Do any of you robots have any fight experience or stories? Recently I have been researching Martial Arts, and I have been really enjoying it.
Do any of you robots have any fight experience or stories? Recently I have been researching Martial Arts...
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what martial art is most appealing to you?
Yep. Are you short? Your martial art of choice shoulld be the yielding-cuck style. It involves dropping your wallet and quickly submitting any tearful gf you may have to a larger opponent, so that he may rape her violently causing her to cum, cry, and bleed. Ultimately resulting in an death of internal trauma and pure ecstacy or her conversion into a turbowhore who will internalize the traumatic and thrilling rape for her other fantasies before ultimately killing herself.
Seriously if you are short you will lose every single niggerfucking fight. Just give-up and die off.
I've been in a knife fight, a baseball fight, multiple fistfights. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. I dont really have any training and anyone who knows what they are doing could easily smash me. I am a decent shot tho, and I have been in a brief firefight before.
I dont imagine I have a favorite. I used to do taekwondo when I was younger. Now I do a little Krav Maga because its easy and simple
Stories? I would love to hear em
I am not short. Six feet tall. My real shortcoming is that im physically weak. I am kind of a skelly sitting at the 130s
I'd just move to a state where stand your ground is a law and get that conceal carry permit
11 years martial arts experience and I work as a bouncer, in my experience martial arts training only works/helps about 40% of the time due to a combination of stupid circumstances that you just can't prepare for and the legal bind that you're placed in where you can't just headbutt someone and start chewing on their face
Did kickboxing and judo for a few years and got ito a few fights back in HS.
Im too old for that shit, now. If someone wants to fuck with me I just tell them to go fuck themselves and I live in mostly white area so I don't have to worry about getting mugged or robbed so MA just kind of lost its appeal to me altogether lately.
But that doesn't mean ive become a pacifist.
You prepare for war before it starts, not when it occurs.
I one choked out a black girl for knocking over my 7up
>be me, a lanklet antisocial autist who no one likes
>be in final year of high school
>have only 1 "friend", a fat stupid asshole who I've witnessed molest his brother
>I'm playing vidya at his place, and I have a gun with me, a lever action 30-30, cuz we were gonna go shooting later
>controller is dying, need to find charger I left at his place
>cant find it
>ask him where it is
>he tells me to fuck off
>things escalate
>he tells me he will call cops on me if I don't drop the issue
>i rage and begin searching his room
>find controller charging dock in his backpack
>he says I cant take it, even tho its mine
>I live in mostly white area so I don't have to worry about getting mugged or robbed
I use to pass a white area on the way to school years ago and I ended up getting mugged and beaten a few times. Seriously what's the difference between white and black areas. the only difference I can think of was the black guy decided not to take my ibuprofen and skittles
>Yes I'm black and I'm 5'7 and 100 lb
And does anyone know how to gain weight and what's the best martial arts for self defense because that feeling of fear where ever I go isn't nice.
>I grab controller, tell him to kill himself
>he screeches, grabs a knife and starts walking towards me
>I run for my gun, run outside with controller
>look behind me
>he's following me, with his dad's shotgun
>I warn him that I will shoot him if he doesnt turn around and go back inside
>he stops and raises gun
>I'm around 50 feet from him at this point, i break into sprint towards woods and get behind an embankment
>hear gunshot ring out, don't see where slug hit
>seriously what's the difference between white and black areas
Its like night and day.
Here, I can walk to the gas station and grocery store at night with my guard down because its so safe. I should have made it clear, I live in a high income area so even if its mostly white, there arent alot of dumb rednecks and druggies running around.
Sounds like you lived in some hick meth town for of lowlives.
However in low income black ares your chances of getting assaulted and robbed are much higher than that of white areas.
Its a statistical fact.
