Just because we have no friends or significant others and our families hate us doesn't mean we couldn't get shit done.
What have you gotten done? What're you going to do in the future? Do you feel great about it all?
Just because we have no friends or significant others and our families hate us doesn't mean we couldn't get shit done.
What have you gotten done? What're you going to do in the future? Do you feel great about it all?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is that a baby kiwi or a different breed of kiwi? Looks cute either way.
I wrote a furshit fantasy book and got it kicked out there into the world. It's sold a bunch and even got a five-star review, so I feel pretty good about it.
I've got a couple others coming out too. I even feel like they might be better than this first one.
Life's going great, thanks. Alone but not lonely.
oh god does he fuck that bunny
Not a baby just albino.
But it's so smaII.
Kiwis are pretty small. And adorable.
>bunny in the cover
>described as "furshit"
All signs point to yes. It sounds like the bunny would be fucked. Pinned down, easily tied up because he's so tiny and weak, then gangraped until he can't do shit except curl up and cry.
Made an android app and an SDL game. Unfortunately I'm shit of an artist so the things I make will never sell. At least they will help be find a job. I want to believe...
I really haven't accomplished much in my life and I'm ashamed of that.
The only things I'm even a little bit proud of is that I managed to get into a pretty good university and I'm learning about computers and programming fast. Also I made some electronic songs that I have never shown to anyone else but I'm happy that I managed to make something that I think sounds pretty good.
>have had sex
>appeared as a contestant on a quiz show elementary schoolers once
i reached diamond in league of legends and have 3 skills on runescape that are all level 99
What's your server?
I managed to date a youtuber's close friend, the youtuber is still relevant today.
The thing is I'm unstable and we broke up and went no contact, he and I had a nice dynamic too, I go into fits where I assume everyone hates me but he would re assure me and forgive me.
So I guess that counts, not really though
this is an original comment
NA diamond is like EUW plat, was it hard buddy?
no i just mained janna lul
Holy shit are you me? I also haven't done much, which makes me so sad about myself. I'm not learning CS but I have also composed some electronic songs I keep to myself.
Keep grinding man
> got duo boosted
> sees it as an "accomplishment"
Do you by any chance call yourself a smurf when you play on low elo accounts?
i only played solo
Finished med school and admited as radiologist
It's the only thing i had accomplished in my life, but i guess i will have enough money to live comfily, play vidya and watch animes
this threads makes me feel really bad for being 30 and never having accomplished anything worthwhile desu senpaitachi
You're barely a third into your life, and a lot of great people waited a lot longer than that before they got shit done. You've still got the time for all sorts.
What? As a child?
I was just on /v/ the other day and saw some guy posting encouraging another dude and saying that he started his bachelor's at 29 years old and had made it in his 30s.
Just don't get bummed out feeling inadequate. The only people who want you to think that way are bitterly unhappy and "misery loves company".
Well done, user, most impressive!
I went outside yesterday for the first time in nearly 5 months.
It will also be the first time in over 7 months that I'll be outside twice in a single month.
I would like to add that Im pretty ugly and I'm fat, so I'm surprised this happened. We just ended up talking regularly.
Its a good thing it ended though,I have a fear I would have been the Next Suzy, but that's self centered of me.
Thanks a bunch!
It's been a bit hard to get the word out since I don't know anyone I could tell about this, but I've got the disposable income for a couple ad campaigns that seem to have worked all right.
Here's a link if you happen to be interested. ebook's less than four bucks. amazon.com
The bunny gets fucked.
those illustrations are really good, how much did you pay for them?
A couple hundred dollars. Worth every penny as far as I'm concerned.
How long until they turn the book into a movie?
I got a short story published in a journal when I was 19, but it was shit and I haven't really written anything since then. My therapist and I were talking last week and I realized I don't feel proud of anything I've ever done, just neutral or disappointed. That being said, I've quit drugs, am feeling better about myself, and things are generally looking up.
What was it called user?
Gonna need a few more sales for that. You can help.
As a writer, get back to writing. It's fun and gives you a bunch to do and something to strive for.
What about pitching it to some movie studio? If the book already has good reviews then all it needs is for someone to take a risk, I'm tired of the same old marvel and DC comics universe and its time for something fresh.
I mean I don't like those either, or all the reboots for that matter, but what can you do, it's what people like to see.
Good on you user. Keep it up, bud
I sent in a short story for a competition a while ago, results will be announced soon. Even an honourable mention would be great.
Writing really does help.
Travelled to 31 countries so far. My goal in life is to reach all 197.
got to an intermediate level of strenght and i have a nice physique
How long do you spend in each country and which has been the most dangerous so far in terms of the locals?
What was the last one you were in? Which one did you like the best?
