Morning Kelly thread

i love kelly

take a gander at this fresh kelly, recently posted!
thank you for recently posting this, kelly.
i love kelly

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Other urls found in this thread:

subhuman philthrum

its kelly time!

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Sticc threads were much better

literally the only good thread on Jow Forums right now

bumping because OP is based

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I will return to them eventually.. I have a lot on my plate.. Such as posting on s4s on the side

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finally someone who understands..
she is ourgirl

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would love to rape her little asshole.

kelly time in the early hours (10:25 AM)

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do NOT say that about kelly! you don't mean it. shes not for that.

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s4s is so boring though :/ have a good day. It was nice talking to you again

i have finished my second cup of coffee now i will get up and get a third cup of coffee and the second i return i post another kelly

it really is kelly time

i think s4s is the funnest board on Jow Forums..
have we spoke before?
i think i will post another sticc thread directly after this thread dies

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Not really. We spoke some around April in sticc threads

to each their own.. theres one specific person i remember from those that i had meant to speak to again, is there anything more defining you could say about yourself

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setting down my third cup of coffee, I post another Kelly. Thank you, Kelly, for posting this photo in the first place! It's a good photo. Kelly, I very much enjoy this photo.

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We talked about taking walks at night and other underweight related things.

oh, so you are the person i was thinking of then, i remember you

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That's surprising.. I'm really forgettable haha.

think so? maybe.. maybe not.. not in this case certainly

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(I woke up in the library and someone was whispering your name directly into my ear. I looked around but I couldn't find them and when I went outside, the sun was out but soon the sky turned black and it started to rain; my friends blame ghosts for everything)

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shee exceptional.

kelly really is /ourgirl/!

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god sent an angel of mercy to me
to forgive me for being so mean

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He told me 'do not fear the darkness my son
for the sun will rise again'

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What makes me memorable to you? I always talk about boring things because boring things are what I enjoy and that makes me forgettable I think

He took this ailing body from me
for He knew it was causing me pain
He won't give me a new one cause i had my chance
but He forgives me, He forgives me

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I'm not sure! But you still did. Maybe it was because you visited the threads regularly or at least more than once.. It wasn't boring to me

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and everything i knew i forgot
i will shed this stupid body
i will grow tall and be someone new

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That's probably it. I did visit them really often, mostly because I could relate to them a bit and talking to you made me feel less dizzy

I think I stopped originally because I got banned, then stopped again because I got banned again. Didn't check r9k for a while then started lurking every day all day then I was unbanned. Summer is almost over. Why do you find s4s boring? Is it because of the lack of proper conversation or the repetitive nature of the posts?

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i dont want to go to sleep
and i dont want to dream

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strawberries off a plate i bought from a widow who was selling her husbands things

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and swallow chunks of broken glass

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i wanna be haunted
i wont leave my bed
i wont go crazy and
i wont get sad

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What did you get baned for?

i got b& for posting a cute waifu once

gookmoot made a sticky a few days ago if he should delete Jow Forums, i should have voiced my grievances then

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There's just not any content that really interests me. I can say the same for this board, but I've been on it for a while so I just naturally come here I guess.

Hey, anyone got that pic where she wears Burzum - Aske t-shirt? I'm new to this fanclub, seen it before and it was insanely hot.

i think they aren't careful with dishing out bans and warnings.. i got myself banned on purpose the most recent time, i cannot remember what it was before that

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this one?

naturally coming here is understandable, i think a lot of people do that at this point..

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Didn't you get banned from Cozy for letting Mantras on your account?

also thats a really cute waifu who is she/what is the source

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That's most likely the case. I'm not too fond of how hostile everyone is now too

weeb alterna Kelly (Stacey)

whether its balanced or not, there are always going to be bad threads and always going to be good threads.. and everyone is always going to have their own opinions on whats bad or not.. it is true that a lot of people here are hostile and bitter, but the same could be said for almost anywhere

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is there someplace where I can find all these pics?

she is not a stacey.. she is one of us!

you can check out her instagram,, but it won't have all of the pictures and nobody has uploaded a complete collection.. i have one but have not and will not upload it fully !

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ashley/noriko, used to post here.

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well shit, thanks for her instagram though

wow.. I don't recognize her at all, figured it was a random girl or a /b/ waifu.. thank you for filling me in on that

you are welcome

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Kelly, I dream about being with you
while you're doing the laundry
in the shade of an oak tree
you see right through me
someone calls me a liar
but I'm covered in violets
you mean the world to me
don't ever let them tell you different

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I'm on really awkward times too so I almost always miss the good threads.. that's very true about people having their own opinions about ways bad or good. It's not like I hate s4s it's just not something I'm super interested in. I don't exactly blame anyone here for being hostile it just makes me hesitant to ever post anything because I react badly to things like that.

i think its a shame to not post anything due to that but its understandable. i'm always on at different times across the hours, sometimes close to all day/night, sometimes just at really odd hours.. my favorite threads are my own. have you checked out the rest of the boards? maybe one of the smaller ones would interest you if there are any aimed at something you actually hold interest in, and chances are it wont be as hostile as r9k

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Stop forcing yourself here sua puta.

