The last true robot celebrity

The last true robot celebrity.

Attached: Kurt Cobain.jpg (950x534, 176K)

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What about Amy Winehouse?

no way.. he had a gf

That's not Thom Yorke

Just a depressed chad

>9/10 Chad looks
>Very popular in his hometown music scene from his teens onwards
>Highly talented, multi-millionaire Rock star

Yeah, sure can relate to this guy!

Also, he was a massive feminist and fag loving SJW. He would've despised Jow Forums.


When will this meme end

>robot celebrity
these are mutually exclusive
apart from that, he was married and had a daughter for fucks sake

Is it now easier to be a robot than in his lifetime? I mean, do women and people in general have higher standards now? I feel it's nowadays harder to achieve things than 25-30 years ago.

>The last true robot celebrity.
Uhh pic related wants a word lol

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Maybe not the last robot celeb but the best one nonetheless.

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REAL robot creatives:
Elliot Smith(cyborg/high functioning robot)
Vincent Van Gogh
Daniel Johnston
Wesley Willis

He's the ultimate mid-late 2010s modern liberal SJW with mental problems but hes not a robot

Wrong OP. Fucking ridiculous.

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He was a depressed chad.
You normiecuck

Kanye is just edgy.

True but he's more akin to the culture of Jow Forums than any other musician

kurt cobain was literally just a faggot

True robot celebrity coming through


See this,
Check his solo stuff if you think radiohead is too much of a normalfag band, but they're not desu.

You should put me in a hole or you should put me down because I have myxomatosis, myxomatosis.

That's a robro lyric if I've ever seen one.

he's well known in underground music, but probably not a celebrity

only robots have chronic stomach problems

The only robot celebrity was Nick Drake

came here to post this and I was glad I didn't have to

>who is bladee

excuse me?
>inb4 he's black

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what about Rivers Cuomo

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Kurt had constant stomach pains and frequently developed ulcers down there due to literally belowing from his gut whenever he sang. He had constant pains in his stomach.

I like Kurt, but Ian Curtis is probably the most robot musician there's ever been. Even before his epilepsy diagnosis and failing marriage, he was already set on killing himself in his early twenties. You can't get a more robot song than isolation.

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>>Highly talented


Smells like teen spirt isn't Kurt's only song ya know

I know this. Why is he talented in your opinion?

If anything he was a brad not a chad

This. Thom is one of us.
Even his most famous single, Creep, is essentially an anthem to robots and an ode to our struggles. The fucked up part is that normies sing it in droves just because it's a "cool song"

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but he sucks even worse than krut my dawg