Im with you user, I love traveling. I'm only up to about 8 right now though, 31 seems amazing
Not who you asked, but I've been to a few and my fav so far is Japan
>inb4 weeb
I was probably the first person to write and release erotic fanfiction for the Undead Merchant (Female), Sweet Shalquoir and Mytha the Baneful Queen from Dark Souls. I had many other weird choices lined up but got sidetracked by my dissertation and now job hunting.
>Dark Souls erotic fanfic
Where would one find such a thing?
Archive of Our Own, "Player Unknown's Soulsborne Waifu Compendium". It's honestly pretty meh at best but I enjoyed writing it since it was so experimental.
got ripped because i wanted pussy really bad, went from no lays a year to 8 lays a year. obviously those are rookie numbers compared to a natural chad, but it really made me happy and now im focused on other things other than just pussy
I might check that out user, it's a very unique concept
i filmed and edited a music video for a local rock band, it was a fun day
Thank you user. Maybe one day I'll finally be able to continue it, there's a few underrepresented characters that I'm curious to write for.
i got into med school, jt's kinda hard to get into it in my country.
I also lost around 10 kilos, but i gained it back while i was studying for the med school entrance exam.
Are you gonna try to expand into the Bloodborne mythos?
>kinda hard to get into it in my country
I would imagine it's difficult to get into in most countries?
Kudos to you user, youre gonna be making some big money in a few years
The plan was DS1 > DS2 > DS3 > Bloodborne, so BB would be right at the end. If memory serves the stories were going to involve Eileen, The Plain Doll, Adella/Arianna (Threesome), Vicar Amelia, and then Ebrietas as the finale of the story. I have some very lengthy notes buried on my own external harddrive.
Man, that'd make some sick-ass SFM
A man can dream, draw, animate or write. Some Amelia SFM does actually exist now but it's pretty barebones. Someone needs to get ScrungusBungus on it.
It's pretty shocking that SFM hasn't really grown much in the last 5 or so years, specially compared to some other communities
Got accepted into a nice engineering school after taking two years' worth of classes in one year at a community college despite graduating high school with a shit GPA. I'm still pretty young but I'm pretty proud of the fact that I've managed to at least partially unfuck my life so quickly. Still no gf or friends so the crushing loneliness more or less completely negates any positive feelings I might get from my accomplishments, but it's better than nothing. I'd still just be a neet if I could, though.
That's a good accomplishment user, I'm sure you'll land a good job once you're done. What kind of engineering did you go into? ComE, CivE, EE?
the pay isn't that good at first, and i have to study for probably more than 10 years for a specialty, but i can stop at 7 if I don't want a specialty
Mastered Spanish, beat a 6 year opiate addiction, broke out of NEETdom into the working workd, virgin until 23 and then began a relationship I'm still in 5 happy years later.
Throughout a string of jobs I brute forced my way through my anxiety and weirdness. Finally found a full time position with full benefits (retirement plan, insurance, vacation, bonuses) that taught me so much and got me /fir/. Only thing is pay is shit only gonna make like $35,000 this year, I now realize I can parlay my training and experience from this place into a job at a better company pulling $50,000. Plan on doing some interviews over November and when I take my two week vacation in January, I'll spend one week on vacation and start my new job during second week of vacation. If I feel like the new job isn't right or worth it I'll come back to current business like nothing happened. If new job is good I'll come in, get my last paycheck and my Christmas bonus check and then inform them I've moved on.
In life you have to suffer in the present to make for a better future. Did so much suffering in the first half of my twenties, and now I'm reaping the rewards at age 27. Like I said, brute force your social anxieties and work as hard as your body physically allows and watch your mind and body become hard and powerful. Love you robots for being with me the whole time.
It's an engineering school but I'm going into CS, though probably with a software engineering specialization and maybe an EE minor if I'm feeling particularly autistic. I'm gonna try to move to Seattle after I graduate to live in a comfy high rise apartment that I inexplicably pay 2k a month for.
>got into diamond in league of legends
>Lost 50 lbs
That's about it
hope desu sempia
Does anybody else here hate posting anything because there might be a member of your family browsing even though there is pretty much zero chance that it's happening?
go to bed simon
I used to care, but now I almost wish it would happen so that I could ask them wtf they were doing here
i got a masters degree and a job. no one paid for my school either. i had to work the whole time and get loans that i've also paid off myself. fuck everyone
I have ADHD so I chronically have issues with feeling like I never accomplished enough.