>I load lever action, fingers stiff, fucking bullets falling on ground
>finally load 5 or so rounds
>peek above embankement
>hear gunshot, tree behind me makes cracking sound
>spot the fucker peering at me behind a shed
>aim rifle at him, body is trembling, take a shot but miss because of nerves
>wall of shed splinters
>fire 3 more times, i see the second to last shot hit the wall right above his head
>a few more shots exchanged
>realize at this point that i must have knocked my sights off when diving behind the embankment, because I am familiar with this gun and the shots arent landing properly
>there are faggots that litrally think ninjutsu/kung-fu will help them in a real fight
Stay mad weeb fags
I didnt say kung fu or ninjutsu. You were the first to bring those up.
Anyway, what would you suggest would help someone in a fight?
Continue mate. Story is getting good.
I do karate. I could fucking destroy all of you faggots irl
I was nearly a state champion at collegiate wrestling in my senior year of high school, and by that time I had won over 100 high school matches, and something close to 200 if you counted my off-season matches.
And I didn't get laid once.
This is what happens when you nolife a sport like it's a video game
>realize the insanity of this
>literally in firefight with my only sort of friend
>he doesnt know i am out of ammo
>I run off into the woods towards my house, which is about a 30 min trek away
>he knows where I live, i'm expecting him to follow me there
>reach house
>my entire family is gone for a week
>I go to gun safe, grab a sniper rifle
>call up my friend, taunt him and tell him to come over
>climmb onto roof, there is a trail through the woods connecting our two houses and i know he is dumb enough to follow that trail, so I aim at the trailhead at the edge of the woods
>see him appear among the trees
>GODDAM he's fat and slow
>he doesnt know where i am, i could easily kill him, but i realize i dont really want to kill him
>shift point of aim to about a foot over his head
>tree splinters right above his head
>he lets out a shriek like a fucking girl and drops his gun
>waves hands frantically
>I get him to walk over and i climb down from roof
>he looks petrified, he's a bully so he expected to just scare me with the shotgun and didnt expect me to return fire
>I'm still enraged, attack him and put him in a chokehold
>choke him out, he's tapping frantically to be released
We parted ways awkwardly at this point, we didnt talk for a while and then eventually made up about a month later
Cops never got involved, and we never spoke of this incident to each other again
All this over a fucking ps4 controller dock
>he doesn't carry concealed weapons
what good is a martial art if you eat a bullet like an absolute nigger?
Certain Martial Arts employ gun defense, such as Krav Maga and Systema
>user realizes it's not race, but class
Mr. Marx would be proud of this thread.
Anyway since you trained martial arts and crap what's the best martial arts for self defense and how do you gain weight I don't want my skinny black ass to be torn apart
being short is actually an advantage in grappling (and a pure grappler always wins with a pure striker), because of the low center of gravity, you fucking mouthbreathing retard. I'm literally steamrolling 6'4''+ twinks during sparring at 5'7'' 200lbs
Martial Arts is honestly the most fulfilling thing you can do with your time aside from... idk religion.
Kung Fu is pretty legitimate. It really just depends on the practitioner to present it well. Sometimes it looks flowery and for old people and sometimes you can see where the fighting applications can come from.
I actually believe you, but you probably can't beat wrestler user (). What style of Karate?
Krav Maga is a meme. If someone wants to shoot you with a rifle they aren't going to let you heel kick the barrel away and then do a takedown and stab them thirty times in the neck.
>best for self defense
Literally just practice brawling, if that's your goal. There's no need to focus much on form since fights only last seconds anyway. Do some type of Jiu-Jutsu or wrestling if you need confidence on the ground. I recommend aerobic exercise as your number one training method. Get a jump rope or start running but most importantly spar with someone
t. 5'9 and 190lbs
You're an inspiration to all midgets user
Shut up jew. Go to they'll like your cuck fanfics more.
Grappling martial arts are next to useless against multiple attackers. I'd say striking with the upper body would be the best bet
Not him, but BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxe, Sambo and Judo are the absolute best.
