Im posting this here because I cant think of anywhere else

Im posting this here because I cant think of anywhere else.

I just turned 30. My life wasnt supposed to be like this. I played by all the rules and if you met me, you might even think I was successful.

Every girl Ive ever liked -- really liked-- has turned me down. Ive watched my friends date and marry and raise happy families. My success has been rewarded by more exams, training, and isolation. Ive watched every girl that I like, that I respect, marry someone else or move away and no longer talk to me. The ones who are still available at my age are deeply flawed and frankly repulsive. I feel my connection with the larger population slipping away day by day. In short, I feel alone. And I know that my chances of finding long term happiness are decaying at an exponential rate. I feel, honestly, betrayed.

But what makes me different is that I will one day have my revenge. Society has spent a lot of time and money on me. Between college and med school loans; medical school, residency, and fellowship; and the time resources that my education has cost I would estimate that society has expended over 500,000dollars on my education. And this is a conservative estimate. Better still, Ive been educated at the most elite institutions humanity has to offer. I've been told time and time again that the expectation is that I will be a leader in the field of medicine and that I will be responsible for helping to develop lifesaving treatments which will deepen our understanding of disease, push our knowledge forward, drive future cures, and education the next generation of doctors. I have become a societal resource.

There is a beach town on the Outer Banks where the homes are cheap. There is a market there which serves fresh bakeries. After all this training is done, I am just going to walk away. I have money saved up. I live a frugal life anyways. If I am going to live a life alone, it is going to be on my terms... and society will be poorer for it.

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>mfw this is reason I never bothered with a career or higher education
Really what is the point when you still cant have the most important fundamentals in life? Which is a family, love and happiness. The saying money doesnt buy happiness is especially true here. Sure money and success can lead you there but if youre just too mentally fucked to begin with it makes no difference. Just so what you feel is right for you. Want to go live in a small comfy beach town cooking pastries? Do it.

You don't have to make a bit post about it, OP. No one thinks you owe society anything, that's all in your head. You wanna move to OBX, then do it. Hell, I might meet you there, you sound like my kind of person.

Also, check out, it might be your kind of thing. All about doctors walking away from the profession.

>Want to go live in a small comfy beach town cooking pastries? Do it
Agreed. Everyone should stop chasing $ and chase their dreams. Find love and purpose and give the finger to society

> I played by all the rules
You didn't because honestly there is no real rules to life. Every and I mean everybody is almost making it up.

>After all this training is done, I am just going to walk away.
I suggest redirecting your efforts to glorify God.

There are rules. They are called laws and I played by them, but every girl I interacted with romantically wanted a guy who didnt play by the rules

Thus, I must take what society has given me and flush it down the drain to show them the error of their ways

I was just thinking this morning that it's a crime against society that such a simple thing as punching someone in the face is technically assault.
So many faces gone unpunched. Godspeed, OP.

>The ones who are still available at my age are deeply flawed and frankly repulsive
And I assume you believe you aren't?

>ve been educated at the most elite institutions humanity has to offer.
>There is a market there which serves fresh bakeries.
Go away, LARPtard

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I am not. I am top of my class at school and all my professors think that I will go on and do great things in medicine. Imagine the look on their faces when I throw that all away to live a humble beach town lifestyle

What makes you think that no one here can be intelligent?

There are plenty of smart people all over, including here.
I am saying *YOU* are a terrible liar, ignorant, and not very smart.
Your terrible grammar and malapropisms betray you.

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Oh my. You are quite the pseudo-intellectual. I seem to have made you a little insecure with my IQ

Regardless, I am just here to post about my plans on how to stick it to society. They have invested so much money and resources into my education and expect me to fulfill all their expectations. But my basic needs have not been met: my need for love, my need for purpose, my need for serenity.

If you dont like what I write, then just leave the thread

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But why? Do you really think there are no young women that wouldn't love to be with a well to do doctor?

I'm in the film industry, literally no one here gives a fuck of your degree. I skipped out on the student loan debt, worked my ass off as a production assistant and people knew my name. I wanted to get into editing and an assistant editor recommended me for the job. It's sadly about who you know and thank god I have some social skills to remember everyone's name. I now make 85k a year and with no debt at the age of 26. Although I now have a drug problem with psychedelics since of the free flowing cash and it's a nightmare.

Have you ever thought of love as your need to have someone emotionally dependent on you?
Why are you so stuck on having someone validate your existence and use your time just for the sake of making you feel less "lonely".
Someone might of already mentioned this but instead of investing so much time and resources finding a woman to love you or sticking it to the man, why not just create a plan on achieving goals that YOU want to accomplish for yourself.
This doesn't mean finding a gf or any kind of relationship but something that has value and means something to you.

>There is a market there which serves fresh bakeries.
>my high IQ
Suuuuure, pal.
How does one
>serve fresh bakeries
O supergenius ultramensch?

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>10th grade level vocabulary
>you think it is a big deal
Let me guess - dropped out second year?

>I played by all the rules

This is where you went wrong, nobody that gets anywhere in this shitty world does that.

The game is rigged from the start.

Entitlement: the post

I am working on achieving such goals. Opening this bakery and sticking it to society by living frugally are goals that I am within reaching and working hard to achieve

Quality shitpost

Nope, about to complete my residency