You're way fuglier IRL.


at what. complete strangers

I'm awake at odd times as well, mostly to avoid my family.. compared to my brothers I'm a massive disappointment. I do in fact go on small boards! I enjoy /his/ a lot however I don't post there either because they can be really hostile if you're ignorant about certain things.

i think about you multiple times every day
i wondered why you kept me added i thought maybe you abandoned your account but assumed it was invisible mode after
sure i did just never know how to as a whole, not a fan of directly speaking to people which is why i post on r9k and s4s so much

Okay, usually I act passive, but I've had enough! Leave Kelly alone, RIGHT NOW. SHE IS BEAUTIFUL, INSIDE AND OUT! And even better IRL! How DARE you disrespect her like this?! Well, you must have had a ROTTEN day, as rotten as YOURSELF! You're ROTTEN, PURE ROTTEN. You are horrid! Stop lashing out at Kelly to compensate for your MISERABLE life! Apologize, or die!


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/his/ is too bigbrain for me
i liked /u/ and /c/ but forgot about them
you should check out the thinspo threads on /fa/ maybe

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Haha, whoops! Looks like that wacky Tripfriend, 'Avery', is speaking to herself again! Is this a political statement?! What a weirdo!

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Kelly is not the type of girl you want to mess with.

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I've never really been on /fa/. I think I remember seeing a sleazecore thread and laughing my ass off. The first time in a while i genuinely enjoyed myself

Russian girls seem weirdly good at looking like IRL anime.

'morning avery

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Replying to this post at 11:24 AM, to wish this poster that replied to me (therefore bumping my thread), a good morning right back at ya!

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I went on it on and off, I would never care to partake in most of the stuff posted there myself but there are nice threads, and there's ones held daily that are kind of similar to my sticc threads, kept getting people telling me to just post there in my sticc threads as well

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kelly is the only russian r9k waifu I care for! besides the other r9k waifus I care for.

Posting on r9k and s4s as a full time hobby!

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Kelly is the most valuable player!

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My love for Kelly is a simulation of a simulation inside of a simulation inside of a simulation inside of a simulation, but really you're just missing out on the bigger picture here!

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Kelly is a baby. Have a nice day, Kelly and Avery!

Aren't you that account on normiegram that only lets girls follow it?
Also she's Brazilian not Russian and has a bf

Kelly stands at 4 feet, 10 inches tall.

Kelly is a pure Russian, and is a lesbian. What do you mean?!

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with God as my witness and God as my only friend
I never thought that I'd see you around here again
with God as my witness and God as my only friend
will we be this bored when the world ends?

KELLY, eating Sushi. This photo of Kelly features sushi. Is Kelly an advocate of Sushi?I'm not falling for it myself

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What's her instagram original?

I'll check it out more often then! I have to go soon I need to water my plants. It was nice talking to you again have a nice day

You did not know of her at all, or knew of her but did not recognize her? She's pretty good at looking completely different with makeup and filters. She posted here last year and iirc got completely doxxed, full name, family members, workplace, everything. So her new accounts are *secret*

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Marky just posted a new photo of herself onto her instagram and everybody should check it out! !

Goodbye plantposter

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Oh now I get it, you're crazy, completely nuts

It's no secret that she resides in Brazil and is mainly Brazilian but I would not shoot down the possibility she has some Russian in her. Who cares that she has a boyfriend?

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>Avery is Marky


in what sort of world would this be a possibility?!

knew of her but didn't recognize her. I think a lot of e-girls are very good at looking different with different filters/makeup/angles and it's a common theme for e-girls to switch accounts/make the new ones secret and quiet as well. Kind of disappointing, but it's what happens.

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> just posted a new photo of herself
she is so mesmerizing, i stare at some of her photos for 10+ minutes at a time

I think about this one ALL THE TIME
And I like her lips in this one

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Kelly and Marky, keeping the beauty of the White Weebaryan woman alive on this Earth.

there is an alternate universe out there where Kellys English is not broken, and her and Marky are best friends.

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Avery fuck off you schizophrenic fag, I'm sick of your shitty threads whether it be Kelly or Sunny or Anorexic women or whatever the fuck else you shit out. I am sick of seeing your shitty schizophrenic rambling in your threads and outside of them. Stop posting. Get banned again forever you autistic mess

The Santa girl!

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Orbiters should kill themselves

thumbs up! I agree, user! Thank you for this based contribution.

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When will desuarchive be back..

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so the only way to find Kelly, or even communicate with her, is through instagram?

agitation in this very small box shaped simulation
skip a step and try to skip two
then both of those steps are going to catch up with you

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yes! she sometimes responds to her comments, and rarely, her dms. she does not use discord. she has a curiouscat but its mainly portugese

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can you post her cc pls

hmm checking back i believe she has deleted it already

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i wish kelly would follow me on insta. wouldnt that be a dream come true?

you some kinda fucking expert on Kelly

Kelly, queen of Mewchan
A girl of whom I'm truly a fan

Kelly, she stood at four foot ten
Blessing us with her photos again and again

Kelly, a girl from Brazil
With sparkling eyes that could kill

Kelly, she has a pointy tongue
Eighteen years young

Kelly, a fan of Lil Peep
A girl we're going to keep

thank you for taking note of that!

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maybe someday user.. maybe someday.. theres hope for all of us and none of us, the same

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Kelly best girl
Avery best orbiter