Why do you hate non-whites?

Why do you hate non-whites?

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I don't unless they behave like cunts. Which they often do. They do it often enough for pattern recognition to kick in and make me distrustful of them on principle.

I don't as I am non-white myself. I only hate niggers

Basically this for me. I don't hate them, but I grew up in a ~20% black neighbohood, but 95% when a helicopter was looking for someone, it was a young black male. Eventually it's hard not to notice

I don't. Hating people because of their skin color is stupid.

The longer I stay here the more I hate white people. I had to go to 90% white school and these fucking crackers would make life shit over the tiniest of shit and then I got robbed and beaten up by a white person multiple times in a white neighborhood Jesus Christ they couldn't leave me alone for once. And then I come here filled with more fucking pigskins with the same air of narcissistic victim complex ranting about white oppression while being an asshole to every coloured person here. Fuck you all seriously.

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I don't hate them. I don't care for them. Same applies to whites and everything in between. I only hate uggos and fatties.

This but he's LARPing and was a white in a black school.

Meant to reply to this fag

>The longer I stay here
You're welcome to go back anytime. But you won't

I don't, I just don't like the ones who act like niggers or savages. Which is a large portion of them.

I only hate them if they act exactly like the racial stereotypes againts them. Gypsies for example there are good ones but it almost look like they have hive mentality

>why do you assume whites hate non-whites?
>why do you post Jow Forums topic threads on the wrong board?
>why do you post race bait threads in the first place on any board?

>nice get

I mainly hate niggers but met some annoying spics in my day too. Asians are fine.

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because they're in my White Nations

I'm black I went to a mainly white secondary school it was pretty much Polish, other Eastern Europeans, English and a small amount of Asian fags I was one of the only few black kids in that shitty school

Because I've never been robbed by a white man. Always been black

Completely agree here. Wish every white person on this site would just kill themself.

Keep strong. We will have to surpass all of this hooror they have put onto our people. Go look and research more about yourself and your people and also try to look at what is going around behind the scenes of the evil keeping us down. It will help you a lot we have to keep going never lose hope bro! do better than them and dont hate them TOO much

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depends which non whites,
haven't had many interactions with hispanics/ latinos so can't form an opinion on them
niggers are simply filth, aggressive and stupid, that's all there is to it, they can't create a stable nation themselves
>inb4 muh colonialism
if anything colonialism helped these apes
asians, i dont mind central asians since they keep to themselves, south asians do so to, east asians are capable of creating functioning societies which makes them acceptable in my eyes.

Asians are okay, maybe (sand)niggers are just a fucking annoyance and occasionally a danger to live around?

>if anything colonialism helped these apes
It sure helped Somalia and didn't fuck anything up

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if it wasn't for colonialism africa would be absolutely nowhere, maybe arabs in the north could still prosper under specific circumstances but niggers would have absolutely zero infastructure or technology, the survival of a niggers literally depends on white people

I put Somalia as an example explain how white people helped there user I want to see your shitty explanations

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>black person moves into an all white area because it's nice and free of crime
>proceeds to complain

do you have zero self awareness?

because the yoke makes people fat and have high "bad" colesterol!

You can lead the cattle to water but you can't make them drink.

because i dont want anything to do with you, that's why. why are non whites so obsessed with what white people think and do? go away

I don't hate them but I think they're unattractive and wouldn't date then

>whole fucking board dedicated to muh wyte rase and its autists spreading there verbal diareah on other boards under the guise of "redpills"
>"why are these non-whites so obsessed with us?"

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why not go to a site filled with blackies like worlstar or wherever they congregate now?

- generally dumber than whites
- generally more violent than whites
- smell weird
- destroy white societies
- constantly whine
- have no respect for the people they're leeching off
- constantly have their hand out
- feel entitled to white accomplishments
- unironically think proximity to whites is a human right

Nonwhites in Western societies are parasites, plain and simple. They have absolutely no loyalty to the societies they've invaded, they just see them as themed shopping malls to loot and wipe their asses with

Good. Get the fuck out of our countries.

Everyone despises /p*l/ niggers, they're the ones who should fuck off back to l*ddit and stormgate, also not black

>ancient chinese
>ancient egyptians
>ancient indians
>southern europeans
These are the people that contributed to 90% of all advancements and technology throughout history

The rest yeah I can agree on, non-white dispora is subhuman

i don't go on Jow Forums you fairy faggot

Whites commit plenty of crime, they just get away with it when white people in power look the other way.

Remove arabs from that list and you may be onto something.

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>scientific advance are based on the the research of previous scientists
Please tell me you're being retarded on purpose?

>Muh Jow Forums infographs
look goy it says you are nothing I posted 193 pictures that (((prove))) you filthy goy all your achievements are white one dumb goy.

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