When I was dating this chick (pic related its her) I was 20 years old and an aspiring junkie. She was and still is quite the heavy drinker. I used to get drunk and get pilled up at house parties-- on more than one occasion I got my ass beat in an attempt to prove my manhood. I am ~ 5'11 lanklet but luckily I did learn to A. never pick a fight with someone bigger than you and to B. never back down like a sissy bitch. I got beat so bad once I had to go to the E.R. My only advice is to condition your knuckles daily by banging them on concrete, against the wall etc... if not your hands will swell up like a motherfucker if you actually get into a legitimate tussle.
Anything is useless against multiple attackers unless you have a weapon and they're unarmed. Try to imagine fighting two other people that match your skill level with boxing. Not going to happen.
There's a thing I want to introduce you to called a makiwara and it's made for this purpose of hand conditioning
>Grappling martial arts are next to useless against multiple attackers
just like striking. there are cases of MMA fighters beaten into a coma by a few hicks. if they're determined to hurt you and know what what's going down, you're fucked either way. they only cases of successful defense against multiple attackers are when they're completely dumbfounded by the resistance, but then a quick throw on the concrete would work equally good or better
Well yeah but skill is not everything. Will their will to beat you be stronger than your will to beat them? When you are the just one? And they shouldn't be at your skill level if you dedicate yourself to constant discipline.
I highly recommend a combination of judo and bjj. It's fun, especially if you want to compete, and gets you in hella shape
if you're below 6' you're still a manlet
Few fights.
Few knife fights
Once I beat a guy with his own weapon
Berlin is hell
I meant that triangle chokes, ground wrestling, are all dead in the water. Staying on your feet and throwing punches is the best defense, even if it is hopeless.
If your looking for self defense.
I'd recommend muay thai or Brazilian jujitsu
Or just carrying a large hunting knife
For exmaple, a pure BJJ master would be less effective than pure boxer with KO power, in my view. (against multiple attackers) There is the chance that men are rocked with quick clean punches.
I don't know, choosing to fight a group rather than running is a really hong kong cinema esque thing to do.
I'm in Shitaly atm and no knives allowed fren
You have obviously never been in a fight in your life. How does it feel knowing I am only 5 foot 9 but I could destroy you physically and leave you lying there broken and bleeding while I rape your wife and daughters? While I impregnate them all and force you to watch?
The only fighting scenarios I can imagine are getting gang attacked in prison or defending someone.
maybe, but I think there's no point in training with a goal of fighting multiple attackers, because your chances are really slim either way and something like BJJ is more effective against a single opponent. also, choking someone out has a lesser risk of potential legal problems than beating someone unconscious. besides, a quick throw on the concrete is an instant KO too without you going to the ground and could work as well against multiple opponents as punches
I think you're going way too far by assuming he'll ever reproduce
I trained in a boxing gym for 5 months, and now I feel like I can beat up most people. Even if I only spared a handful of times and did semi decent against amateur boxers.
I trained day in and day out ever single day monday through friday for about 4 hours everday. I stopped going because my autism got the better of me and I thought everybody hated me. I still want to train but I've been unemployed and ended up in a mental hospital. Also I'm getting older now it's been about a year since I lasted stepped inside a boxing gym.
I stil punch my punching bag every now and then
Carry a rock than
I've help fight mudslimes off a guy who was at an ATM
The guy used a peice of concrete and caused some serious damage
My dojo is tang soo do.
Wrestler user would prb kick my ass. I can admit that. Got my ass beat by a wrestler once in a fight. Now, if i had known he was a wrestler i would have done things differently, but i still prb would have lost since i didn't start that fight. I could easily drop any all world wrestler with one kick though if i got the first strike
Im too poor for gyms. Is it possible for me to get good at an art by just books, online research, and training in my room with a fren?
Its cheap and since most people don't know how to actually fight, you can fuck up alot of fake tough guys after a few months of training.
As for gaining weight, you are going to have to lift heavy weights and eat more calories. Even when you aren't hungry, you will need to force yourself to eat to make sure you are breaking enough calories within the day, and youll need to be lifting pretty much all the time.
Don't listen to this dude.
