how long did you lurk before feeling comfortable about posting on Jow Forums?
How long did you lurk before feeling comfortable about posting on Jow Forums?
I didn't lurk at all. Started posting almost instantly.
i think i made my first post about a few days in but didnt really feel comfortable til a few weeks in. im a newfag that came here from like 2014 though
I just got stuck in. This was /b/ in 08 though so it really was just pissing in a sea of piss
Ive been on here since '09
I try to keep posts about once a month, maybe 4 a month if im feeling vocal. Coincidentally this is the first time ive had to do a captcha since last year.
5 years, more or less
Oh yeah 3 years should be minimum lurking requirement before posting.
I've been here 11 years and probably only made like 75 posts or so.
you guys are pussies lol
my neet cousin told me the internet was the place where he'd talk the most crap and insult everyone because he was safe knowing he could get away with it
fucking sissies I bet you cry if someone call you faggot in overwatch
>tfw have such a shitty memory, I don't even remember when exactly it was when I started going on Jow Forums, let alone how long I lurked before posting
I remember a few things from 2011, but that's as far back as I remember.
About 3 years. Lurking from 2007 'til 2010 before that.
Literally two minutes.
>lurking for more than a couple days
You're just gay sissies, I posted here almost immediately (albeit on a hobby board) and nobody could tell i'm a newfag.
Came in March of 2011, started posting about 2 months later, dont remember. O felt pretty comfy with the threads I was making, now I just make a feels thread from time to time. SkyKing has boosted demand for feels, might make one later.
I don't really understand the reluctance to post. So what if someone calls you an idiot or you get no replies? I started enthusiastically posting shitty memes in /b/ just weeks after first visiting. At that time everyone was calling everything a "forced meme", so I didn't really care if people liked my shit or not. When I started going mostly to other boards I'd post and get zero replies, which would last for a few months until I got a feel for the board culture.
one day desu
2days and this is my first post
what kind of turbo autist do you have to be to be so bad at picking up social cues that you spend months or even years lurking and still look like a newfag?
i'm glad i don't have that level of autism.
i came from 9gag after the raid. i made a thread asking for more baby gore and got banned.
A decade, I was active only this year
at first i posted a bit but then not at all for 3-4 years because i knew how easy it was to get into it when posting but now i'm a neet so idgaf.
Newfag reporting in
Been here for a bit over a year, started replying a few weeks ago
Too scared to make a thread tho
Pretty much zero time. I made many a cringy post back in the day.
Hello mr newfag
Maybe a year. First lurked on /b/ during the Boxxy war then started lurking /a/, /new/, and old Jow Forums
I lurked around for about 2-3 years
Probably something like 7 or 8 years before I started posting frequently. I don't really know exactly any more. It was around then that we started really hitting the era of shitposting and not too long before moot left. I stopped caring only becuase the posting quality had/has dropped so low my contributions could only improve things.
I posted on /b/ and Jow Forums as an edgy teen after lurking just a week back in 08.
Maybe a few minutes since /b/ was my first board.
However when I started to go onto other boards like /v/ and /a/(since I like games and anime) I rarely posted anything since those boards are for turbo virgins who live sleep and breathe games and anime. Like I didn't even know half the shit they were talking about so I couldn't find a threads that needed my responses.
For instance I watched some shonen as a kid, but everything on /a/ is some little girl moe pedo shit that normal people(like myself at the time) never even heard of before.
>how long did you lurk before feeling comfortable about posting on Jow Forums?
people should lurk for at least two years before posting
I lurked for around 2 years
I became an active poster during the donald times on Jow Forums. I came to Jow Forums in 2015. Posted there since like day 4-5 but never leaked out. After a full year on Jow Forums, I tried other boards but lurking gave me no fun. So I went back to Jow Forums. In 2017, I started visiting robot board and lurked here for about an year before posting
Tell you what, (You)'s are a lot easier on Jow Forums
A couple of days or weeks maybe? I don't really remember.
you here with us don't pretend to be better fag
Lurking is what we tell newfags so they fuck off.
Who actually does that kek
I lurked on /b/ starting in 2004, began posting in 2005, so around a year. Finally grew out of /b/ around 2008 and moved to other boards
how can you participate on a board like Jow Forums without getting the environment? I understand the hobby boards and even Jow Forums but not /b/ or Jow Forums. Also, someone who hasn't lurked for about a year can't even tell what /s4s/ is about.
When was your first post?
this my first post
2-3 years, and even then I only posted very rarely
About 2 years. I remember feeling intense anxiety when I first started joining discussions. I would feel extremely proud and happy when people would agree with my and feel hot washes of shame and anger when people would disagree. I don't really care anymore these days.
lurked for a year until i became a full blown faggot and started posted
Years. Anxiety used to make it impossible.
Was that your first time talking to strangers or something?
Like 9 years
I'm so antisocial but so lonely
My soul hurts
I can relate to this, especially posting my first posts and threads without getting any replies.
Been here for about 5 years or more
Was a /b/ and /x/ poster in the beginning , last 2 years or so exclusively a R9k poster
I've been lurking for over 6 years and I still don't usually.
I never feel comfortable posting. Even now after all these years. Every post fills me with regret and dread.
Been here since '13, got comfortable with posting in the last 1-2 years or so. Used to get filled with anxiety only from the thought of posting something before that, not that it bothers me anymore.
6 years or so. I made a thread that got like 500 replies or something as my firstof a couple of years back and I've been a shitposter ever since.
i see you take after your cousin quite well
about a less then week, wasn't really scared just didnt have much to say
About 4 months before i really felt 'comfortable' posting. I'd post every now and then but i'd always be paranoid about what i posted and end up not posting anything at all.