Chinlet hate thread
Chinlet hate thread
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I love to suck sweaty cocks and eat the cummies they shoot
I don't know what it is about these people but to me they always look smelly, like their breath would stink and they would put off a perculiar odour. I don't know what the association is but it;s certainly there.
being a chinlet is worse than being a manlet
Why would you make fun of people for how they look, Jow Forums?
Dont ever steal my containment thread's memes again
Why would his parents give birth?
That fucking nose
That fucking chin
That fucking hair...
Because r9k is lookism board
Suppose that's one way to say 'being a shit person'.
Shit like this just makes me laugh the lack of chin and the over dose of IM SUPERIA is too much
that nose is horrible, but the jaw is caused by him being a retarded mouthbreather. also hair can be fixed in literally a few hours
is this the power of white people?
that's fucking bollocks, sorry. I mean imagine the three pigs or whatever that fable is, "i'm going to huff, and puff, and blow my chin in!" fucking havok physics there mate
yeah nazis are all s0ibois its pathetic
mate I'm telling ya mouth breathing fucks your shit up. if he didn't do it the chin would not look like this. it would still be recessed but nearly not as bad. also his lips would look normal
mouth breathing is the symptom, not the cause
recessed chin/mandible is usually accompanied by a recessed maxilla, and a recessed maxilla will compress the naval cavities making it very hard to breathe through nose comfortably.
nature doesnt play nice, im a retarded looking mouth breather and only expensive cosmetic surgery can save me from ugly hell
Forced service was a thing you know, how do you know the person in the pic actually gave a shit?
>Waffen SS
Means nothing. People join organizations and climb ranks purely for the benefits it gets them. Fascist and socialist regimes were no different, perhaps it was even amplified in those regimes simply because the state had so much power over the life of some average schlomo so nobody wanted to be the one getting fucked in the ass by some power hungry maniac.
>mouth breathing is the symptom, not the cause
cope harder you mouth breathing faggot
Do bad genetics exist? Or just bad habits?
If the guy in OP had good nutrition and a healthy loving mother and father while he was in the womb and when he grew through puberty do you think he would be chad instead? I think so. I think most people have good genetics but get sabotaged before they can reach their potential.
Just look at the impact poor nutrition can have
that plus the fact people are much taller now than they ever were and it's only because of easier access to good nutrition. So obviously your upbringing has a huge impact on the way you are as an adult, seems like it has a much bigger impact than genetics.
>tfw you peak at 10
but it is, and any medical professional would agree, nice cope lol
beat it kid, could use faggots like you
Nah M8 the SS were the elite troops, bodyguards and enforcers of the Nazi party. Service in the army was mandatory of course but everyone would just be drafted into the Wehrmacht. You would have to go out of your way to join the Schultzstaffel. Everyone in Germany knew what the SS did and stood for and you'd have to be a sick piece of shit to join them willingly.
Source: my grandfather who was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1944.
INB4 :
>Muh the nazi dindu anything wrong
t. 10/10 Chad that likes to put down people who are less fortunate than him because of things they cant control.
I am many things, but thank god im not a chinlet
>it was harmonious till years ago
>the older I get the worse it gets
>Forgetting that the sexiest man who ever lived was a chinlet
God, imagine being a manlet AND a chinlet, I would kill myself asap.
A chinlet just needs to scrape together $5000 to get an implant. A manlet is stuck like that. Still, without surgery a chinlet is far worse
>World Wars
Which is worse, weak chin or mouth breather underbite?