>Literally just practice brawling
Yeah, a 100lb skinny guy like him just "brawling". Great advice, retard.
Listen, if you can afford it, join an mma gym, and start sparring.
Don't spar with the hobbyists if you want to go hard(theyll end up hating you because they usually go light), talk with the amateur fighters and tell them you want to simulate an actual fight to see how you hold up in a real life situation.
Its not a substitue for real life training and youll get stomped in an actual fight.
Its cheap and since most people don't know how to actually fight, you can fuck up alot of fake tough guys after a few months of training.
As for gaining weight, you are going to have to lift heavy weights and eat more calories. Even when you aren't hungry, you will need to force yourself to eat to make sure you are breaking enough calories within the day, and youll need to be lifting pretty much all the time.
>Literally just practice brawling
Yeah, a 100lb skinny guy like him just "brawling". Great advice, retard.
Listen, if you can afford it, join an mma gym, and start sparring.
Don't spar with the hobbyists if you want to go hard(theyll end up hating you because they usually go light), talk with the amateur fighters and tell them you want to simulate an actual fight to see how you hold up in a real life situation.
I did wrestling for 2 years but no one ever really attacked me bcuz im 6'8 and also i always look like im ready to die, which is true but not in the edgy way
matching dubs of cuck bait
any idea how I could learn self defense by myself? I want to do it alone because I get anxious if I do it with more people and idk... so is there a way to learn it by myself? pls answer
Woah there spergo. Brawling is essentially fighting without any stylized practice. Joining an MMA gym or whatnot is implied when I talk about sparring. What, are you some kid who watched Rocky and now you're enamored with Western boxing?
I have long arms and i am in pretty good shape. Would boxing be good? It is something I have thought about doing for a while now, and I think i could actually do it.
>Brawling is essentially fighting without any stylized practice
"Brawling" isn't something you recommend to someone who doesn't know what they are doing and no fight experience. What the fuck does "stylized practice" even mean?
It's another phrasing of "practicing a style". You don't need a proper style (like muh boxing) to be competent in a fight as long as you literally just fight and get your experience from fighting itself. He has no experience and he wants to be competent as quickly as possible? Literally just start fighting people.
that just the best way to progress at the slowest possible pace after kata martial arts, acquire bad habits and get injured
>bad habits
That settles it then, sparring is literally only one point above dancing sequences. Useless shit. I'm glad you've graced this thread with your wisdom, user. Let's see then, I guess that makes supplementary training the best possible way to progress. Gotta hit that heavybag, y'hear me? Here's how we PROGRESS IN THE FASTEST WAY POSSIBLE!!!
>hits inanimate object
I tend to get jumped when I hang out with people.
>reading comprehension
sparing is the only way to actually learn the martial art, but you have to know the proper technique first. otherwise you'll only learn how to throw haymaykers without any power behind it and you'll injure yourself or your partner if you attempt any takedowns, for example
Huh that was pretty easy
That's not what anyone is saying you fucking autist, but yeah, what you're suggesting is asinine and a waste of time.
I have never seen anyone that did not know how to fight hold their weight in an actual fight despite "brawling" practice. Form is not suppose to be something that is considered gospel, it should be used as a framework to allow you to establish muscle memory when landing a punch correctly, for instance.
"Brawling" and attempting to fight without form is desperately asking a person to break their wrist or get injured especially when they have no experience whatsoever. They will pick up bad habits, tells, and goofy maneuvers that are going to get them severely injured. You would know this if you have ever been in an actual fight.
The 5'7 100 lb black guy here. This thread is just confusing me since I don't know jack shit about fighting. So can someone just give me the advice directly in a more simple form or should I just carry a weapon I have no idea how to use properly.
>Literally just start fighting people
You're a retard.
How the fuck do you expect to learn anything without a structured teaching environment to make sure you don't end up hurting yourself or getting fucked up?
Most people don't even know how to properly throw punches and would break their wrists/fingers by just "brawling" like an idiot.
