What's the best female body type fellow robots?

what's the best female body type fellow robots?

i say it's a mix between 3 and 5, maybe with a tad more booty and smaller tits than 5

Attached: bodytypes.png (1900x1017, 1.92M)

most of those bodies are beautiful.

15,2,3,1 and 16ish

Oppai loli with thick thighs

ideal is somewhere between 2 and 3

I'd take anything between 2 and 17, excluding 14 ant 7.

Make a chart with short, average and tall men. Actually just make it with tall, cause that's all they'll choose. So fucking fair.

something between 1 and 3

1-5 are the only good options
11 would be good if thinner

the rest is absolute subhuman trash

7, 9 amd 21 are built for.plowing

10 all the way. Somewhat 9.

5>11>3 origihinallo
fucking hell, did they improve the filter recently, or something?

best is 13, 21, then 3

2, 5
I'm a simple man
What can I say

Anything past 7 is hellish

2>4>5 is best

17-24 is revolting

Attached: princess fatale.jpg (900x1355, 231K)

The bodytype of the girl in this webm is LITERALLY the perfect bodytype

Attached: black.webm (640x800, 1.09M)

I never understood latex until now

purple = acceptable
red = hot
yellow = ideal

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i like the skelly don't show me the belly

22 is not even close to acceptable though?

I'm 15 hoping to go on to 2.5

Ridden by that before and would again, so for me it is. Does not mean I would not give her running shoes and chase her through the park a few times if she stays and is obedient. YMMV.


dude, i dont know

>caring about any of that
She could be a furry and I wouldn't care

Attached: 25005345_492556604476828_8844441262900641792_n.jpg (1080x1349, 115K)

Well i'm a furfag and i do fucking care

>anime figures

Yep, as i thought.

What were you thinking, user?
Tell me please

Attached: 28155526_356640891482342_8835317652852310016_n.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

2,4,6, and 11 wow how ain't that original

anyone a 13?

Obviously the answer is going to be subjective. it's bbw for me

Everything upto 12 is just fine. 13 and 14 are the qt ones you love to be with but they can't be 1 dimensional. 15 and 16 are cool if they are interesting in bed. 17-24, sex isn't the reason for sticking with them

Want one, or is one?
Bet a lot of femanons are 13-18.
Which might hold true for the age too. now I think of it.

I personally like 3, 5, 13, 14, 18, 19 and 21.

5 with a slightly flatter chest. That ass looks top tier though

this obviously, you're gay if you think otherwise

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1,2 and i would really love to fuck an 8 once, just to see what it is like. INB4UGAY

>Want one, or is one?
it's a need, my friend.

2, 3, 5, 11 are the best. out of those i'll take the 3, i like big hips and she probably has a nice ass to go along with it

19. Everything else looks gross to me.

13 is best, sexy and innocent all at once

>type 22
>want to be a type 1.5

stop eating pizza sweetie

3 or 5. If you think otherwise, let me tell you BUDDY, you're fucking wrong

Attached: 39458734974623.jpg (583x640, 81K)

Probably bra padding, tits are never that round and smooth in a bra unless they're implants.

5 is objectively best, the rest are fetishes.

22 is hot. Atleast you aren't 24.

everything up to 22 is good. 22 is okay if shes pregnant. 22 is where i draw the line.