems like a really chilled out guy, everything seems so fun and effortless for him. Envy.
Juan Kelly
apart from his clickbait videotitles he is for sure
Cooper Hill
Just another meme tier fitness youtuber. Does fag-shit for caption views.
Has never done anything exceptional, and isn't even that strong for weighing like 250lbs. Dude struggles squatting 3 plates lol.
Carter Rodriguez
he just deadlifted 300kg
Blake Young
no, he's reddit-tier. Not a bad guy, but there's no spark behind his eyes. Bugez is /ourlad/
Jaxon Parker
this entire video is Jow Forums kino
Nicholas Gray
t. manchild
and if eric memehagen met any incel from this site, he would hate them
Josiah Reed
Yeah, so tell us how much succesful are you?
Ethan Bell
bugenhagen is a Jow Forumsizen
Luke Scott
he definitely isnt...
Isaac Cooper
exactly what I had in mind
Liam Cooper
Is this the guy that has a cameraman that looks like some kind of horror movie serial rapist?
Jacob Butler
He definitely is. You're also naive if you don't think he literally shills himself here too.
Julian Watson
Damn, dude. Shits almost 3x bodyweight lol. How impressive.
There are 'natties' who weight less than 164lbs that pull more than him. I bet I even have a higher wilks score than him.
Dudes a reddit-tier youtuber with no actual accomplishments who only got famous for screaming.
Elijah Price
yes he shills himself, to take advantage of gullible manchildren. no he does not browse here
hes has basically shit on everything this board is obsessed about. hes the opposite of Jow Forums
Gavin Howard
>comparing based on lift:bodyweight ratios
manlet detected
Jonathan Fisher
Now THAT GUY is definitely our guy.
Exactly what kind of vibe I imagine the avg fit-poster would exude
Luke Wright
Her nose is HUGE!
Carter Bennett
>whiteknighting another man
cuck detected
back to l.eddit please.
Jaxon Ramirez
the nose knows
would commit rassenschande with though
Wyatt Rivera
Josiah Edwards
Fuck off eric
>he is the opposite of Jow Forums
literally makes him an actual fitizen
Hunter White
Reddit fraud
Nathaniel Smith
I'm not even a fan of his, but frauding is when you pretend you're natty. He's never once claimed to be natty.
Hunter Stewart
Not an argument btw
Austin Richardson
His normie fans think he is though and he plays along
Juan Peterson
it is very clear he is on roids and he doesn't even try to hide it
it's not even a topic among fans whether he is roiding or not
Easton Davis
he did a 300kg dl couple of days ago
Levi Walker
>3x bw deadlift is not impressive if you are over 100 kg
the world record deadlift isn't even 3x bw
who do you mire? ants?
Adrian Taylor
>the world record deadlift isn't even 3x bw
wtf are you talking about?
It took me like 2 seconds to prove that you're a sac of shit. The only weight class that doesn't have a 3x bw records is the 120+
Charles Bennett
>IPF record=world record
>bodyweight scaling with strength is linear
Jordan Carter
Cringe, if you admire lighter lifters you’re a faggot. Lifting at heavy weights is based and redpilled.
Grayson Lee
Hello newfag
Xavier Scott
Never said natty, good reading comprehension newfag.
James Long
>if it's not a literal IPF record pull then it doesn't impress me
Hudson Miller
lolfeds used whippy bars and allow people to compete while on drugs
Carson Howard
Holy shit, learn to read, was replying to autist who said that world record deadlifts aren't 3x bw.
Is the reddit fitness board down or something?
Henry Parker
nice reddit filename, now go back
Christopher Mitchell
David Brown
>Damn, dude. Shits almost 3x bodyweight lol. How impressive.
from the first post, retard
>clogging your PC with reaction images
>not just typing whatever you need into google images and then deleting it
how many epic pepe folders do you have?
Lincoln Sanders
Having to piss in a cup after competing doesn't prove you're natty the other 364 days of the year, but at least it proves you're not blasting, which does make a difference.
Hudson Bell
352, it's the least a non-redditor should have
Juan Morris
they are known for not testing serious record holders like Ray Williams
the IPF is already not very popular, do you think it would help them if they disqualified half their athletes?
Kayden Cooper
Man, I think you've got replies messed up. Good try though, reading is hard for people with disabilities I guess.
Justin Smith
Why are you even suggesting that?
Him and his boyfriend are some of the most awkward and unfunny people i've ever seen on the internet. Especially the boyfriend. Holy shit this guy has the sense of humor of a 14 year old girl.
The only thing i like about them is that they btfo'd alphadestiny that one time on their stream and that's about it.
Even if he were to unironically do a nazi solute that still wouldn't make him /ourguy/ you fucking retard
Henry Evans
>you can only quote posts you are replying to
Justin Morgan
He's a jew
Blake Gonzalez
Jacob Sanchez
Leo Williams
>-120kg equippped record was done with a bodyweight of 105.07kg
>literally a 24 ounce bottle of water away from the 105 cut off
Easton Roberts
Shamelessly stolen
Nathan Ortiz
He's a bodybuilder, he does pl and olympic shit for fun. Of course he's not that strong for his bw
Camden Foster
Anyone who clickbaits their faggot ass videos is not /ourguy/
Joshua Young
those are elliott hulses weights
Justin Green
I dont think so, my dude.