Overall my biggest accomplishment was experiencing ego death. I don't remember when exactly but I remember calling it "that Monday in december" of 2015. A girl was there with me and she felt it too at the exact same time. The boundaries between ourselves and the rest of the universe melted and we became logos in the flesh just like Jesus was called. The girl is gone now but the experience is something that will stick with me forever. IN buddhism it's called "entering the stream which flows to enlightenment" and after that the practitioner has complete faith in the existence of a "perfect" mindset free from pain. In Hinduism it's called "opening the third eye" and is said that the yogi has opened themselves up to the magic of the world. In Christianity it's called "being born again" but I honestly don't know much about what Jesus taught.
The important part is that I'm learning how to get back to that place and get rid of all the negative mental conditioning and dogma that keeps me feeling depressed and mentally held back. My dream is that I'll be able to inspire belief in others and teach them how to become God for themselves so they can live their best lives and help others as beat they can.
Other than that I haven't accomplished much but I also don't place a lot of importance in material things/accomplishments since those things go away.
>I haven't accomplished much
Having found a comfortable place within your own mind and soul is a hell of an accomplishment user, I hope you use it well
Thank you! I hope I can make it bloom like a flower and spread genuine happiness like an incurable virus.
kiwis are defenseless fucks. why do they even exist, it looks so handicapped.
and fucking baldness. but I have almost saved enough. the technology is here but expensive .
Congrats user!
It warms my hear tot know that people on this site are succeeding
good on you lad, sending good vibes your way
My coworker that sites behind me goes on this board a lot so it would be some funny shit if I noticed him here
They live in New Zealand. There's not a lot of predators over there to hunt them.
And to answer why they're so small
When their ancestors colonize that location there was a lot of niches opened, they took over the niche which normally is occupied by rats and mouses. This is why they have brown fur-like feathers and special long whisker-like feather near their beak.
Do people eat them?
They look like they could fit a chicken niche
I mean I guess if you want, not sure if the indigenous people did but I know for a fact modern Kiwis (the name New Zealanders go by) have to much love for their national bird to even dare. They even made it illegal.
>to much love for their national bird to even dare. They even made it illegal.
wow, really?
do yall see them often?
Well how often do you see a Bald Eagle (i'm guessing you're American)
I don't know if this counts as an accomplishment but I got a 2390 out of 2400 on the SAT
I did way too many practice tests and then my actual result was much better than I expected
I've seen them about 5 times (in the 15 years Ive lived in the US) and they're majestic as hell.
I would just say it's easier to eat a prey animal than a predator animal.
Maybe you could feel proud for having quit drugs?
t. alchie
I beat legends quest on runescape
When Forza 3 first came out I was on the top of the leaderboard for times at Road America for a couple of days.
When I played Smash Bros (Wii U) earlier today, I was able to consistently adapt to my opponent, play a pretty tight neutral, and I even got some pretty sick edge guards.
I'm willing to play anyone here. Just reply with your discord and I'll add you.
this is why I dont like Smash
everyone is always like
>haha, its just so fun
no, everyone is such a try hard when it comes to this game
>inb4 lul get gud
this is why I don't like Chess
everyone is always like
>haha, its just so fun
no, everyone is such a try hard when it comes to this game
>inb4 lul get gud
well yeah, who plays chess regularly for giggles?
I'm not saying Smash (or Chess) are bad games, I just wish people would recognize it as the niche fighting game it is instead of toting it as a general fun party game
I think you're too drunk to be posting. Go lie down.
listen here user, just stop feeding me (You)s and let this thread archive, and we can both go to bed at a reasonable hour
An API I wrote years ago is going somewhat viral after some programming YouTube channel featured it and following after, other online tutorials.
It makes me glad that my life wasn't useless to humanity.
programmer here, what lang and what API? It's always been a huge goal of mine to have my code used by other programmers
Quit drinking and drugs
Started working out
Started uni
Also working and planning to do so throughout uni cause being broke aint a joke
Started getting female attention cause starting to get fit and grew dead inside as current job is customer service
Getting into sports
Feeling like the version of myself I once lost due to drugs and depression
Feeling like Im worth something again
Lifes good anons
Grass really is greener outside comfort zone
I won gold in both categories in a karate tournament when I was in highschool. I'm also really, really good at writing papers. I would write a story since I love making up stories in my head, but they're too autistic too publish.
>As a child?
What do you think? Of course as a child
you and
should collab
i nervously uploaded a song i thought was okay to bandcamp and shared it on a /creative/ thread. i thought i was going to get viscerally bullied.
one guy said my voice was so cute it made him a little gay, and more than one person said it was like super beautiful, somebody cried, etc
so yeah i haven't been able to write shit recently but i'm still riding the high off that one Jow Forums mini-hit
i moved to texas.Everyone is so friendly and sometimes people start talking to me for no reason. I upheld a whole conversation about gas prices without any hint of autism and i have lost 10 pounds in the last month