Government literally stealing more than 3k a month from me

>government literally stealing more than 3k a month from me

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Yeah, i pay almost 40% tax in the US. It made me hate the jews so goddamn much

Actually this is my 2 week paycheck not monthly

If neets get 1000 a month I'm literally supporting 6 neets by myself.

People are so selfish the government has to steal their money and redistribute it to the poor. In a perfect world people with money would give it up on their own accord. In order to not feel like a shitty person. Generally speaking the richer a person is the more people they've fucked over to get there. Even something as simple as getting a job over someone else. You're pushing someone else off that ladder. There is no heart in competition.

I havent fucked over anyone to get where I am. I get that I should pay taxes, and it's fair that I pay more than others because I make more. But seriously, 78k in taxes a year? That's a little bit much.

>In a perfect world people with money would give it up on their own accord. In order to not feel like a shitty person.

except, that is exactly the case. all the biggest philanthropists have been the richest people

78k? so you make 200k a year?

You tell me how I start making $200k/year right now and I'll quit my job and come suck your dick.

No, shit, poor people can't be bigger philanthropists than rich ones. The point is not all rich people are philanthropists.

Close, I make 220k a year, but apparently get to keep only 100. This is my first paycheck btw

Go to medical school, pay 300k in tuition, go through 3-7 more years of training after that (making barely enough to cover the interest on your loans), then finally get a real job by the time you're 33 and still 300k in debt.

and you need more than 100k a year for a comfortable lifestyle or is it just greed?

Well, a lot of it is to catch up for the debt I accrued and the fact that I'm essentially starting my career 10 years later than say an engineer. I'll probably be in the red until my late 40s or even mid 50s with how much houses cost now.

thanks daddy
don't make a big deal out of it just think of all that you can achieve with what's left

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>want to be a doctor as a kid
>too lazy
>become programmer instead
>get bachelor's in two years
>first job at 19
>paid off loans by 29
>live manchild lifestyle
>nobody says anything because of success
someday I will grow from a manchild to a childman, then America will vote for me

Someone needs to pay for my autismbux, think of it as a form of compensation for all those people you laughed at in school.

I mean if you studied med for money that's where you fucked up.

Oh yeah watch this
I'm Parent 1, by the way

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you give me neetbux, i dont try for a new high score, deal?

Solid point.

OP, I know the feel though. I'm a law student who makes $3,700/week during summers and the taxes are fucking savage. Will start out making $190K at same firm I work with during summers, and will have same tax rate.

But I do believe in generosity, as the other user has been commenting on, and donate some of it. Still, about 33% being auto-taken is wild.

Wait, why doesnt parent 2 have any contributions how does this work

Are you involved in their life at least

It's not, but still getting chucked THIS much by the government sure hurts

Your money doesn't even go to the poor! It goes to stupid shitty wars, a worthless government who spends it on literal bullshit just because, and illegal immigrant sponges. I'd be so happy if my money actually went to poor people

Because that's how child support works
Kid lives with her and I haven't seen him since she gave birth

Lmao. So let's say you miraculously got custody, would the mother be expected to pay then?

>I haven't seen him since she gave birth
I'm pretty sure the whole point of child support is you can see the kid?

I mean where I live you dont have to pay for education but you would make approximately 100k-150k a year and have to pay 30k-60k in taxes.
Sure you have 300k to pay but you will be making way more money overall than meds here.

Nope child support is the government making me pay so they don't have to support a deadbeat's kid.
I make way more money than her so it would have to be me getting full custody before she has to pay anything, but I don't want full (or even shared) custody
And even if I somehow did I wouldn't try to make her pay

Kek, thanks for reminding me why I love the NEET life user.

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Nah man. Child support is just there to support the parent with the child. Though in practice I don't think there is a lot of checks and balances to make sure that the money is actually spent on the child.
If the court feels like it they can just fuck you over and drain your money for however long they feel like and give fuck all back.

neets are the robin hood of modern age.
Taking from the rich to provide the poor.
Pure poetry along with nice digits

Taxes are you paying for the privilege of living in an orderly society that enabled you to become as financially successful as you are.

It could be worse. In developing countries taxes are low, but corruption is high and you have to bribe your way into good schools, starting a business and so forth.

Also, the reason I wouldn't make her pay is because I know for sure she didn't graduate college and MAYBE didn't graduate high school, so she's pretty fucking poor and lives with her parents
I'm pretty certain her parents made her file for child support too

NEETs redistribute the wealth fairly

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Or the poor could just fucking die. Fuck the poor. I made the money, it should be mine. The poor should go get a fucking job if they want to live.

You made a good point for the forceful redistribution of wealth

No, I made a good point for letting useless pieces of fucking shit die off. I've worked too hard to let people take my shit. I don't care about something like 10% for infrastructure. But this shit's out of control.

>don't care about something like 10% for infrastructure

We count as infrastructure.

She sure sounds like a winner.

Why are you on such bad terms yet still want to look out for her?

Not really. Useless faggots on dem programs contribute nothing. I wouldn't even be mad about retards getting supported as long as it was around 10%, but they take 30% of my fucking paycheck, and I don't even make that much. I would've been able to start my own business by now if it wasn't for that. But I guess you wouldn't know anything about trying to be successful.

I'm successful at taking your money.

You're successful at being human garbage, but that's about it.

Aka, successful at taking your money

Wagekeks btfo

If I wasn't successful at taking your money then you'd have more of it by now.

Whatever niggers, I'm out. I look forward to the day where I see you laying on the street begging for change.

That'll be you and you'll still be paying taxes.

Look at this buttmad wage. literally AND figuratively blown the fuck out

Lmao@ur life, cuck.

No one on Jow Forums in the Americas actually gets NEETbux, it's pretty hard to get. All of the NEETS here mooch off their parents.

Because pretty much any payment would ruin her life
She wanted the kid while I didn't (still don't), so I doubt I'll be getting custody in the first place

I already want to vote for you

> redistribute wealth fairly
into the hands of KFC, Intel and Kleenex shareholders

Do you really think your money goes to anyone but top 1% when you buy your consumer shit?

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Why dont you want to be involved? How old? Boy or girl?

I never liked kids and didn't want kids especially since I was 22 and we only dated for a month
2 (3 next January) and a boy

somebody have to pay those wageslave

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The amount of money wageslaves get isn't nearly as much as it used to be when regular people operated businesses, now it's all big corporations with record profits each year.

Yes because the government is poor, shut up retard

R9K is filled with parasitic NEETs who don't work. They don't understand what tremendous bullshit the taxes that support their lazy asses are becuase they have never worked a day and theor lives and haven't learned even a modicum of work ethic or the value of their own labor. If we ever somehow went full commie they would be the first in front of the firing lines.

t. butthurt wagebitch

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It's almost like the NEETs have found a winning strategy and you're a sore loser. Keep paying them, retard.

dude wtf....thats way too much. I earn a small amount online and dont report shit fuck them

>Rich jews hoard all of their because they're physically obsessed with it, stifling the economy
>NEETS buy a bunch of worthless crap thus stimulating it

You wagies really should be thanking us for allowing you to keep your job mmkay.

It's even worse in Europe. I make close to minimum wage and I pay almost 50% in taxes and social insurance so retired boomers, government workers and refugees can live in luxury. On the flip side if I made a million a year I could buy a house and have it's cost deducted from my taxes because it "creates more living space". This system is the worst, fuck everything.

dude honestly that fucking sucks ass. that's alot of money. looks like there's no reason to try after all