I dont hate him but I dont consider him /ourguy/.
Hunter Cox
What about me user?
Grayson Bennett
He’s a cringeworthy redditor. Anyone who makes videos dedicated to whining about or passive aggressively complaining about other men is a faggot redditor.
Ethan Sanchez
Nope, only bloatmaxx
Camden Long
you're so anally hurt it's hilarious.
Evan Foster
The only video I like is with clarence and thats just because clarence is my Dream Prince.
Parker Jackson
god damn im jealous of the dude in that vid. he seems chilled, is strong, and gets to eat that chicks ass on the DAILY.
Jason Martinez
Was this a live stream? Why would you publish this? Do millennials have no sense of dignity?
Sebastian Bell
i imagine her reasoning was to show that this happens with women who squat heavy so others dont feel too bad about it
Jayden Powell
Logan Ross
Yes her last name is Cohen and she’s a cheating kike on tons of gear, hence why she’s facially indistinguishable from Jake gyllenhaal. I’m pretty sure female powerlifting is just about who can juice more but stay looking relatively feminine.
Connor Smith
Yeah dude's pretty anoying
Isaac Ward
He’s a weirdo at times, but he’s alright
Jack Perry
isn't she from venezuela?
Zachary Collins
I liked his work better when he was a self aware goof, before being a self aware goof required mugging for reddit. its a kind of homogenization of personality that can only be described as cancer
best vid he ever did
Eli Torres
Cope: The post
Matthew Murphy
Friendly reminder that your lifts are not impressive unless they are world record levels
Austin Flores
Isaac Price
He's a cryptokike so no.
Carson Hughes
There are plenty of kikes in Venezuela.
Jeremiah White
their leader maduro is one.
Easton Ross
I like Tom cause even though he's still weak he will try everything. Same as Juji really.
Dylan Rivera
>Bw ratios
Joshua Torres
lifting heavy is so healthy for women
Landon Moore
>Getting this upset over a dude just trying to make videos using his form of comedy
I'd understand if he said or did anything controversial, or even if he was just a complete dick head, but he is/has done neither of those things.
It's pointless and pathetic to get this butt blasted
Alexander Powell
I miss when the whole /ourguy/ thing actually meant something, not just this stupid white nationalist bullshit.
Cooper Morgan
It's a country run into the ground by communism and corruption, of course kikes are involved. How else does the world's #1 owner of oil reserves manage to become a place with daily riots and starvation? Kikes
Kevin Anderson
>white nationalist
Jow Forums is a pro-white board
Nolan Phillips
>Back in my day, we were only racist ironically
Cool story grandpa, now tell me again about how you used to walk uphill going to and back from school
Christian Martin
Nah he's pretty reddit tier.
Cameron Williams
Lift some weights and you'll have something to be proud of other than you skin color.
>not being racist
Somebody's confused.
Zachary Ortiz
Boomers may be scared of the local Tyrone that walks by, but they simply let America fall apart on their watch
Ayden Russell
hes the gay jew in charge of jooji
Jaxon Reyes
America's doing fine, weirdo. For every black person getting a couple hundred bucks a week in welfare there's a white person doing the same thing and a non white immigrant working two jobs while getting no social aid whatsover.
William Jenkins
>these other women are bozos so I shouldn't feel bad about being a bozo
Mason Thompson
Are you saying there are as many blacks on welfare as there are whites on welfare despite there being significantly fewer blacks than whites in America?
Carter Flores
>For every black person getting a couple hundred bucks a week in welfare there's a white person doing the same thing
That's a problem since the black population is so much fucking smaller then the white population. What do you think will happen after whites are bred out (white men are the only group that pays more in taxes than they use)?
Brandon Campbell
hey man maybe take the day off, you seem a bit delusional
Lucas Gomez
>dawg half her videos on youtube involve piss. she pisses on the platform at meets all the fucking time
Charles Morris
Ahh... Niggers. 3 times the size of the guy, but still lack the courage to fight 1 on 1.
Nolan Perry
Yes. Black people work less. It's still not hurting you. There's so many people working that some people can't even find a job.
>there's not even that many of them
>they're breeding us out
your brain on Jow Forums
David Reyes
Fucking brainlet boomer, blacks aren't the only ethnic group moving into America. The floodgates of immigration have been left wide open since the 1965 Immigration act and America is stuck on a course headed towards disaster.
Just look at pic related, and realize that since the 1965 act California went from 95%+ white to being majority Latino IN 50 FUCKING YEARS
Wyatt Reed
>implying you're not the boomer here
Well then you tell me what will happen when these messicuns breed us out. Explain how they're paying less taxes too. I've never been to California, but in Oklahoma they use fake ssn's, pay taxes on their checks, and then don't use any social programs at all due to not have an ssn.