You sound like a kid who has never been an real fight in his entire life, please stop talking.
>be me
>enter sparring, complete beginner
>think, ok, I'll get my coach with this move i think I can get a lot of power behind
>throw large haymaker
>stopped literally by a left jab to the face
>glad I'm wearing my protective gear lol
>instantly learn to not extend arm that far
Are you legit fucking retarded? I've been repeating over and over that the best way to be competent is to actually fight people, (see )
>but most importantly spar with someone
Stupid retard.
>but yeah, what you're suggesting is asinine and a waste of time.
>sparring is a waste of time
Yep, well, you can fuck off and hump your heavybag 24/7 and you'll still never be worth a fart in a fight.
I've been training in muay thai for about 2 years now. Lost my first fight a year ago because I had no cardio.
I'm pretty decent now. Obviously I still get my shit pushed in by pro fighters, but this isn't a career for me, so I don't care that much.
The only retard here is you, sperg, since you clearly how no idea what the fuck you're talking about but trying to give advice to people.
But please keep embarrassing yourself like the dumbass autist you are. Tell us how effective "brawling" is and how it beats "stylized practice" rofl
I'm a lanklet and this is bullshit.
>They will pick up bad habits, tells, and goofy maneuvers that are going to get them severely injured
You have proof of this? Most people who actually fight other people tend to be very experienced in fighting.
And you're a samefag. This guy wants self defense.
And you're clearly not the person he should be listening to.
>Most people who actually fight other people tend to be very experienced in fighting.
Such as...?
lift and bulk up to 170lbs at least. you have no chance fighting anyone at that weight. then pick up a martial arts that actually works, depending what's available where you live e.g. brazilian jiu jitsu, judo, or wrestling if you prefer to grapple; muay thai or boxing if you prefer striking; MMA and sambo combine both striking and boxing. grappling is superior to striking in an actual fight though
It's a logic problem for a brainlet such as yourself.
Person fights, therefore person gets experienced fighting. Simple.
>guy wants self defense for fights
>dude just practice fighting then
>retards sperg out about how it's not their little school of martial arts
>retards sperg out about terms that really don't mean anything
Aaaand that's now on my list of what to do. Do you know what's the most effective way of gaining weight I've tried eating loads of carbohydrates and drinking a liter of milk and lifting but it has only added on two kilogrammes and abs on my ribs which is quite frustrating. Thanks for the advice though.
You're arguing that someone can get good and learn how to fight by just going around fighting without knowing wtf they are doing, which is absolutely retarded and unnecessary. There's a reason why an untrained idiot can walk into a gym and get stomped by someone that has been in a structured regiment and guided by people that actually know what they are talking about.
>retards sperg out about how its not their little school of martial arts
This has nothing to do with some strawman you came up with lol.
Calling an idiot out for saying dumb shit isn't "sperging out".
Quit chatting up shit you know nothing about and this won't happen to you.
you really think it's all there is to striking and 2 autists throwing haymakers at each other can exhaust every move and its counter that areny learned as basics at a decent school? did you instantly learn how to defend against low kicks too? how about countering double leg?
>sparring is a waste of time
>Yep, well, you can fuck off and hump your heavybag 24/7 and you'll still never be worth a fart in a fight.
he's not saying that sparring is a waste of time. he's saying you actually need to know anything to spar with and that you're completely illiterate.
having gay grappling skills is all well and good until Tyrone pulls out his hi-point
bump orirgljflsfjlao
you do have to eat a lot more and, for someone skinny like you, you might need to even force yourself to eat enough, but not carbs dude. you need to eat tons of protein to build muscle.
eat until you can't not more and fill the rest with protein powder. I wish I had the same problem. I could easily get to 220+lbs at at 5'7'' when I don't watch my calories and alcohol.
late but, what did you mean by "nolife-ing a sport"
>B. never back down like a sissy bitch
what did you mean by that? literally running away from a fight or acting super-defensive while fighting?
He is one smooth criminal