The truth?
>the blackpill is wrong
My dad has two broken arms, deformed feet, thinning hair, 220 pounds, 5' 8", and a variable attitude and yet, my mom still loves him but not because of money, or looks, not because his dick (ED), but out of pure love. I've seen the same with my community, a decrepit, disgraced aerospace engineer who now works for car companies aerodynamic designs has 2 kids, and a wife who loves him still. Thick and thin, hell and high water, its somehow true love. It doesnt make sense, I've weighed every option, seen what there is to be seen, and yet, it's pure love. I dont get this anons. I'm creeped out by it, a bit scared. Is the blackpill wrong? Where have I gone wrong?
I'm going to give truth
You probably have a sad life and subconsciously compare their lives to yours.
I'm living /comfy/ here user. I dont know about you but I enjoy playing DOOM and Arma 3 from time to time in my room, while making a soup at lunch. It most definitely can not be this.
Believe it or not everyone doesn't live by the same values. The woman dating the nugget couldn't live with herself leaving in in such a state just like the wife of those 2 kids couldn't separate her family because of her husband's fuckup, doesn't mean they are any more righteous for the decisions they make, but judging by actions alone they understand the consequences of making the wrong decisions.
When you grow up and accept reality for what it is you'll learn there is no pill and it was all just bullshit you forced yourself to believe in hope people would see you as a quirky special snowflake.
If you must swallow any pill then here is a suppository for you, stop thinking you are any more right than someone else because you and the person next to you are both flawed pieces of shit with a inferiority complex.
Teach me user, what is reality? Do you make your own or do you look at it from one perspective? Do you view from all?
She wants him for his life insurance / inheritance when he dies.
Hey, she's been through it this long, might as well wait a while and collect the betabucks jackpot.
Some people are just sensible enough to appreciate freely given open passionate love, that even if the person giving it isnt their like ideal 10/10 they give it back. The alternative is dying alone or praying that your perfect match was actually born in your time.
He doesnt have life insurance. That's another problem laddy. What's going on?
God damn another based DooM player
>TFW DooM is praised on just about every fucking board on Jow Forums
>my mom still loves him but not because of money
I have a news for ya, boi
Oh yeah working with a broken back now on disability for 570 a week that's gonna pay off for a two story house, 48000 dollar car, etc. Do I have news for you!
Wait so why am I based if I play The Ultimate DOOM? What is being based anyway? Ruthless? Confused OP is a bad OP?
I personally live in my own reality but I've matured enough to understand why people do the things they do
I am still sometimes bothered by the things these people do but they don't change who I am as a person, I just see them as obstacles on my road like you'd find a closed road or pothole to go around
Live by your own terms, but accept that you cant change how the people around you live their lives
Based is a good thing welcome to the only club that matters friend and have another doom pic
Thanks user I'll be sure to make this into a meme
I can tell that your is 100% cheating on your dad. get btfo norman
she gets bennies from your disabled dad, not love.
the ID boys set out to make 'the best game ever' and i do believe they did.
>my mom still loves him but not because of money, or looks, not because his dick (ED), but out of pure love.
One in a million, then.
Pure love is a beautiful thing. Met a girl at 13, we lost our virginities to one another at 15 and now we're 30. We even have a son.
She's fat and we've both always been nerds/shut-ins. Her weight rarely bothers me, though she does get depresses about it herself.
I love this woman, we've been through it all and still want to go through more together.
She's an awesome wife and mother and I am so incredibly thankful we found each other young.
I have one hell of a story that will justify the blackpill.
>be me
>always passed every subject in school
>have no friends except for this one other nerd who had full-blown aspergers
>I was always made fun of by others for not caring about things such as money, bitches, and small trivial glories. (Nigga shit)
>Was an all A student and my grades declined a little bit because things got harder. People finally started calling me a dumbass because they felt they could.
>lost additional potential friends
>Always stuck in the house playing vidya because no one would ever be friendly to the high-honor student who loved Jesus and dressed in off brand clothes.
>My cock size is good though. (6.5")
>Used to play in the Little League. Quit after 2 years because I sucked, even though I went to all the practices.
>The one nerd I was "friends with" is a clingy and selfish person.
>I got diagnosed with Autism because I was afraid around my parents for some reason and had a mental breakdown.
>Not friends with him anymore because he kept embarrassing himself in public.
There's a lot more stuff I could say, but I am here for a more important reason.
There's this old movie footage that might be going around consisting of a toddler being abused (me). I heard this because of rumors going around school.
I thoroughly believe that with the footage I can finally have victory and reclaim my life to shape it in my image. The abuse I might have incurred led to a mental breakdown as a 4 year old.
There were even people telling me that "You should be in foster care right now." I am willing to into this. Please leave your email behind if you find it.
I'm absolu